Mock lengthy compiler tests. Replay from TAP.


Replay results from stored log files to test the result of the current TODO status.

Currently perl compiler tests are stored in two formats:

1. log.test-$arch-$perlversion

2. log.modules-$perlversion

When running the Mock tests the actual tests are not executed, instead the results from log file are used instead. A typical perl-compiler testrun lasts several hours to days, with Mock several seconds.


perlall="5.6.2 5.8.9 5.10.1 5.12.1 5.13.4"
# actual tests
for p in perl$perlall; do
  perl$p Makefile.PL && make && \
    make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 2>&1 > log.test-`uname -s`-$p
# fixup TODO's
# check tests
for p in perl$perlall; do
  perl$p t/mock t/*.t