Revision history for Perl extension Net::OpenSSH::Compat.

0.07  Aug 31, 2015
        - accept protocol argument (bug report by Bas van Sisseren)
        - spelling error fixes
        - pod fix (bug report by Florian Schlichting from Debian)
        - add conditional_loading example

0.06  Sep 28, 2011
        - in SSH2:
          - honor use_pty configuration flag from shell method
        - in SSH:
          - order or $reader, $writer arguments for sshopen3 was wrong

0.05  Sep 10, 2011
        - add use_ok tests for submodules
        - in SSH2 :
          - exit_status can be called from any state
          - add support for eof and exit_signal methods
          - more checks for out of order operations
          - solve bug accessing parent object from channel
          - close now sets eof
          - syntax error bug solved (reported by Will Hawes)

0.04  Aug 29, 2011
        - add support for Net::SSH::Perl and Net::SSH
        - import method was broken
        - minor doc corrections

0.02  May 29, 2011
        - add support for auth_list
        - add support for "Net::SSH2::method" method.
        - add pointer to Github repository
        - correct mispellings and some wording error in the docs

0.01  Tue Apr 12 19:08:56 2011
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXn Net::OpenSSH::Compat