Hub::Perl::Language -
Part of the Hub Library
- abort
Usage: abort Usage: abort -msg => 'Croak message' Usage: abort -back => LEVEL
Croak nicely.
- array
is the passed in thingy an ARRAY reference?
- asa
Example: This example:
join 'X', asa(undef);
- asarray
Turn a hashref of hashref's, or an array of hashref's into an array.
Sort by KEY
--asref Return a reference instead --lose Lose the key (for hash references) --filter:key=val Only include items where key eq val
Unless --lose is specified, we will modify the provided hash, storing the outer key as '_id' of each subhash.
- bestof
Usage: bestof @list Usage: bestof @list, -by=max|min|def|len|gt|lt
Best value by criteria (default 'def').
- check
True if all items in list pass the test.
Usage: check [OPTIONS], [TEST], LIST
-opr (or|and|xor) Operator (default: 'and')
-test (def|num|str|match|blessed|eval) Test type (default: 'def') -isa EXPR -ref EXPR
and True when all items pass the test. or True when any single item passes the test. xor Alternation pattern. True unless two consecutive values both pass or fail the test.
def Items are defined num Items are numeric str Items are *not* numeric
match=EXPR Items match EXPR eval Items are eval'd and truth is based on $@. Note that the eval *actually* happens, so don't do anything that will break your code. The intention of this check is for:
This example returns: abort:
my $compression = check( '-test=eval', 'use IO::Zlib' ) ? 1 : 0;
blessed Items are blessed ref=EXPR Item's ref matches EXPR (does *not* include @ISA) isa=EXPR Item's ref or @ISA match EXPR. Much like UNIVERSAL::isa except allows regular expressions.
none are defined returns: false:
check( undef, undef, undef );
only one is defined returns: false:
check( 1, undef );
both are defined returns: true:
check( 1, 1 );
one is defined returns: true:
check( 1, undef, -opr => 'or' );
This example returns: false:
check( -opr => 'xor', 1, 1 );
This example returns: false:
check( -opr => 'xor', undef, undef );
This example returns: true:
check( -opr => 'xor', undef, 1 );
This example returns: true:
check( -opr => 'xor', 1, undef );
This example returns: true:
check( -opr => 'xor', 1, undef, 1, undef );
This example returns: false:
check( -opr => 'xor', 1, undef, 1, 1, undef );
This example returns: true:
check( -opr => 'xor', undef, 1, undef, 1 );
- checksum
Hub::checksum( @params )
Create a unique identifier for the provided data
Params can be scalars, hash references, array references and the like. We use the HashFile's print routine to transform nested structures into flat strings. As for performance, improvements should be made in the HashFile module. The only reason I create a new instance of HashFile each time is because I know there are symbol tables (such as the order of elements) in that class which get update when the print method is called.
- cmdopts
Extract short and long options from @ARGV
Usage: cmdopts \ARRAY Usage: cmdopts \ARRAY, \HASH
Convienence method which deals with short single-dash and long double-dash options.
- cpref
Recursively clone the reference, returning a new reference.
The Clone module found on CPAN crashes under my mod_perl and FastCGI test servers...
Note: Have not tested recursive references.
- dice
Break apart the string
Usage: dice STRING
- diff
Usage: diff &HASH, &HASH
Creates a nest of the differences between the two provided. If a conflict of types (with the same key) is encounterred, the right-hand sturcture is used.
NOTE: Although this routine compares contents, it returns references to the original hashes (use cpref on the result to detatch.)
- digout
Usage: digout REF, ID
Return an array of all nested values in an order that can be processed.
NOTE! Scalar values are returned as references.
See how 'packdata' uses this method to dereference.
Arrays are ignored unless their members are hashes with an _id member.
Reverse the results of this array to process data in a way that the children are affected before their parents.
- expect
Croak if arguments do not match their expected type
Usage: expect [OPTIONS], [TEST], LIST
-back \d # Carp level (for reporting further up the callstack) -not 0|1 # Invert the result
-blessed # All LIST items are blessed -match=EXPR # All LIST items match /EXPR/ -ref=EXPR # All LIST items' ref match /EXPR/
By default, LIST is made up of key/value pairs, where the key is the type (what ref() will return) and the value is what will be tested. LIST may contain one or more key/value pairs such as:
HASH => arg REF => arg My::Package => arg
- fear
Croak if arguments match their feared type.
This is a shortcut to expect with a '-not=1' option.
- flatten
- flip
given a hash reference, swap keys with values and return a new hash reference.
- getbyname
- getgid
Usage: getgid
Return the GID of the user of the provided login id.
- getuid
Usage: getuid
Return the UID of the user of the provided login id.
- hash
is the passed in thingy a HASH reference?
- hashget
Usage: hashget KEY, HASHREF
Get a nested hash member using the colon-delimited key format.
- intdiv
Integer division
Usage: intdiv $DIVIDEND, $DIVISOR
Returns an array with the number of times the divisor is contained in the dividend, and the remainder.
- max
Maximum value
Usage: max @LIST
Returns the greatest element in a set.
- merge
Merges the provided hashes. The first argument (destination hash) has precedence (as in values are NOT overwritten) unless --overwrite is given.
--overwrite Overwrite values as they are encounterred. --prune Gives the destination hash the same structure as the source hash (or the composite of all which is in common when multiple source hashes are provided). If the destination is missing a value, it is initialized from the source hash. If the destination has a value which is not in all of the source hashes, it is deleted. --keeparrays When the destination contains the same key as the source, but the destination is an array where the source is a hash, take all of the hash elements and merge them into the array.
