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use strict;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw'encode_entities decode_entities';
my %entity2char = (
# Some normal chars that have special meaning in SGML context
'&' => '&', # ampersand
'>' => '>', # greater than
'&lt;' => '<', # less than
'&quot;' => '"', # double quote
'&apos;' => "'", # single quote
# PUBLIC ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML
'&#198;' => chr(198), # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
'&#193;' => chr(193), # capital A, acute accent
'&#194;' => chr(194), # capital A, circumflex accent
'&#192;' => chr(192), # capital A, grave accent
'&#197;' => chr(197), # capital A, ring
'&#195;' => chr(195), # capital A, tilde
'&#196;' => chr(196), # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#199;' => chr(199), # capital C, cedilla
'&#208;' => chr(208), # capital Eth, Icelandic
'&#201;' => chr(201), # capital E, acute accent
'&#202;' => chr(202), # capital E, circumflex accent
'&#200;' => chr(200), # capital E, grave accent
'&#203;' => chr(203), # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#205;' => chr(205), # capital I, acute accent
'&#206;' => chr(206), # capital I, circumflex accent
'&#204;' => chr(204), # capital I, grave accent
'&#207;' => chr(207), # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#209;' => chr(209), # capital N, tilde
'&#211;' => chr(211), # capital O, acute accent
'&#212;' => chr(212), # capital O, circumflex accent
'&#210;' => chr(210), # capital O, grave accent
'&#216;' => chr(216), # capital O, slash
'&#213;' => chr(213), # capital O, tilde
'&#214;' => chr(214), # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#222;' => chr(222), # capital THORN, Icelandic
'&#218;' => chr(218), # capital U, acute accent
'&#219;' => chr(219), # capital U, circumflex accent
'&#217;' => chr(217), # capital U, grave accent
'&#220;' => chr(220), # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#221;' => chr(221), # capital Y, acute accent
'&#225;' => chr(225), # small a, acute accent
'&#226;' => chr(226), # small a, circumflex accent
'&#230;' => chr(230), # small ae diphthong (ligature)
'&#224;' => chr(224), # small a, grave accent
'&#229;' => chr(229), # small a, ring
'&#227;' => chr(227), # small a, tilde
'&#228;' => chr(228), # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#231;' => chr(231), # small c, cedilla
'&#233;' => chr(233), # small e, acute accent
'&#234;' => chr(234), # small e, circumflex accent
'&#232;' => chr(232), # small e, grave accent
'&#240;' => chr(240), # small eth, Icelandic
'&#235;' => chr(235), # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#237;' => chr(237), # small i, acute accent
'&#238;' => chr(238), # small i, circumflex accent
'&#236;' => chr(236), # small i, grave accent
'&#239;' => chr(239), # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#241;' => chr(241), # small n, tilde
'&#243;' => chr(243), # small o, acute accent
'&#244;' => chr(244), # small o, circumflex accent
'&#242;' => chr(242), # small o, grave accent
'&#248;' => chr(248), # small o, slash
'&#245;' => chr(245), # small o, tilde
'&#246;' => chr(246), # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#223;' => chr(223), # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
'&#254;' => chr(254), # small thorn, Icelandic
'&#250;' => chr(250), # small u, acute accent
'&#251;' => chr(251), # small u, circumflex accent
'&#249;' => chr(249), # small u, grave accent
'&#252;' => chr(252), # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
'&#253;' => chr(253), # small y, acute accent
'&#255;' => chr(255), # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
# Some extra Latin 1 chars that are listed in the HTML3.2 draft (21-May-96)
'&#169;' => chr(169), # copyright sign
'&#174;' => chr(174), # registered sign
