NAME - continually smoke projects

SYNOPSIS --server SERVER --config_file CONFIG_FILE [--iterations N] [--projects PROJECT1,PROJECT2,... ] [--jobs N] [--sleep N]

This program is a wrapper around Test::Chimps::Smoker, which allows you to specify common options on the command line.


--config_file, -c

Specifies the path to the configuration file. For more information about the configuration file format, see Test::Chimps::Smoker.

--server, -s

Specifies the full path to the chimps server CGI. Reports are not sent anywhere if it's not provided.


--iterations, -i

Specifies the number of iterations to run. This is the number of smoke reports to generate per project. A value of 'inf' means to continue smoking forever. Defaults to 'inf'.

--projects, -p

A comma-separated list of projects to smoke. If the string 'all' is provided, all projects will be smoked. Defaults to 'all'.

--jobs, -j

The number of parallel processes to use when running tests.


The number of seconds smoker should sleep between checks for updates. Defaults to 60 seconds.


Zev Benjamin zev at


Copyright 2006 Best Practical Solutions.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.