Parse::BooleanLogic - parser of boolean expressions
my $parser = new Parse::BooleanLogic;
my $tree = $parser->as_array( string => 'x = 10' );
$tree = $parser->as_array( string => 'x = 10 OR (x > 20 AND x < 30)' );
string => 'x = 10 OR (x > 20 AND x < 30)',
callback => {
open_paren => sub { ... },
binary_operator => sub { ... },
condition => sub { ... },
close_paren => sub { ... },
error => sub { ... },
This module is quite fast parser for boolean expressions. Original it's been writen for Request Tracker for parsing SQL like expressions and it's still capable to, but it can be used to parse other boolean logic sentences with conditions (LEFT_OPERAND OPERATOR RIGHT_OPERAND) joined with binary operators (BINARY_OPERATOR) and grouped and nested using parentheses (OPEN_PAREN and CLOSE_PAREN).
Takes a string and parses it into perl structure, where parentheses reparesented using array references, conditions are hash references with three pairs: left, operator and right, when binary operators are simple scalars. So string x = 10 OR (x
20 AND x < 30)> is parsed into the following structure:
{ left => 'x', operator => '=', right => 10 },
{ left => 'x', operator => '>', right => 20 },
{ left => 'x', operator => '<', right => 30 },
Takes named arguments: string and callback. Where the first one is scalar with expression, the latter is a reference to hash with callbacks: open_paren, binary_operator condition, close_paren and error. Callback for errors is optional and parser dies if it's omitted. Each callback is called when parser finds corresponding element in the string. In all cases except of condition the current match is passed as argument into the callback. Into callback for conditions three arguments are passed: left operand, operator and right operand.
Here is simple example based on "as_array" method:
# result tree and the current group
my ($tree, $node);
$tree = $node = [];
# stack with nested groups, outer most in the bottom, inner on the top
my @pnodes = ();
my %callback;
# on open_paren put the current group on top of the stack,
# create new empty group and at the same time put it into
# the end of previous one
$callback{'open_paren'} = sub {
push @pnodes, $node;
push @{ $pnodes[-1] }, $node = []
# on close_paren just switch to previous group by taking it
# from the top of the stack
$callback{'close_paren'} = sub { $node = pop @pnodes };
# push binary operators as is and conditions as hash references
$callback{'binary_operator'} = sub { push @$node, $_[0] };
$callback{'condition'} = sub { push @$node, { l => $_[0], op => $_[1], r => $_[2] } };
# run parser
$parser->parse( string => $string, callback => \%callback );
return $tree;
Using this method you can build other representations of an expression.
Ruslan Zakirov <>, Robert Spier <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.