RFC: Object compatibility for phylogenetic software in OO perl
Rutger A. Vos
Department of Zoology, 6270 University Boulevard
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
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This document describes the steps required to obtain object compatibility between three software packages written in object-oriented perl5: BioPerl, Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo. Of these three, BioPerl is by far the most commonly used, largest and oldest project. We therefore suggest an approach that requires minimal, optional changes on its part, playing to the strength of its design in using interfaces such as Bio::Tree::TreeI and Bio::Tree::NodeI. We propose several new such interfaces, in particular for characters or character sequences, character state matrices and a character-data-and-tree object that forms a container for comparative data and phylogenetic trees. Implementation of these interfaces is largely left to Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo, which thereby become compatible, such that users can draw on the strengths of both packages more easily.
Phylogenetic analysis is a field that, from a programmer's perspective, deals with a limited set of objects: trees which are comprised of nodes, matrices which are comprised of character sequences of some sort, and a containing context to describe the relationship between the two: a character-data-and-tree object.
Object-oriented perl5
Objects in perl5 are references to data structures 'blessed into' a package, which defines the methods implemented by the object. Perl5 allows for multiple inheritance either by using the base
pragma or by manipulating the @ISA
array. Runtime modification of the inheritance tree and the symbol table allows for optional implementation of java-like interfaces, so that classes from different packages can become loosely coupled through the interfaces they implement. These properties can be used to make different packages written in object-oriented perl5 object-compatible.
Phylogenetic software packages
Several software libraries written in object-oriented perl5 now exist that all implement objects from the phylogenetic problem space - though all in slightly different ways. The largest among these packages is BioPerl, which is widely used by molecular biologists around the world. BioPerl's architecture is broad, with branches being maintained by many different developers who maintain compatibility with each other by implementing interfaces such as Bio::Tree::TreeI, Bio::Tree::NodeI (see also: http://search.cpan.org/~birney/bioperl-1.4/biodesign.pod). Here we will describe how two smaller packages, Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo can be modified to become compatible with BioPerl so that their respective strengths become more easily accessible to the BioPerl user community. The approach we suggest may be a model for other phylogenetic software written in OO perl5, with BioPerl taking on the role of defining the standard interfaces - a kind of W3C for phyloinformatics.
Interface conventions in BioPerl
The typical approach taken in BioPerl is that java-like interfaces are defined in classes whose name are suffixed with an 'I', e.g. Bio::Tree::TreeI. These classes inherit from Bio::Root::RootI, which defines exception handling methods.
The interfaces are never instantiated directly. Rather, the implementation class objects such as Bio::Tree::Tree are instantiated by the IO system, in this case Bio::TreeIO.
The interfaces define method names to be implemented, throwing throw_not_implemented
exceptions when the code blocks are ever executed. Classes in BioPerl such as Bio::Tree::Tree implement the actual subroutines defined in the interfaces they contain in their @ISA arrays, in this case Bio::Tree::TreeI, thereby preventing these exceptions from ever being thrown.
BioPerl's general design philosophy is that "complex" operations (generally, anything that is computationally intensive and/or requires external tools) are provided by separate factory classes that operate on the objects. The basic objects modelling biological data (trees, matrices) are therefore intentionally fairly concise.
Optional interface inheritance
Third-party packages can become compatible with BioPerl by defining in their @ISA arrays which BioPerl interfaces they implement. However, this creates a permanent dependency between it and BioPerl. A more dynamic option is by testing at runtime whether an interface is installed, and only then inheriting from it. An example of this is in Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree and Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node.
I (RAV) found that in many instances the interface defined methods that only differ slightly from those implemented natively by the Bio::Phylo classes (e.g. return values passed as a list versus an array reference), so I implemented wrapper code references overriding the symbol table with the entries as named in Bio::Tree::TreeI (see Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree).
The Bio::NEXUS::Tree and Bio::NEXUS::Node object could be modified in a similar way, such that tree objects and node objects from Bio::NEXUS can similarly masquerade as BioPerl objects.
Further integration
Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo can integrate further along three tracks:
- 1. Input and output
All three packages now have their own IO architecture. A wrapper class that functions like BioPerl's IO architecture should be written. This would be something like a Bio::CDAT::IO class that parses and serializes CDAT objects. The IO class/object sets up a character-data-and-tree architecture, where the actual data objects - trees, matrices, taxa - are instantiated by file parsers, database interfaces and cipres interfaces provided by Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo.
- 2. Internal code reviews
The code bases of Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo should be reviewed to minimize the number of locations where assumptions are made about the underlying data structure, instead using the advertised interface accessors and mutators as much as possible. This will facilitate tighter integration of objects in the future.
- 3. New interfaces
In addition to the node and tree interfaces currently defined in BioPerl a number of new interfaces should be specified: an abstract character state matrix interface; a character, or character sequence interface supporting various data types; and a character-data-and-tree interface linking tree objects with matrix objects.
The next section discusses these interfaces in more detail.
New Interfaces
The interfaces we propose are meant to be fairly minimal, providing mostly just accessors and mutators for the object's data. Substantial operations (e.g. calculations) will be provided by factory objects. For example, inferring a tree would be something like:
my $inferrer = Bio::Tools::InferTree::FooBar->new;
my $tree = $inferrer->inferTree( $matrix );
Rather than:
my $tree = $matrix->inferTree;
At present, no suitable interface for character state matrices has been defined in BioPerl. We propose a matrix interface that inherits from the Bio::Matrix::MatrixI interface adding the following notions:
- 1. Insertion and deletion
The Bio::Matrix::MatrixI interface does not define methods for inserting and deleting characters, character sequences and columns. These could be defined in the same way as done in Bio::Matrix::GenericMatrix, i.e.
