rtx-shredder - Script which wipe out tickets from RT DB
rtx-shredder --sqldump unshred.sql --object Ticket-1
rtx-shredder - is script that allow you to wipe out objects from RT DB. This script uses API that RTx::Shredder module adds to RT. Script can be used as example of usage of the shredder API.
You can use several options to control which objects script should delete.
--sqldump <filename>
Outputs INSERT queiries into file. This dump can be used to restore data after wiping out.
By default creates files <RT_home>/var/data/RTx-Shredder/<ISO_date>-XXXX.sql
--object <object name>-<object id>
Object you want to delete.
Examples: Ticket-12, Transaction-10 or Attachment-155
--plugin <plugin name>[=<arg>,<val>[;<arg>,<val>]...]
You can use plugins to select RT objects with variouse conditions. See also --plugin list and --plugin help options.
--plugin list
Output list of the available plugins.
--plugin help-<plugin name>
Outputs help for specified plugin.
Script doesn't ask any questions.