Hub::Parse::Transform -
Part of the Hub Library
- abspath
Usage: abspath PATH Usage: abspath PATH NOCHECK
File must exist unless NOCHECK is specified.
- attrhash
- datetime
Usage: datetime TIMESTAMP?, OPTION*
Friendly date-time formats of seconds-since-the-epoch timestamps.
Default is the current time formatted as: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss.
The decimal portion of HiRest time is truncated.
Uses `localtime` to localize.
This example returns: true:
datetime( );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284 );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -nosec );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -noyear );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -ampm );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -nozeros );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -notime );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -nodate );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -letter );
Combining options
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -ampm, -nosec );
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, -nosec, -nozeros, -noyear );
Methods of passing options via tweaks (see
This example returns: regex:
datetime( 1045837284, "nosec,noyear" );
- dhms
Hub::dhms( $seconds, $options, $format )
Format the provided number of seconds in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Examples: Returns: ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Hub::dhms( 10 ) 00d:00h:00m:10s Hub::dhms( 60 ) 00d:00h:01m:00s Hub::dhms( 3600 ) 00d:01h:00m:00s Hub::dhms( 86400 ) 01d:00h:00m:00s Hub::dhms( 11 ) 00d:00h:00m:11s Hub::dhms( 71 ) 00d:00h:01m:11s Hub::dhms( 3671 ) 00d:01h:01m:11s Hub::dhms( 90071 ) 01d:01h:01m:11s Hub::dhms( 90071, "--nozeros" ) 1d:1h:1m:11s Hub::dhms( 90071, "--nozeros" ) 1d:1h:1m:11s Hub::dhms( 90071, "--nozeros", "days ::" ) 1days 1:1:11 Hub::dhms( 90071, "days ::" ) 01days 01:01:11
- fcols
Usage: fcols STRING, COLS, [OPTIONS]
Divide text into fixed-width columns.
Where OPTIONS can be:
--split:REGEX # Split on regex REGEX (default '\s') --flow:ttb|ltr # Top-to-bottom or Left-to-right (default 'ttb') --pad:NUM # Spacing between columns (default 1) --padwith:STR # Pad with STR (multiplied by --pad) --width:NUM # Force column width (--pad becomes irrelevant) --justify:left|center|right # Justify within column
1) print fcols( "A B C D E F G", 4, "-flow=ttb" ), "\n"; A C E G B D F 2) print fcols( "a b c d e f g", 4, "-flow=ltr" ), "\n"; a b c d e f g
- findAbsolutePath
findAbsolutePath( "../usr/" ) findAbsolutePath( "/usr/local" ) File may or may not exist
- fixpath
Usage: fixpath( $path )
Clean up malformed paths (usually do to concatenation logic).
Example: This example:
fixpath( "../../../users/newuser/web/bin/../src/screens" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( "users/newuser/web/" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( "users/../web/bin/../src" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( "users//newuser" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( "users//newuser/./files" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( "http://site/users//newuser" );
Example: This example:
fixpath( '/home/hub/build/../../../out/doc/pod' );
- fw
fixed-width (default padding is a space)
Warning, many calls to this method is a performance hit!
usage examples:
Hub::fw( 5, "Hello World" ) "Hello" Hub::fw( 5, "Hello World", '-clip=0' ) "Hello world" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi" ) "Hi " Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-align=r' ) " Hi" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-align=l' ) "Hi " Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-align=c' ) " Hi " Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-repeat' ) "HHHHH" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-pad=x' ) "Hixxx" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", '-pad=x', '-align=r' ) "xxxHi" Depricated: Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", "right" ) " Hi" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", "repeat" ) "HHHHH" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", "padding:x" ) "Hixxx" Hub::fw( 5, "Hi", "padding:x", "right" ) "xxxHi"
- getext
getext( $path ) example: getext( "/foo/bar/filename.ext" ) getext( "filename.cgi" ) will return: "ext" "cgi"
- getname
getname( $path ) Note, if the given path is a full directory path, the last directory is still considerred a filename. example: getname( "../../../users/newuser/web/data/p001/batman-small.jpg" ); getname( "../../../users/newuser/web/data/p001" ); getname( "/var/log/*.log" ); will return: "batman-small.jpg" "p001" "*.log"
- getpath
Exract the parent from the given filepath for example: getpath( "/etc/passwd" ) /etc getpath( "/usr/local/bin" ) /usr/local
- getspec
Usage: getspec PATH
Given a path to a file, return it's parts (directory, filename, extension);
- hashtoattrs
Usage: hashtoattrs
Turn the given hash into an key="value" string.