. - 2. Matrix type safety
A character state matrix has a pre-defined data type (dna/rna/nucleotide; amino acid; standard categorical; continuous) against which data inserted in the matrix must be validated. Once data has been inserted in the matrix there is little point in changing the datatype, so perhaps this should be a constant specified in the constructor, so that subsequently the interface only defines a readonly
method. Likewise, the number of taxa and characters in a matrix should be an emergent property of its contents so the$matrix->ntax()
methods should be readonly.In a character state matrix, some symbols may be more ambiguous than others - most sequence alignments have gaps in them, and sometimes the sequences are just bad, with many N's or ?'s. Under the IUPAC single character ambiguity conventions, ambiguous symbols map to non-ambiguous ones as follows:
my $IUPAC = { 'A' => [ 'A' ], # 1000 'B' => [ 'C','G','T' ], # 0111 'C' => [ 'C' ], # 0100 'D' => [ 'A','G','T' ], # 1011 'G' => [ 'G' ], # 0010 'H' => [ 'A','C','T' ], # 1101 'K' => [ 'G','T' ], # 0011 'M' => [ 'A','C' ], # 1100 'N' => [ 'A','C','G','T' ], # 1111 'R' => [ 'A','G' ], # 1010 'S' => [ 'C','G' ], # 0110 'T' => [ 'T' ], # 0001 'U' => [ 'U' ], # 0001 'V' => [ 'A','C','G' ], # 1110 'W' => [ 'A','T' ], # 1001 'X' => [ 'A','C','G','T' ], # 1111 'Y' => [ 'C','T' ], # 0101 '-' => [ ], # 0000 '?' => [ 'A','C','G','T' ], # 1111 };
The matrix interface should be able to take this ambiguity into account when parsing matrices, or when transforming them, for example for serialization to the CIPRES architecture.
To allow for this during validation of character
a character state lookup should be performed, such as by checking the$IUPAC
hash reference. If$matrix->datatype =~ /^dna$/i
it means that the$IUPAC
hash reference is the lookup table. Ifnot exists $IUPAC->{$c}
an exception is thrown.The advantage of the lookup is that individual characters can subsequently be 'pack'ed into, in the case of dna, a 4-bit vector (see # 1111 comments above), which saves memory. The whole procedure of type checking and compressing should be done using memoized functions. Similar tables for amino acid symbols and standard characters are left as an exercise for the reader :-)
For instances where none of the default lookup tables suffice (i.e. when handling a 'mixed' matrix) the matrix interface should allow a lookup table as an argument to the constructor.
- 3. Matrix-to-CDAT linkage
A character matrix can become contained by a CDAT object, analogous to the way mesquite defines a project (using the
tokens, or possibly just by allowing only one taxa block, one tree block and one characters block to be in context at any one time). This facility may be defined as in Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix, using$matrix->set_cdat($cdat)
methods, or just from the perspective of the CDAT container, e.g.$cdat->add_matrix($matrix)
. - 4. Utility methods for matrices
A suggested namespace for this interface might be Bio::CDAT::CharMatrixI
. A prototype version of this interface is developing at Bio::CDAT::CharMatrixI
Character sequences
BioPerl does not define a suitable interface for character sequences. We propose a character sequence interface that meets the following requirements:
- 1. Range operations
Individual objects for each character in a matrix are not feasible from a performance and memory requirements point of view. Instead, character state data should be defined in ranges, i.e. inheriting from Bio::RangeI.
- 2. Character type safety
Like the character state matrix interface, the character sequence interface must be typed (e.g. dna/rna/nucleotide; protein; standard categorical or continuous), so that characters inserted in the character sequence object can be validated, and character sequence objects inserted in the matrix object can be checked for type identity with the matrix object. The data type may be defined using
methods. - 3. Character-to-CDAT linkage
Character sequence objects are contained by matrix objects, which in turn can be contained / handled by CDAT objects.
- 4. Meta data
The character sequence object should allow for annotation of individual characters, for example as implemented in Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum.
- 5. Charseq utility methods
We suggest as a namespace for this interface Bio::CDAT::CharSeqI
Conceptually, nodes in phylogenetic trees and character sequences in matrices both refer to biological entities (e.g. OTUs). We want to make this relationship explicit by creating an intersection object that links the two. The CDAT object would be a thin wrapper around the more fine grained BioPerl objects (Bio::Tree::TreeI and Bio::CDAT::CharMatrixI
) it contains. This CDAT object must meet the following requirements:
- 1. CDAT-to-node linkage
The CDAT object must be able to contain one or more Bio::Tree::TreeI objects, e.g. using
(and perhaps$cdat->remove_trees($tree)
). - 2. CDAT-to-character sequence linkage
The CDAT object must be able to contain one or more
objects, e.g. using$cdat->set_matrices($matrix)
(and perhaps$cdat->remove_matrices($matrix)
) methods. - 3. CDAT utility methods
We suggest as a namespace Bio::CDAT
TODO list summary
Interface expansion
The new interfaces as described in this document might be added to BioPerl, but, in any case should be compatible with it in api design. The CDAT linking methods as proposed in Bio::CDAT::CharSeqI
should similarly be defined in Bio::Tree::TreeI. Code to this end is currently growing at the svn repository
Bio::NEXUS, Bio::Phylo and BioPerl should become better integrated at the input/output level, for example by adopting the standard BioPerl architectures for parsers (e.g. Bio::TreeIO), and by making trees received from CIPRES conform to the BioPerl interfaces.
Test data
In order to ensure quality coding, we should adopt a set of test data files and a regression testing strategy. This is likely to develop out of the use cases.
CPAN release cycles
The intent is that the design phase takes place on cpan releases of Bio::NEXUS and Bio::Phylo, and only once the API has stabilized changes to the BioPerl core will be proposed.