Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GopherRepellent - keep those pesky gophers out of your dists!
version 0.003011
# dist.ini
This is a Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle to help keep those pesky gophers away from your dists.
It is roughly equivalent to:
[Git::DescribeVersion] ; count commits from last tag to provide version
; choose files to include (dzil core [@Basic])
[GatherDir] ; everything under top dir
[PruneCruft] ; default stuff to skip
[ManifestSkip] ; custom stuff to skip
; munge files
[PkgVersion] ; inject $VERSION into modules
[PodWeaver] ; munge POD in all modules
config_plugin = @GopherRepellent
; 'weaver_config' can be set to an alternate Bundle
; set 'is_task = 1' to use TaskWeaver instead
; generate files
[License] ; generate distribution files (dzil core [@Basic])
[GitFmtChanges] ; generate a Changes file from git log --oneline
file_name = Changes
log_format = format:%h %s%n
; metadata
[Repository] ; determine git[hub] information
; disable with 'auto_prereqs = 0'
[MetaNoIndex] ; encourage CPAN not to index:
directory = corpus
directory = examples
directory = inc
directory = share
directory = t
directory = xt
[MetaProvides::Package] ; describe packages included in the dist
meta_noindex = 1 ; ignore things excluded by above MetaNoIndex
[MinimumPerl] ; automatically determine Perl version required
[MetaConfig] ; include Dist::Zilla info in distmeta (dzil core)
[MetaYAML] ; include META.yml (v1.4) (dzil core [@Basic])
[MetaJSON] ; include META.json (v2) (more info than META.yml)
[ExtraTests] ; build system (dzil core [@Basic])
[ExecDir] ; include 'bin/*' as executables
[ShareDir] ; include 'share/' for File::ShareDir
[MakeMaker] ; create Makefile.PL
; generate t/ tests
[CompileTests] ; make sure .pm files all compile
fake_home = 1 ; fakes $ENV{HOME} just in case
; generate xt/ tests
[MetaTests] ; test META
[PodSyntaxTests] ; test POD
[PodCoverageTests] ; test documentation coverage
[PortabilityTests] ; test portability (why? who doesn't use Linux?)
[KwaliteeTests] ; CPANTS
[MinimumVersionTests] ; test that the automatic plugin worked
[Manifest] ; build MANIFEST file (dzil core [@Basic])
; actions for releasing the distribution (dzil core [@Basic])
[TestRelease] ; run tests before releasing
[ConfirmRelease] ; are you sure?
; set 'fake_release = 1' to use [FakeRelease] instead
; set 'releaser = AlternatePlugin' to use a different releaser plugin
; 'fake_release' will override the 'releaser' (useful for sub-bundles)
This Bundle was heavily influenced by the bundles of RJBS and DAGOLDEN.
I built my own PluginBundles after my ini files started getting unruly.
It also made sense to me to build a separate PluginBundle for $work
which could use this one and then set a few attributes.
This bundle is essentially BeLike::RWSTAUNER
. (Who would want to do that?)
It is subject to change.
I am still new to Dist::Zilla and uploading to CPAN and am trying to learn how to make good/quality/kwalitee modules.
Therefore this bundle may be useful for others who aren't quite sure what they want or how they want it, but would like to have as much generated as possible to make a "complete" dist.
Beyond that audience this may be mostly for my own use (and for people I work with who are less inclined to roll their own), but perhaps my choices and documentation will help others along the way (or encouarage someone to set me straight).
The Secret of Monkey Island (© Lucas Arts) - the inspiration for the name of this bundle
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::GopherRepellent
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Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dist-zilla-pluginbundle-gopherrepellent at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Randy Stauner <>
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Randy Stauner.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.