Revision history for Perl extension Math::Vector::Real.

0.09  Jun 13, 2012
        - add rotation_base_3d and rotate_3d operations

0.08  Nov 8, 2011
        - add complementary_base and rewrite normal_base to use it
        - canonical_base was broken
        - don't use method syntax to call vector subroutines inside
        - doc improvements

0.07  Nov 7, 2011
        - normal_base was broken
        - several doc improvements
        - minor code cleanups

0.06  Jun 16, 2011
        - import POSIX module
        - add new_ref constructor

0.04  Jun 14, 2011
	- add cube constructor and min, max, dist, dist2 and abs2 methods
        - add canonical_base, normal_base, decompose
	- wrap method modified

0.03  Jun 9, 2011
        - add methods axis_versor, versor, zero, is_zero and wrap
	- some doc corrections and improvements

0.02  Dec 31, 2009
        - clean up Makefile.PL
	- remove 5.10 requirement
	- doc minor improvements
	- add example

0.01  Wed Dec 30 19:47:00 2009
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXn Math::Vector::Real