'&#160;' => chr(160), # non breaking space
# Additional ISO-8859/1 entities listed in rfc1866 (section 14)
'&#161;' => chr(161),
'&#162;' => chr(162),
'&#163;' => chr(163),
'&#164;' => chr(164),
'&#165;' => chr(165),
'&#166;' => chr(166),
'&#167;' => chr(167),
'&#168;' => chr(168),
'&#170;' => chr(170),
'&#171;' => chr(171),
'&#172;' => chr(172),
'&#173;' => chr(173),
'&#175;' => chr(175),
'&#176;' => chr(176),
'&#177;' => chr(177),
'&#185;' => chr(185),
'&#178;' => chr(178),
'&#179;' => chr(179),
'&#180;' => chr(180),
'&#181;' => chr(181),
'&#182;' => chr(182),
'&#183;' => chr(183),
'&#184;' => chr(184),
'&#186;' => chr(186),
'&#187;' => chr(187),
'&#188;' => chr(188),
'&#189;' => chr(189),
'&#190;' => chr(190),
'&#191;' => chr(191),
'&#215;' => chr(215),
'&#247;' => chr(247),
'&#338;' => chr(338),
'&#339;' => chr(339),
'&#352;' => chr(352),
'&#353;' => chr(353),
'&#376;' => chr(376),
'&#402;' => chr(402),
'&#710;' => chr(710),
'&#732;' => chr(732),
'&#913;' => chr(913),
'&#914;' => chr(914),
'&#915;' => chr(915),
'&#916;' => chr(916),
'&#917;' => chr(917),
'&#918;' => chr(918),
'&#919;' => chr(919),
'&#920;' => chr(920),
'&#921;' => chr(921),
'&#922;' => chr(922),
'&#923;' => chr(923),
'&#924;' => chr(924),
'&#925;' => chr(925),
'&#926;' => chr(926),
'&#927;' => chr(927),
'&#928;' => chr(928),
'&#929;' => chr(929),
'&#931;' => chr(931),
'&#932;' => chr(932),
'&#933;' => chr(933),
'&#934;' => chr(934),
'&#935;' => chr(935),
'&#936;' => chr(936),
'&#937;' => chr(937),
'&#945;' => chr(945),
'&#946;' => chr(946),
'&#947;' => chr(947),
'&#948;' => chr(948),
'&#949;' => chr(949),
'&#950;' => chr(950),
'&#951;' => chr(951),
'&#952;' => chr(952),
'&#953;' => chr(953),
'&#954;' => chr(954),
'&#955;' => chr(955),
'&#956;' => chr(956),
'&#957;' => chr(957),
'&#958;' => chr(958),
'&#959;' => chr(959),
'&#960;' => chr(960),
'&#961;' => chr(961),
'&#962;' => chr(962),
'&#963;' => chr(963),
'&#964;' => chr(964),
'&#965;' => chr(965),
'&#966;' => chr(966),
'&#967;' => chr(967),
'&#968;' => chr(968),
'&#969;' => chr(969),
'&#977;' => chr(977),
'&#978;' => chr(978),
'&#982;' => chr(982),
'&#8194;' => chr(8194),
'&#8195;' => chr(8195),
'&#8201;' => chr(8201),
'&#8204;' => chr(8204),
'&#8205;' => chr(8205),
'&#8206;' => chr(8206),
'&#8207;' => chr(8207),
'&#8211;' => chr(8211),
'&#8212;' => chr(8212),
'&#8216;' => chr(8216),
'&#8217;' => chr(8217),
'&#8218;' => chr(8218),
'&#8220;' => chr(8220),
'&#8221;' => chr(8221),
'&#8222;' => chr(8222),
'&#8224;' => chr(8224),
'&#8225;' => chr(8225),
'&#8226;' => chr(8226),
'&#8230;' => chr(8230),
'&#8240;' => chr(8240),
'&#8242;' => chr(8242),
'&#8243;' => chr(8243),
'&#8249;' => chr(8249),
'&#8250;' => chr(8250),
'&#8254;' => chr(8254),
'&#8260;' => chr(8260),
'&#8364;' => chr(8364),
'&#8465;' => chr(8465),
'&#8472;' => chr(8472),
'&#8476;' => chr(8476),
'&#8482;' => chr(8482),
'&#8501;' => chr(8501),
'&#8592;' => chr(8592),
'&#8593;' => chr(8593),
'&#8594;' => chr(8594),
'&#8595;' => chr(8595),
'&#8596;' => chr(8596),
'&#8629;' => chr(8629),
'&#8656;' => chr(8656),
'&#8657;' => chr(8657),
'&#8658;' => chr(8658),
'&#8659;' => chr(8659),
'&#8660;' => chr(8660),
'&#8704;' => chr(8704),
'&#8706;' => chr(8706),
'&#8707;' => chr(8707),
'&#8709;' => chr(8709),
'&#8711;' => chr(8711),
'&#8712;' => chr(8712),
'&#8713;' => chr(8713),
'&#8715;' => chr(8715),
'&#8719;' => chr(8719),
'&#8721;' => chr(8721),
'&#8722;' => chr(8722),
'&#8727;' => chr(8727),
'&#8730;' => chr(8730),
'&#8733;' => chr(8733),
'&#8734;' => chr(8734),
'&#8736;' => chr(8736),
'&#8743;' => chr(8743),
'&#8744;' => chr(8744),
'&#8745;' => chr(8745),
'&#8746;' => chr(8746),
'&#8747;' => chr(8747),
'&#8756;' => chr(8756),
'&#8764;' => chr(8764),
'&#8773;' => chr(8773),
'&#8776;' => chr(8776),
'&#8800;' => chr(8800),
'&#8801;' => chr(8801),
'&#8804;' => chr(8804),
'&#8805;' => chr(8805),
'&#8834;' => chr(8834),
'&#8835;' => chr(8835),
