Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Factory - creator of objects
- new
Constructor takes named arguments. Key is a short name (e.g. 'gene'), value is a fully qualified package name from which to instantiate objects identified by the short name.
- create
Given a short hand name, instantiates an object whose package name is associated with that short name.
- create_experiment
Instantiates a Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Experiment object, or subclass thereof.
- create_population
Instantiates a Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Population object, or subclass thereof.
- create_individual
Instantiates a Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Individual object, or subclass thereof.
- create_chromosome
Instantiates a Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Chromosome object, or subclass thereof.
- create_gene
Instantiates a Algorithm::Genetic::Diploid::Gene object, or subclass thereof.