{ 'class' => "foodidly", 'name' => "bobsmith", 'height' => "5px", }
class="foodidly" name="bobsmith" height="5px"
- html
Format a string, replacing spaces with ' ' for example: html( "<Hello=world!>" ) "<Hello=World>"
- indenttext
Usage: indenttext TEXT, NUM, [PADINGCHAR]
Indent text
- jsstr
Usage: jsstr
Format as one long string for use as the rval in javascript (ie put the backslash continue-ator at the end of each line).
- mkabsdir
Usage: mkabsdir DIR
Create the directory specified.
- nbspstr
Format a string, replacing spaces with ' ' for example: nbspstr( "Hello <not html tags> world!" ) would return: "Hello <not html tags> World"
- packcgi
Usage: packcgi $string|\$string
Pack characters into those used for passing by the cgi.
- polish
Remove undefined variables
We will chomp lines so that:
In between two lines with text or when surrounded spaced out..
Will become:
In between two lines with text or when surrounded spaced out..
- populate
Populate template text with values
Usage: populate $text|\$text, \%values [,\%values...] [option]
-sdref=0 Turn off scalar dereferencing -polish=1 Remove unpopulated variable references
Example: This example:
populate( 'mum', { foo => 'shroo' } );
Example: This example:
ref( populate( 'ac', { b => 'bee' }, '-sdref=0' ) );
- ps
Usage: ps
Aka: Proportional Space
Split the given string up into multiple lines which will not exceed the specified character width.
Default padding is a space.
Example: This example:
ps( 10, "this is really short but splits on ten chars" );
this is re ally short but split s on ten c hars
Example: This example:
ps( 10, "this is really short but splits on ten chars", 3 );
this is re ally short but split s on ten c hars
- relpath
Relative path
Usage: relpath PATH, FROMPATH
-asdir Specifies that FROMPATH is a directory. Provided for times when FROMPATH does not exist (and hence the -d test will fail).
Return the path to PATH from FROMPATH.
Example: This example:
relpath( "/home/docs", "/home/docs/install", -asdir );
Example: This example:
relpath( "/home/docs", "/home/docs/README.txt" );
Example: This example:
relpath( "/home/src", "/home/docs/install", -asdir );
Example: This example:
relpath( "/home/docs/README.txt", "/home/docs", -asdir );
- safestr
Usage: safestr STRING
Pack nogood characters into good ones. Good characters are letters, numbers, and the underscore.
Example: This example:
safestr( 'Dogs (Waters, Gilmour) 17:06' );
- siteurl
Usage: siteurl
Return the target website url.
- trimcss
Usage: trimcss
Remove empty css properties
- trimhtmlstyle
Usage: trimhtmlstyle
Remove empty style declarations
- unpackcgi
Usage: unpackcgi QUERY
Unpack cgi characters into a kv hashref
_runTweaks |
- _runTweaks
Standard tweaks
Tweaks allow modification to variable values without modifying the original.
No spaces are allowed in the tweak!
Implemented tweaks:
tr/// # transliterates search chars with replacement chars lc # lower case uc # upper case lcfirst # lower case first letter ucfirst # upper case first letter x= # repeat the value so many times nbspstr # replace spaces with non-breaking ones html # replace '<' and '>' with '<' and '>' jsstr # escape quotes and end-of-lines with a backslash num # number (will use zero '0' if empty) dt(opts) # datetime with options (see datetime). Hub::dhms(opts) # day/hour/min/sec with options (see dhms). eq # equal ne # not equal gt # greater than lt # less than if # is greater than zero (or non-empty string) - # minus + # plus * # multiply / # divide % # mod darker(num) # makes a color darker (default num=0xA) lighter(num) # makes a color lighter (default num=0xA) rotate_base # rotates bases (red -> green, green -> blue, blue -> red) inverse # invert color (like red becomes cyan)
# if v is 'HELLO', it becomes 'hello' # if v is '.', it becomes '.....' # the value for 'v' is printed when 1 is equal to 2 # the value for 'v' is printed when 1 isn't equal to 2 # the value for 'v' is printed when it is equal to 2 # if v is 's' and c is greater than one, 's' is printed
Tweaks can be chained together, for example:
# if v is "HELLO", it becomes 'Hello' # if v is "hello" and c is greater than 1, it becomes 'HELLO'
Ryan Gies
Copyright (c) 2006 Livesite Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ryan Gies. All rights reserved.
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