'&#8836;' => chr(8836),
'&#8838;' => chr(8838),
'&#8839;' => chr(8839),
'&#8853;' => chr(8853),
'&#8855;' => chr(8855),
'&#8869;' => chr(8869),
'&#8901;' => chr(8901),
'&#8968;' => chr(8968),
'&#8969;' => chr(8969),
'&#8970;' => chr(8970),
'&#8971;' => chr(8971),
'&#9001;' => chr(9001),
'&#9002;' => chr(9002),
'&#9674;' => chr(9674),
'&#9824;' => chr(9824),
'&#9827;' => chr(9827),
'&#9829;' => chr(9829),
'&#9830;' => chr(9830),
# Make the opposite mapping
my %char2entity = map { $entity2char{$_} => $_ } keys %entity2char;
# Fill in missing entities
#for (0 .. 255) {
# next if exists $char2entity{chr($_)};
# $char2entity{chr($_)} = "&#$_;";
sub encode_entities {
my ( $string, $chars ) = @_;
my %escape;
if ( $chars ) {
%escape = map { $_ => 1 } split //, $chars;
else {
%escape = map { $_ => 1 } keys %char2entity;
my @string = split //, $string;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#string ) {
my $c = $string[$i];
if ( $escape{$c} and $c ne '&' and $c ne ';' ) {
$string[$i] = $char2entity{$c};
elsif ( $escape{$c} and $c eq '&' ) {
my $maybe_entity = '';
FIND_SEMI: for my $j ( $i .. $#string ) {
$maybe_entity .= $string[$j];
last FIND_SEMI if $string[$j] eq ';';
if ( not exists $entity2char{$maybe_entity} ) {
$string[$i] = $char2entity{$c};
elsif( $escape{$c} and $c eq ';' ) {
my $maybe_entity = '';
FIND_AMP: for ( my $j = $i; $j >= 0; $j-- ) {
$maybe_entity = $string[$j] . $maybe_entity;
last FIND_SEMI if $string[$j] eq '&';
if ( not exists $entity2char{$maybe_entity} ) {
$string[$i] = $char2entity{$c};
return join '', @string;
sub decode_entities {
my @results;
for my $string ( @_ ) {
my @string = split //, $string;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#string ) {
my $c = $string[$i];
if ( $c eq '&' ) {
my $maybe_entity = '';
my $length = 0;
FIND_SEMI: for my $j ( $i .. $#string ) {
$maybe_entity .= $string[$j];
last FIND_SEMI if $string[$j] eq ';';
if ( exists $entity2char{$maybe_entity} ) {
$string[$i] = $entity2char{$maybe_entity};
splice( @string, $i + 1, $length );
push @results, join '', @string;
return wantarray ? @results : $results[0];
=head1 NAME
Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Entities - Functions for dealing with XML entities
This package provides subroutines for dealing with characters that need to be
encoded as XML entities, and decoded in other formats. For example: C<&> needs
to be encoded as C<&amp;> in XML. The subroutines have the same signatures and
the same names as those in the commonly-used module L<HTML::Entities>. They are
re-implemented here to avoid introducing dependencies.
The following subroutines are utility functions that can be imported using:
use Bio::Phylo::NeXML::Entities '/entities/';
=item encode_entities
Encodes problematic characters as XML entities
Type : Utility function
Title : encode_entities
Usage : my $encoded = encode_entities('string with & or >','>&')
Function: Encodes entities in first argument string
Returns : Modified string
Args : Required, first argument: a string to encode
Optional, second argument: a string that specifies
which characters to encode
=item decode_entities
Decodes XML entities into the characters they code for
Type : Utility function
Title : decode_entities
Usage : my $decoded = decode_entities('string with &amp; or &gt;')
Function: decodes encoded entities in argument string(s)
Returns : Array of decoded strings
Args : One or more encoded strings
=head1 SEE ALSO
There is a mailing list at L<!forum/bio-phylo>
for any user or developer questions and discussions.
=item L<Bio::Phylo::Manual>
Also see the manual: L<Bio::Phylo::Manual> and L<>.
If you use Bio::Phylo in published research, please cite it:
B<Rutger A Vos>, B<Jason Caravas>, B<Klaas Hartmann>, B<Mark A Jensen>
and B<Chase Miller>, 2011. Bio::Phylo - phyloinformatic analysis using Perl.
I<BMC Bioinformatics> B<12>:63.