Revision history for Perl extension Pg::PQ.
0.11 Apr 9, 2012
- add support for rowAsHash and rowsAsHashes methods
0.10 Feb 1, 2012
- Makefile.PL LIB parameters were in the wrong order (bug
report and solution by Geoffrey D. Bennett).
- nonBlocking() was broken
0.09 Jul 2, 2012
- return libpq version as obtained from pg_config instead of
from libVersion
0.08 May 10, 2012
- wrap libVersion
- set client_encoding to UTF8 on new connections
- allow compiling against development versions of PostgreSQL
(bug report by erix@perlmonks)
0.07 May 9, 2012
- assume database encoding is UTF8
- better handling of errorDescription and errorField
- use Test::postgresql for testing
- add support for payload field in notifies (bug report by
Mischa Spiegelmock)
0.06 Jan 3, 2012
- allow compilation with older versions of libpq
- OUTPUT directive was missing from PQcmdTuples wrapper
0.05 Jul 18, 2011
- accept a hash ref as conninfo
- start was calling PQconnectdb instead of PQconnectStart
under the hood
0.04 Jun 13, 2011
- add conditional code to leave out methods not available from
libpq 8.x.x when this version of the client library is used
0.03 Jun 9, 2011
- several doc improvements
- include typemap file in distribution
- several doc improvements
0.01 Mon May 30 16:54:48 2011
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-An Pg::PQ