Hub::Webapp::Client -
Part of the Hub Library
clean | getclientcookie | mkurl | save | upload |
clear | has | new | set | |
endreq | load | newreq | setrelay | |
get | logreq | restorereq | take |
- clean
Usage: clean
Clear everything but in-use data
- clear
Usage: clear
Clear all session data
- endreq
Usage: endreq
Ends the request (saves session to disk)
- get
Usage: get KEY
Directly get by key
Usage: getclientcookie
Print the client key as a cookie
- has
Usage: has KEY
Return 1 if the specified element is defined, 0 if not.
- load
Usage: load
Load a session file. Note that this *takes over* the current request. Most notably, this loaded file is resaved when endreq() is called.
- logreq
Usage: logreq
Log request state information
- mkurl
Usage: mkurl CGIPARAMS, [OPTIONS] Usage: mkurl OPTIONS Usage: mkurl
Create url with current context information. Parameters encountered first take prescedence.
Where, CGIPARAMS can be:
SCALAR "name=George;_action=assisinate;time=yesterday" HASHREF { name => "George", _action => "assasinate", time => "yesterday", } ARRAYREF [ "name="George", "_action="assasinate", "time="yesterday", ]
And, OPTIONS can be:
--noparams No parameters --referrer Create a link to the referring page --lastreq Link to the last request (even if it's the same handler)
- new
Usage: new Usage: new CLIENTDIR
- newreq
Usage: newreq Usage: newreq CGI->new() Usage: newreq "_display=login&s_username=ryan" Usage: newreq "_display=login", "s_username=ryan"
Come to life
- restorereq
Usage: restorereq LEVEL
Restore a request from the history.
Where LEVEL can be:
0 Current request (no operation performed) 1 Last request 2 The one before the last 3 The one before that 4 The one before that max No-op, you cannot go back farther than: REQHISTORYSIZE - 1
- save
Usage: save
Write to disk
- set
Usage: set KEY, DATA
Directly set by key
- setrelay
Usage: setrelay( "login" ); Usage: setrelay( "login", "username=ryan&password=" ); Usage: setrelay( "login", "username=ryan", "password=" );
Set relay (next handler and parameters) data
- take
Usage: take KEY
Directly get by key, then delete it
- upload
Usage: upload
Upload multi-part form data
AUTOLOAD | _mkcgiinst | _refresh | _setreqkey |
DESTROY | _mkfilename | _setclientkey | _validate |
_init | _parsecgi | _setmeta |
Autoload get/set/take/has calls and translate them into correct instance method calls.
The method name is translated as:
$class->aaabbb( ... ) aaa Is the method part, and can be: get|set|take|has bbb Is the root identifier part. I can be anything, but these special ones are re-routed: current|signal|base
If the aaa part is not one of the four, an error is logged.
If the bbb part is not of the two special ones, then it is considerred to be the id of the root hash whithin which we will handle data.
A bbb part of 'current' sets the bbb part to the current handler.
A bbb part of 'signal' is the same as 'current' in display context, but if we are inside an action request, 'signal' is re-routed to the action hash (where the action signals are stored.)
Given that were invoked by a request of:
.=p001;..=index;_id=42;name=joe Then Becomes Returns getsignal( "id" ) get->( "p001:id" ) 42 setcurrent( "id", 1002 ) set->( "p001:id", 43 )
and subsequently invoked with a request of:
.=p001;..=index;_action=print;_id=1001;name=jimmy Then Becomes Returns getsignal( "id" ) get->( "ACTION:id" ) 1001 setcurrent( "id", 1002 ) set->( "p001:id", 1002 ) getcurrent( "name" ) get->( "p001:name" ) joe getsignal( "name" ) get->( "ACTION:name" ) jimmy getaction( "name" ) get->( "ACTION:name" ) jimmy
And for any other bbb part:
This Becomes getfoo( "id" ) get->( "FOO:id" ) setFoo( "id", 1004 ) error! set_Foo( "id", 1004 ) error! set_foo( "id", 1004 ) error! setfoo( "user:name", "joe" ) set->( "FOO:user:name", "joe" ) hasjunk( "mail" ) has->( "JUNK:mail" ) takeunk( "mail" ) has->( "JUNK:mail" )
A bbb part of 'base' sets the bbb part to the base handler hash. This is use to share data in subrequests. Here are three requests, where the second two are subrequests:
1) .=p001;_view=ltr 2) .=p001:summary;_sort=date 3) .=p001:summary:print;_orientation=landscape
In the third request, the following happens:
getbase( "view" ) ltr getsignal( "orientation" ) landscape getsignal( "sort" ) getmeta( "handler" ) p001:summary:print getmeta( "baseid" ) p001 getmeta( "reqid1" ) summary getmeta( "reqid2" ) print
NOTE: The data hash for the above is:
%p001{ sort == 1 %summary{ %print{ orientation == landscape } sort == date } view == ltr }
The subrequest 'summary' is stored under the base request 'p001', which means that you would cause problems where you to:
.=p001;_summary=on -or- setbase( "summary", "on" )
as you would be overwriting the nested data.
Hub::lmsg( "EVAL: $eval" );
- _parsecgi
Usage: _parsecgi
Populate ourselves with new data recieved through the CGI. Also handle system (.) parameters.
- _setclientkey
Usage: _setclientkey
1) Use the client key specified in a cookie 2) Or, use the .clientkey CGI parameter 3) Or, generate a new key
Ryan Gies
Copyright (c) 2006 Livesite Networks, LLC. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Ryan Gies. All rights reserved.
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