Hub::Data::Handlers - Nested data handlers
Part of the Hub Library
use Hub qw(:standard);
my $h = {};
hsetv( $h, "/user1/fname", "Steve" );
hsetv( $h, "/user2/fname", "Mandy" );
See also hubaddr
happendv | hgetv | hsetv | htakev |
- happendv
Hash Append Value
Usage: happendv \HASH, $ADDRESS, VALUE, OPTIONS*
Append to an existing value and return like hgetv.
-asa=1 Force value as array (transforms existing scalars.)
- hgetv
Hash Get Value
Usage: hgetv \%HASH, $ADDRESS, [OPTIONS] Usage: hgetv \%HASH, \@ADDRESSES, [OPTIONS]
In its first form, hgetv will return the value specified by $ADDRESS.
In its second form, an array of values is returned for each @ADDRESS. In scalar context the array is returned as a reference.
-sdref=0 Do *not* de-reference scalar values.
- hsetv
Hash Set Value
Usage: hsetv \%HASH, $ADDRESS, $VALUE Usage: hsetv \%HASH, \%ADDRESS
In its first form, VALUE is set in \%HASH at $ADDRESS.
In its second form, \%ADDRESS is presumed to be ADDRESS/VALUE pairs, and each is set in turn.
- htakev
Hash Take Value
Usage: htakev \%HASH, $ADDRESS Usage: htakev \%HASH, \@ADDRESSES
Remove and return the value (like hgetv.)
In its second form, the removed values are returned as an array reference.
_appendvasa | _hqueryv | _hseekv | _hselectv | _lookup |
- _appendvasa
Append value as array.
Usage: _appendvasa \%HASH, $ADDRESS, $VALUE
Append value onto the array at $key. If the value at $key exists as a scalar, transform it into an ARRAY, whos first element is its current value.
- _hqueryv
Hash Query Value
Usage: _hqueryv \%HASH, $ADDRESS, [OPTIONS]
This method returns all resulting records in \HASH specified by $ADDRESS.
-av Autovivify (contstucts necessary segments)
- _hseekv
Hash Seek Value (Seek to the specified address)
Usage: _hseekv \%HASH, $ADDRESS, [OPTIONS]
-av Autovivify (contstucts necessary segments)
This is an optimization and as such $ADDRESS may *not* contain selectors.
Autovivification will return a SCALAR reference on nodes which are unkown.
Such that calling:
my $c = _hseekv( \%hash, '/a/b/c', '-av' );
May become an array by subsequently:
@$$c = qw/fourteen hair/;
And seeking again will return an ARRAY reference:
my $c2 = _hseekv( \%hash, '/a/b/c' );
Such that:
push @$c2, 'dryers';
- _hselectv
Hash Select Value
Usage: _hselectv \%HASH, \%ROOT_HASH, $SELECTOR, [OPTIONS]
This method interprets SELECTOR and returns the matching record(s).
\%HASH Look for SELECTOR in this hash \%ROOT_HASH Used when SELECTOR contains a reference $SELECTOR The select clause
-av Autovivify (contstucts necessary segments)
- _lookup
Lookup array item (must be a hash) by member value.
Usage: _lookup \@ARRAY, $VALUE, [OPTIONS]
Name Type Default Description ----------- ----------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- -by \@ARRAY \['_id','id','name'] Fields to search by -cmp eq|ne|... eq Comparator -asindex 0|1 0 Return the array index(s) -first 0|1 1 Return first match
Regarless of the '-by' option, if value is formatted as: \[\d\], then it is considered an index into the array.
Ryan Gies
Copyright (c) 2006 Livesite Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ryan Gies. All rights reserved.
This file created by on 8/29/2006 at 2:07pm