Bio::Phylo - Phylogenetic analysis using perl


# Actually, you would almost never use this module directly. This is 
# the base class for other modules.
use Bio::Phylo;

# sets global verbosity to 'error'
Bio::Phylo->VERBOSE( -level => Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger::ERROR );

# sets verbosity for forest ojects to 'debug'
	-level => Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger::DEBUG, 
	-class => 'Bio::Phylo::Forest' 

# prints version, including SVN revision number
print Bio::Phylo->VERSION;

# prints suggested citation
print Bio::Phylo->CITATION;


This is the base class for the Bio::Phylo package for phylogenetic analysis using object-oriented perl5. In this file, methods are defined that are performed by other objects in the Bio::Phylo release that inherit from this base class (which you normally wouldn't use directly).

For general information on how to use Bio::Phylo, consult the manual (Bio::Phylo::Manual).

If you come here because you are trying to debug a problem you run into in using Bio::Phylo, you may be interested in the "exceptions" system as discussed in Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions. In addition, you may find the logging system in Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger of use to localize problems.




The Bio::Phylo root constructor is rarely used directly. Rather, many other objects in Bio::Phylo internally go up the inheritance tree to this constructor. The arguments shown here can therefore also be passed to any of the child classes' constructors, which will pass them on up the inheritance tree. Generally, constructors in Bio::Phylo subclasses can process as arguments all methods that have set_* in their names. The arguments are named for the methods, but "set_" has been replaced with a dash "-", e.g. the method "set_name" becomes the argument "-name" in the constructor.

Type    : Constructor
Title   : new
Usage   : my $phylo = Bio::Phylo->new;
Function: Instantiates Bio::Phylo object
Returns : a Bio::Phylo object 
Args    : Optional, any number of setters. For example,
		   Bio::Phylo->new( -name => $name )
		   will call set_name( $name ) internally



Sets invocant name.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_name
Usage   : $obj->set_name($name);
Function: Assigns an object's name.
Returns : Modified object.
Args    : Argument must be a string. Ensure that this string is safe to use for
          whatever output format you want to use (this differs between xml and
          nexus, for example).

Sets invocant description.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_desc
Usage   : $obj->set_desc($desc);
Function: Assigns an object's description.
Returns : Modified object.
Args    : Argument must be a string.

Sets invocant score.

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_score
Usage   : $obj->set_score($score);
Function: Assigns an object's numerical score.
Returns : Modified object.
Args    : Argument must be any of
          perl's number formats, or undefined
          to reset score.

Sets generic key/value pair(s).

Type    : Mutator
Title   : set_generic
Usage   : $obj->set_generic( %generic );
Function: Assigns generic key/value pairs to the invocant.
Returns : Modified object.
Args    : Valid arguments constitute:

          * key/value pairs, for example:
            $obj->set_generic( '-lnl' => 0.87565 );

          * or a hash ref, for example:
            $obj->set_generic( { '-lnl' => 0.87565 } );

          * or nothing, to reset the stored hash, e.g.
               $obj->set_generic( );



Gets invocant's name.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_name
Usage   : my $name = $obj->get_name;
Function: Returns the object's name.
Returns : A string
Args    : None

Gets invocant's name, modified to be safely used in nexus files. This means that:


names with spaces in them that aren't 'single quoted' have their spaces replaced with underscores


names with any of the following characters in them are single quoted: -^*(){}[]+=;:"\<>/,


names with single quotes inside them (i.e. not around them) are "double quoted"

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_nexus_name
Usage   : my $name = $obj->get_nexus_name;
Function: Returns the object's name.
Returns : A string
Args    : None

Gets invocant's 'fallback' name (possibly autogenerated).

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_internal_name
Usage   : my $name = $obj->get_internal_name;
Function: Returns the object's name (if none was set, the name
          is a combination of the $obj's class and its UID).
Returns : A string
Args    : None

Gets invocant description.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_desc
Usage   : my $desc = $obj->get_desc;
Function: Returns the object's description (if any).
Returns : A string
Args    : None

Gets invocant's score.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_score
Usage   : my $score = $obj->get_score;
Function: Returns the object's numerical score (if any).
Returns : A number
Args    : None

Gets generic hashref or hash value(s).

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_generic
Usage   : my $value = $obj->get_generic($key);
          my %hash = %{ $obj->get_generic() };
Function: Returns the object's generic data. If an
          argument is used, it is considered a key
          for which the associated value is returned.
          Without arguments, a reference to the whole
          hash is returned.
Returns : A string or hash reference.
Args    : None

Gets a logger object.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_logger
Usage   : my $logger = $obj->get_logger;
Function: Returns a Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger object
Returns : Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger
Args    : None



Attempts to execute argument string as method on invocant.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get
Usage   : my $treename = $tree->get('get_name');
Function: Alternative syntax for safely accessing
          any of the object data; useful for
          interpolating runtime $vars.
Returns : (context dependent)
Args    : a SCALAR variable, e.g. $var = 'get_name';

Attempts to fetch an in-memory object by its UID

Type    : Accessor
Title   : get_obj_by_id
Usage   : my $obj = Bio::Phylo->get_obj_by_id($uid);
Function: Fetches an object from the IDPool cache
Returns : A Bio::Phylo object 
Args    : A unique id

Serializes object to JSON string

Type    : Serializer
Title   : to_json()
Usage   : print $obj->to_json();
Function: Serializes object to JSON string
Returns : String 
Args    : None

Serializes object to general purpose string

Type    : Serializer
Title   : to_string()
Usage   : print $obj->to_string();
Function: Serializes object to general purpose string
Returns : String 
Args    : None
Comments: This is YAML

Clones invocant.

Type    : Utility method
Title   : clone
Usage   : my $clone = $object->clone;
Function: Creates a copy of the invocant object.
Returns : A copy of the invocant.
Args    : None.
Comments: Cloning is currently experimental, use with caution.

Getter and setter for the verbosity level. Refer to Bio::Phylo::Util::Logger for more info on available verbosity levels.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : VERBOSE()
Usage   : Bio::Phylo->VERBOSE( -level => $level )
Function: Sets/gets verbose level
Returns : Verbose level
Args    : -level => $level

Returns suggested citation.

Type    : Accessor
Title   : CITATION
Usage   : $phylo->CITATION;
Function: Returns suggested citation.
Returns : Returns suggested citation.
Args    : None

Gets version number (including revision number).

Type    : Accessor
Title   : VERSION
Usage   : $phylo->VERSION;
Function: Returns version number
          (including SVN revision number).
Alias   :
Returns : SCALAR
Args    : NONE


Also see the manual: Bio::Phylo::Manual and


$Id: 1579 2010-12-11 01:46:24Z rvos $

3 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 419:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 424:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet

Around line 429:

Expected text after =item, not a bullet