perlall - build, test and do with all perls
perlall [opts] cmd [ what [ how ]]
perlall build perl5.15.4
perlall build perl5.14.2-nt
perlall -v build -j4 bleadd-nt smoke-me/khw-tk
perlall build perl5.15.5d-nt-blead-clang blead # or with --as
perlall build --as perl5.15.5d-nt-blead-clang bleadd-nt
perlall uninstall perl5.15.4d-nt@khw-tk
perlall init perl5.15.4d-nt@blead DBI CPAN::SQLite $(cat ~/Perl/B-C/t/top100)
perlall="5.1*" perlall do -MData::Dumper -e'my $a;$b={1=>\$a};$a=\$b;print Dumper($b)'
perlall --older 5.12 make -Mblib t/0basic.t
perlall=5.15.4 perlall maketest # test with version as ENV
perlall="5.14*" perlall makeinstall
perlall cpan My::Module
perlall cpanm More::Modules
perlall maketest "5.*.d*" # test with all debugging, version as option
perlall testvm centos4 centos5 solaris10
perlall initvm --all --max=6
perlall testvm --all -c=init # see testvm in .perlall
perlall selfupgrade
Planned Features
perlall maketest --all
perlall smoke -j4 bleadd-nt smoke-me/*
perlall bench [ what [ how ]]
perlall cpan Devel::*
"skip=s", "skip versions (glob-style) or --skip=outdated"
"newer=s", "only newer and same versions (glob-style)"
"older=s", "only older versions (glob-style)"
"nogit", "skip @ git versions"
"main|m", "same as --skip=outdated,
only 5.6.2 5.8.[4589] 5.10.1 5.12.4 5.14.2 5.15.5"
"reverse|r" "oldest first. default is sorted by newest first"
"quiet|q", "Make perlall command quieter"
"verbose|v","Make perlall command say more"
"dryrun!", "do not execute commands, only print"
"nolog", "skip writing log file(s)"
"help|h", "commands and options"
"debug|d", "lots of internal debugging output"
build and smoke only
"D=s", "Configure option"
"A=s", "Configure option"
"U=s", "Configure option"
"j=n", "parallel make"
"link", "-Dmksymlinks with blead, otherwise copy"
"install", "skip Configure && make, only do make install"
build and makeinstall
"notest|n", "skip the test suite on build and makeinstall"
"force|f", "force install"
testvm: see "testvm"
perlall is like a better perlbrew with a lot of testing features. The perls are in the default /usr/local/bin/, and /usr/local/lib/perl5/VERSION paths, instead of locally, and . You need write access to the default PREFIX /usr/local, e.g. via sudo
. It does not use local::lib, does not mangle PERL5LIB
and builds and keeps sane global perl installations with special suffices, without the need to save and restore internal states. The suffices are used in postprocessing scripts.
The currently used perl together with more options is stored as alias p
in ~/.perlall, which can be sourced by your .profile.
alias p=perl5.15.4d-nt
Build and init perls:
Version numbers look like 5.xx.x
and the perl suffix
can be any of:
C<-nt> non-threaded, or
C<-m> multi
C<@xxxxxx> git ids / branch names
You want to switch to use the "thr" suffix, then the default is non-threaded. This behaviour is controlled via the config setting usethrsuffix=1
. But be consistent to interpret the logfiles.
For older perls special patches are applied to successfully build them. archname
and the archlibs are extended by -debug
and special git suffices. The installed perl binary and on windows the perl.dll ditto.
I use and support perlall on cygwin, linux (debian+centos), freebsd, openbsd and solaris, with bash, dash and ksh. Supporting other platforms besides VMS should not be hard. freebsd needs sudo from ports. mingw (strawberry) support is planned.
Log Files
Most commands always create a log file with the command, platform and version, like log.maketest-centos5-5.10.1d-nt or log.makeinstall-osx10.6.8-5.15.4,
In B::C there are post-processing scripts status_upd and store_rpt for those generated logfiles.
- build [OPTIONS] <version><suffix> [ branch|from ]
Build and install the given version of perl.
