Opcodes - Opcodes information from opnames.h and opcode.h
use Opcode qw(opname2code opaliases);
print "Empty opcodes are null and ",
join ",", map {opname $_}, opaliases(opname2code('null'));
Operator Names and Operator Lists
The canonical list of operator names is the contents of the array PL_op_name, defined and initialised in file opcode.h of the Perl source distribution (and installed into the perl library).
Each operator has both a terse name (its opname) and a more verbose or recognisable descriptive name. The opdesc function can be used to return a list of descriptions for a list of operators.
- an operator name (opname)
Operator names are typically small lowercase words like enterloop, leaveloop, last, next, redo etc. Sometimes they are rather cryptic like gv2cv, i_ncmp and ftsvtx.
- an OP opcode
The opcode information functions all take the integer code, 0..MAX0.
Opcode Information
Retrieve information of the Opcodes. All are available for export by the package.
- opcodes
In a scalar context opcodes returns the number of opcodes in this version of perl (361 with perl-5.10).
In a list context it returns a list of all the operators with its properties, a list of [ opcode opname ppaddr check opargs ].
- opname (OP)
Returns the lowercase name without pp_ for the OP, an integer between 0 and MAXO.
- ppaddr (OP)
Returns the address of the ppaddr, which can be used to get the aliases for each opcode.
- check (OP)
Returns the address of the check function.
- opdesc (OP)
Returns the description of the OP.
- opargs (OP)
Returns the opcode args encoded as integer of the opcode. See below or for the encoding details.
opflags 1-128 + opclass 1-13 << 9 + argnum 1-15.. << 13
- argnum (OP)
Returns the arguments and types encoded as number acccording to the following table, 4 bit for each argument.
'S', 1, # scalar 'L', 2, # list 'A', 3, # array value 'H', 4, # hash value 'C', 5, # code value 'F', 6, # file value 'R', 7, # scalar reference + '?', 8, # optional
argnum(opname2code('bless')) => 145 145 = 0b10010001 => S S? first 4 bits 0001 => 1st arg is a Scalar, next 4 bits 1001 => (bit 8+1) 2nd arg is an optional Scalar
- opclass (OP)
Returns the op class as number according to the following table:
'0', 0, # baseop '1', 1, # unop '2', 2, # binop '|', 3, # logop '@', 4, # listop '/', 5, # pmop '$', 6, # svop_or_padop '#', 7, # padop '"', 8, # pvop_or_svop '{', 9, # loop ';', 10, # cop '%', 11, # baseop_or_unop '-', 12, # filestatop '}', 13, # loopexop
- opflags (OP)
Returns op flags as number according to the following table:
'm' => 1, # needs stack mark 'f' => 2, # fold constants 's' => 4, # always produces scalar 't' => 8, # needs target scalar 'T' => 8 | 256, # ... which may be lexical 'i' => 16, # always produces integer 'I' => 32, # has corresponding int op 'd' => 64, # danger, unknown side effects 'u' => 128, # defaults to $_
plus not from
'n' => 512, # nothing on the stack, no args and return
These not yet:
'S' => 1024 # retval may be scalar 'A' => 2048 # retval may be array 'V' => 4096 # retval may be void 'F' => 8192 # fixed retval type, either S or A or V
- opaliases (OP)
Returns the opcodes for the aliased opcode functions for the given OP, the ops with the same ppaddr.
- opname2code (OPNAME)
Does a reverse lookup in the opcodes list to get the opcode for the given name.
Opcode -- The Perl CORE Opcode module for sets of Opcodes, used by Safe.
Safe -- Opcode and namespace limited execution compartments
Reini Urban.