ePortal::Utils - useful global wide functions.
Some functions are very useful anywhere. They are collected here.
Record the string in error log. There are a number of loglevels:
Emergencies - system is unusable: Object creation errors.
Action must be taken immediately.
Critical Conditions.
Error conditions.
Warning conditions.
Normal but significant condition.
Informational: Redirects.
Debug-level messages: ACL checking
pick_lang( eng => "text in english",
rus => "text in russian");
Chooses and returns a text for a current ePortal language.
href( uri, key => value, ...)
Constructs full URL with optional parameters.
uri is filename or URI to some file.
key-value pairs may be repeated. value may be array ref.
Returns a string like uri?key=value&key=value
plink(text, parameters, ...)
Constructs HTML code to make anchor like [link] (text in square brackets)
text is text to show as link.
Other parameters are passed directly to CGI::a() function. Most used are:
-href => 'http://server/file.htm'
-href => href('file.htm', param1 => value1)
-class => "someclass"
-target => "_top"
-title => "floating title"
empty_table( param => value )
Constructs HTML code to create empty table 100% width. A background of the table is filled with 1 pixel in size transparent picture. Parameters passed as hash are:
height table height in pixels
bgcolor HTML compatible color value
black adjust background picture and color values to make the table completly black
Returns HTML string in scalar of array context. If used in void contxet then $m->out() is used to output the string immediately .
empty_tr( param => value )
Contructs HTML code for empty row of table. Parameters passed as hash are:
height height in pixels
colspan make a cell as colspan. Used in multicolumn tables
bgcolor HTML compatible color value
black adjust all parameters to make the row completely black
Returns HTML string in scalar of array context. If used in void contxet then $m->out() is used to output the string immediately .
empty_td( param => value )
Contructs HTML code for empty cell of table. Parameters passed as hash are:
height height in pixels
width width in pixels
colspan make a cell as coluln span.
bgcolor HTML compatible color value
black adjust all parameters to make the row completely black
Returns HTML string in scalar of array context. If used in void contxet then $m->out() is used to output the string immediately .
img( param => value )
Contructs HTML code for image tag. Parameters passed as hash are:
src required. URI to image.
width, height if not passed then Image::Size is used for calculation at runtime. These attributes are calculated only once for each apache child. They are cached for speed.
alt alternative text for the image
id ID of the image
Some parameters are used to construct Link from the image:
href, target, title, onClick - they are self-expanatory, passed to CGI::a() function.
Returns HTML string in scalar of array context. If used in void contxet then $m->out() is used to output the string immediately .
Filters a content to cut some HTML tags like <HTML>
Accept as parameter:
any text - filters this text
/path/filename - reads this file and filters it
$m - calls fetch_next()
and filters the output
Sergey Rusakov, <>