The optional 2nd argument
can be a git tag/commit/branch id, e.g. a smoke-me branch, or a file or url with the perl-*.tar.gz. The branchname or commit-id is added to the archname and dll suffix, such as@sproututf8
, the binary name is taken from the first argument. All unreleased git versions, likeblead
branches get a@gitid
is stripped from the suffix. The special version "blead" denotes the latest version. E.g.perlall build blead-nt
builds latest non-threaded.If the checkout from a bit branch is not a release, the suffix will be marked with
and the sources are copied to the builddir.-Dmksymlinks
is used for blead, unless the option--link
is specified.On cygwin and windows the perl*.dll also gets the suffix, because they are stored globally.
The specified perl is taken from a perl git repo (version or tag or branch) (specified via perl-git in ~/.perlall), or downloaded via CPAN. (not yet)
files are not installed. This is the job for the default /usr/local/bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl.-Dusedevel
is always used to install versioned executables.Special site-specific non-default config vars are taken from /usr/local/bin/perl, such as
cf_email, perladmin, ccflags, cc, ldflags, ld, pager, libpth, incpth, useshrplib
.The builddir is under
(Default: "/usr/src/perl") as "build-<version><suffix>" The intermediate "make install DESTDIR" as "inst-<version><suffix>".Specific OPTIONS:
-D.. -U.. -A.. pass through switches to the perl Configure script. perlall build perl5.10.1-nt -Dusemymalloc -Uuselargefiles Certain special switches are merged from F</usr/local/bin/perl> or F</usr/bin/perl> --as name Install a given perl under the given name. (not yet) perlall build perl5.6.2 -Dusemymalloc --as perl5.6.2-mymalloc perlall build blead-nt smoke-me/test --as perl5.15.4-test -jnum Enable parallel make and test (if supported by the target perl) perlall build -j5 perl5.12.3 --link Force -Dmksymlinks to the srcdir for blead only. Otherwise releases from git are copied anew. -n|--notest Skip the test suite -f|--force Force installation if make test fails. --install skip Configure, make, make test. make install only.
- install [ perl<version><suffix> [ from ]]
Same as build
- uninstall perl<version><suffix>
Uninstalls the given version.
- smoke [OPTIONS] perl<version><suffix> [ branch|from ]
Same as
, but reports the testresults to the smokers mailing list.from
may be a wildcard for multiple smoke branches, assmoke-me/*
.Description and OPTIONS see "build".
- bench [OPTIONS] <version><suffix> [ how ]
Runs a short perl-core benchmark, and optionally a third-party script, automatically until the benchmark statistically stabilizes.
Rejects statistical outliers, heavy load, and does the iterations up to 2 seconds on shorter scripts.
Tested are array access, hash access, s///, in a tak with recursion and tail-recursion without IO to prevent too many external influences, though perl typically shines on IO.
- init [perl<version><suffix> [--deps] [<modules>...]]
- perlall="5.*" init [<modules>...]
Installs and updates basic CPAN modules.
in ~/.perlall (YAML DBI DBD::SQLite CPAN::SQLite Devel::Platform::Info Params::Util Bundle::CPANReporter2 B::Flags Opcodes Math::Round Params::Classify $(cat ~/Perl/B-C/t/top100) Bundle::CygwinVendor YAML::XS DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract Module::Find Mouse MouseX::Types Task::Kensho)Options: --cpan=-MCPAN Default:
in .perlall --deps scan blib/lib and t for modules - list [version*]
List all installed perls available for perlall. Note that options after list are ignored.
- do [<version>] commands...
Execute commands with all perls.
For example, run a Hello program:
perlall do -E'say "Hello from $]"'
is expanded to something like:
for perl in /usr/local/bin/perl5*; do echo $perl $* $perl $* done
Better restricts perls via ENV:
perlall="5.14.*d*" perlall do -E'say "Hello from $]"'
is expanded to something like:
for perl in /usr/local/bin/perl5.14.*d*; do echo $perl $* $perl $* done
The output depends on your perl installations, and looks like this:
perl5.12.2-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"' Hello from perl-5.012002 perl5.12.3-m -E'say "Hello from $]"' Hello from perl-5.012003 perl5.14.2 -E'say "Hello from $]"' Hello from perl-5.014002 perl5.14.2d -E'say "Hello from $]"' Hello from perl-5.014002 perl5.14.2d-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"' Hello from perl-5.014002 perl5.8.9-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"' Unrecognized switch: -E (-h will show valid options). perl5.6.2-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"' Unrecognized switch: -E (-h will show valid options).
