Changes for version 0.006013
- 6e7737b Add example git config alias
- 9479e15 Fix POD typo of misnamed argument to git command
- d548eea Update examples: comment on Makefile purpose and remove unnecessary argument
- b51a842 Use @GopherRepellent plugin bundle to simplify ini's
- f27984d Allow App::run() to be called as a package method for consistency with other App modules
- e1e78e2 Specify versions required for test modules
- 554c081 Test App module with Test::Output (if available)
- 02080de Shorten ABSTRACT lines to fit in 44 characters
- 0aafd5f Control the link to the 'version' module as specified in Hints section of perlpod
- 525320e Include DZ plugins for minimum perl version and portability tests
- 244cba5 Remove the superfluous '^\D*' from the default 'version_regexp'
- 3deff53 Add a variety of tag patterns to test the new 'version_regexp'
- 8c8b3d7 Word the Options POD sections more consistently
provide version using git-describe
Use git-describe to show a repo's version
run Git::DescribeVersion as one-line script