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POE::Class - a base class for everything OO POE


    package My::Thingy;
    use POE;

    # POE::Class is a base class
    use base 'POE::Class';

    # None of these method are "required" but your session is not going to live
    # long if you do not atleast define a handler_start (which is the handler
    # for _start).
    sub handler_start {
        my $self = $_[OBJECT];
        # This is required for object/session tracking
        $self->SUPER::handler_start(@_[1 .. $#_]);

        # do something that keeps you alive

    sub handler_stop {
        my $self = $_[OBJECT];
        # This is required for object/session tracking
        # and for internal cleanup
        $self->SUPER::handler_stop(@_[1 .. $#_]);

    sub handler_child {
        my $self = $_[OBJECT];
        # This is required for object/session tracking
        $self->SUPER::handler_child(@_[1 .. $#_]);

    sub handler_parent {
        my $self = $_[OBJECT];
        # This is required for object/session tracking
        $self->SUPER::handler_parent(@_[1 .. $#_]);

    # Called from handler_start, define states we use
    sub create_states {
        my ($self) = @_;
        $poe_kernel->state(state_name => $self, 'handler_state_name');

    # Takes an array of key value pairs and calls
    # the corresponding set method (key) with the value
    my $self = new My::Thingy(
        attrib1 => "stuff",
        attrib2 => "more stuff"

    # Set what session type this will be

    # Create the session

    # Every object has a unique ID for tracking
    print $self->ID, "\n";

    # get your session
    my $session = $self->get_session;

    # Session/Object hierarchy

    # Get the objects of your child sessions
    my @child_objects = $self->get_child_objects;

    # Get your parent session object
    # returns undef if you have no parent
    my $parent = $self->get_parent_object;

    # Resolve a session to the object for that session
    # $session can be a session ID or a session object
    my $object = POE::Class->resolve_object($session);

    # Events

    # post an event to all your children
    $self->post_children(event => @args);

    # post an event to your parent
    $self->post_parent(event => @args);
    # - or -
    # Not as safe, does not check the existence of
    # a parent
    $self->get_parent_object->post(event => @args);


POE::Class is a base class for making OO POE classes. This design has a one to one object relationship to a POE session, there is one object for each session. This is currently in the prototyping stages. The whole API may change tomarrow.




This method is called from the default new() constructor. It expects an array of key value pairs. The keys should be the names of accessor methods. The value is the argument passed to the accessor method. This methods main purpose is to make it easier to set instance attributes. This method has no return value. If any of the attributes are not object methods, configure() will fatal.

        attribute1 => "value1",
        attrib2    => "value2"

This accessor sets the name of the session class to use when we create a session. The default value is POE::Session. This session is created when you call start().


Stores the session object. Every object in this model corresponds to a session. This attribute is set inside the default handler_start().


This is the unique ID for this session. It is set in the default new() constructor to the return of allocate_object_id().


This contains the parents object. This attribute is set in the default handler_parent(). undef will be returned if you have no parent.


All children objects are tracked with the default handlers in POE::Class. This is an access only function. It returns an array of child objects. These objects are tracked in the default handler_child() which also relies on resolve_session() which relies on the default handler_start().


This attribute is here because it is a common thing to want to do. If this is set before the session is created an alias of that name will be created for the session. This happens in handler_start().


Another attribute here because of common use. It is simply a flag. This flag is set in handler_shutdown to 1. POE::Class does not use this flag, it is here because most, if not all, subclasses do use it.

Sending Events/Signals

These methods are only to make posting events to object sessions easier.


Post's an event to the object's session. The first argument should be the event name. All other arguments will be passed to the event. Returns what POE::Kernel's post() method returns. POE::Kernel.

    $self->post(event_name => "arg1", "arg2");

This method sends an event to all of your children. Takes the same arguments as post(). This method has no return value.


This method sends an event to you parent if you have one. It takes the same arguments as post(). Returns what POE::Kernel's post() method returns. POE::Kernel.


Sends a signal to the session for this object. Arguments ae the same as POE::Kernel's signal() method minus the session. So:


POE::Kernel for details on what this is doing.

External Reference Counts


These methods change the recount for the object's session. The arguments are the same as POE::Kernel's methods of the same name without the session ID. So:


POE::Kernel for details on what this is doing.



This is the constructor. It does not do much. First it sets the object ID using allocate_object_id, then it calles configure() we have any arguments. This method blesses the object as a hash reference. If you do not want that override this in your subclass. If you do override this method be sure to set the object ID.


This method actually creates the session and returns it. The session is created with the following object states.

    _start   => handler_start
    _stop    => handler_stop
    _child   => handler_child
    _parent  => handler_parent
    shutdown => handler_shutdown

All of these handlers exist in POE::Class so do not worry about defining them unless you want to.

This method also sets the attribute parrent object to the current active sessions object.


POE::Class defines four default object states for POE's special states.

_start - handler_start

This method sets the attribute session to the current session and sets up session -> object tracking. If you override this method in your subclass you should call it in your method or tracking will not work.

_stop - handler_stop

This method free all global resources. If you override it in your subclass you must call it from your subclass (through SUPER::) or your program will leak.

_child - handler_child

Trackes children.

_parent - handler_parent

Updates parent object attribute to the new parent.


Object ID Allocation

These method are not needed unless you override the methods/handlers that use them.


Allocates a new object ID and returns it.


Free's an allocated object ID. Expect the object ID as the only argument.

External Session Object Tracking


Given a session object or a session ID returns the corresponding object or undef if no object could be found.


Write better documentation.


Scott Beck <>



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 548:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'