- min
Minimum value
Usage: min @LIST
Returns the least element in a set.
- objopts
Split @_ into ($self,$opts), leaving @_ with remaining items.
Usage: objopts \ARRAY
Convienence method for splitting instance method parameters.
Returns an array.
- opts
Usage: opts [OPTIONS], \ARRAY, [\HASH]
Split parameter arrays into options and arguments.
-prefix=EXPR # specify option prefix, default is single dash (-). -assign=EXPR # specify assignment character, default is the equal sign (=). -append=EXPR # specify append character, default is the plus sign (+).
In array context, we return two references. Which may cause confusion:
my %opts = Hub::opts( \@_ ); # Wrong! my $opts = Hub::opts( \@_ ); # Correct! my ($opts,$args) = Hub::opts( \@_ ); # Correct!
Options are extracted (via splice) from the referenced array. The advantage is both for performance (don't make a copy of the array), and so you may use @_ (or @ARGV, etc) normally, as data:
Example: at-underscore contains everyting but the '-with' option:
sub myjoin { my $opts = Hub::opts( @_ ); return join( $$opts{'with'}, @_ );
1. Arguments are elements which do *not* begin with a dash (-).
2. Options are elements which begin with a single dash (-) and are not negative numbers.
3. An option of '-opts' is reserved for passing in already parsed option hashes.
4. Options will have their leading dash (-) removed.
5. Options values are formed as:
Given: opt1 will be: because: -opt1=value 'value' contains an equal sign -opt1 nextelem 'nextelem' next element is *not* an option -opt1 -option2 1 next element is also an option -opt1 1 it is the last element -opt1 1 it is the last element -opt1=a -opt1=b b last one wins -opt1=a +opt1=b [ 'a', 'b' ] it was specified using '+' +opt1=a +opt1=b [ 'a', 'b' ] they can both be '+'
For example:
my($opts,$args) = Hub::opts( [ 'a', 'b', '-c' => 'c', '-x', '-o=out' ] ); print "Opts:\n", Hub::hffmt( $opts ); print "Args:\n", Hub::hffmt( $args );
Will print:
Opts: c => c o => out x => 1 Args: a b
- replace
Do a s/// operation on a given segment of the string.
For example, say we want to remove the ': ;' pattern from the style portion, but not from the data portion:
<div style="font-family: ;">keep this: ;stuff</div>
Use this method as:
$text = Hub::replace( "style=\".*?\"", "s/[\\w\\-]+\\s*:\\s*;//g", $text );
- rmsubhash
remove an element from an array of hash refs, by some key's value
- rmval
remove an element from a hash or array, by value
- scalar
is the passed in thingy a SCALAR? NOTE: This does not mean a SCALAR ref!
- sizeof
Integer size of hashes, arrays, and scalars
Usage: sizeof \%hash Usage: sizeof \@array Usage: sizeof \$scalar_ref Usage: sizeof $scalar Usage: sizeof \%more, @than, $one
Sizes are computed as follows:
HASH - Number of keys in the hash ARRAY - Number of elements SCALAR - Length as returned by C<length()>
The total size of all arguments is returned.
Example: Hash:
sizeof( { a=>1, b=>2, c=>3 } );
Example: Array:
sizeof( [ 'a1', 'b2', 'c3' ] );
Example: Scalar:
sizeof( "abc" );
Example: Scalar (ref):
sizeof( \"abc" );
Example: Nothing:
sizeof( undef );
Example: Multiple values:
sizeof( "a", "b", "c" );
- sortkbyv
given a hash reference, return an array of its keys sorted by their values.
- subfield
Usage: subfield POS, DELIMITER, STRING
Given a delimited string, return the substring given a field position (zero based).
- subhash
Usage: subhash REF, KEY, VALUE
Return the matching subhashes, which have KEY eq VALUE
VALUE can be:
'exactmatch' '~regex'
The '~' is used to make the determination.
Return value:
When there *are* matches: wantarray ? all matches otherwise the first match otherwise, wantarray ? an emtpy list otherwise, undef
- subst
Usage: subst
Call to perl's substitution operator. Represented here as a function to facilitate transformation by reducing the need for temporaries. In essence, the goal is to reduce:
my $bakname = getfilename(); $bakname =~ s/\.db$/\.bak/;
my $bakname = Hub::subst( getfilename(), '\.db$', '.bak' );
without modifying the original string returned by getfilename().
- touch
Usage: touch LIST
Changes the access and modification times on each file of a list of files.
- uniq
given an array or hash reference, return the a new reference to an identical array, minus the duplicates. if a hash reference is passed, the hash's keys are used to determine uniqueness.
return structure is sorted.
_assignopt | _diff_arrays | _getId | _mergeElement | _prioritysort |
_compscalar | _diff_hashes | _mergeArray | _mergeHash |
- _prioritysort
Usage: _prioritysort
Sorts by a key, with the intention of re-ordering. In order to do so, the secondary sort key is set to the *old* value of the item. For instance, we have three items, with sort values 1, 1, and 2:
item1: 0 item2: 1 item3: 2
So, to move item1 to the second position, set the _sort key to 1, and the _sort2 key to 0 (it's old value).
Ryan Gies
Copyright (c) 2006 Livesite Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ryan Gies. All rights reserved.
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