Notice that the commands are not executed in parallel.
- cpan modules
perlall do
, but callsperl5.* -S cpan args...
for all perls - cpanm modules
perlall cpan
, but usescpanm
. - make [commands...]
perlall do
, but prependsmake -s clean; $perl Makefile.PL; make
before executing the arguments.Also is Build.PL aware but prefers Makefile.PL.
- maketest [commands...]
perlall make
, but runsmake test TEST_VERBOSE=1
. This is the most used feature.On
does not do TEST_VERBOSE=1 - makeinstall [commands...]
perlall maketest
, but runssudo make install
aftermake test
. - testvm [OPTIONS] [user@]hostname...
perlall maketest
in parallel on remote machines.testvm
is only usable within a perl core builddir/srcdir or in a module rootdir. It shells out to ssh account(s), copies the files in MANIFEST to the machine, runsperlall maketest
there and copies the logfiles back.Options:
--all|a - all hosts defined in config C<testvm> --up - only upload (files from local MANIFEST) --cmd|c=<remotecmd> any valid perlall command, like build, init, makeinstall, smoke. Default: maketest --option|o="" remaining remote perlall cmd options and args --max|j 4 - how many machines in parallel. --fork - test in parallel and do not wait for the results, just gather logfiles --prefix|p=Perl - remote basedir if different to local basedir
Config settings:
testvm="[user@]hostnames..." testvm_prefix=Perl - relative remote basepath of your modules i.e. local basename = B-Generate => remote: vmhost:Perl/B-Generate testvm_max=4 - balancing, default for -j testvm_ctl=virsh - type of vm ctl: virsh, xen-shell, vmrun, VBoXManage
VM Balancing:
If the remote hosts are VM's on this machine, you can control how many VM's should run in parallel, and how they are started and stopped. Currently only C<virsh> is supported to resume a paused vm and start a stopped vm. C<--max> is yet ignored. If C<testvm_ctl> is not set, no balancing - start+stop - will be done, such as on physical hosts or enough VM power. See F<.perlall>
- initvm [--all] user@[hostname]...
copies pubkey to host:.ssh/authorized_keys if not exists
copies perlall to host:bin/ (if perlbin is installed at /usr/local/bin/ then symlink to it)
ssh hostname perlall -v init App::Rad IO::Scalar Devel::Platform::Info Devel::PatchPerl
- selfupgrade [ --latest ]
This command upgrades perlall to its latest or stable version.
- help
prints this help. With -v even more.
- version
- --skip
versions might be a glob-style regex. E.g. --skip '5.1[024]d*'
- --newer
Only with newer versions than. versions might be a glob, including a special arch suffix. E.g. perlall do --newer "5.10.?d-nt"
- --older
versions might be a regex. As in --newer.
- -q| --quiet
Make perlall command quieter.
- -v| --verbose
Make perlall command say more.
, this prints the whole build and test process to STDOUT.
Stored in ~/.perlall or /etc/perlall
This is shell-script syntax with ENV vars and aliases. alias p=$perlall
is also written by perlall
It is recommended to source this from your .profile for the handy aliases.
- alias p=perl5.15.4d-nt
Save current perl in shell alias form.
This is stored after each perlall execution. Dependend on p there are several other handy p aliases, which are active if you source them from your ~/.profile See .perlall
- alias perl-git="cd /usr/src/perl/blead/perl-git"
Directory with a perl5 git repo to avoid downloading perl-*.tar.gz from CPAN, in shell alias form.
stores the perl git workdir, and is also a handy alias to cd into it. - PERLALL_PREFIX
Where perls are installed into. Default: /usr/local
Where perl5.* binaries are expected. Currently built into PERLALL_PREFIX/bin only.
Default: PREFIX/bin but can also be ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin
Where perls are built. Default: /usr/src/perl
- cpan
For init only.
not yet) - init-modules
List of CPAN module names for
- sudo
Default: "sudo". Or "" on cygwin|msys|MSWin32
- testvm
See "testvm".
The bash scripts, which I used for some years:
App::perlbrew which looked like my bash scripts and perlall, but pollutes PERL5LIB and thus your whole environment, similar to the horrible Oracle perl.
App::SmokeBrew which also builds a lot of perls to smoke cpan releases with them.
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by cPanel Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
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