Finance::Robinhood - Trade Stocks, ETFs, Options, and Cryptocurrency without Commission


use Finance::Robinhood;
my $rh = Finance::Robinhood->new();


Finance::Robinhood wraps several APIs. There are parts of this package that will not apply because your account does not have access to certain features.

new( )

Robinhood requires an authorization token for most API calls. To get this token, you must log in with your username and password. But we'll get into that later. For now, let's create a client object...

# You can look up some basic instrument data with this
my $rh = Finance::Robinhood->new();

A new Finance::Robinhood object is created without credentials. Before you can buy or sell or do almost anything else, you must log in.

login( ... )

my $rh = Finance::Robinhood->new()->login($user, $pass);

A new Finance::Robinhood object is created without credentials. Before you can buy or sell or do almost anything else, you must log in.

my $rh = Finance::Robinhood->new()->login($user, $pass, mfa_callback => sub {
    # Do something like pop open an inputbox in TK or whatever
} );

If you have MFA enabled, you may (or must) also pass a callback. When the code is called, a ref will be passed that will contain mfa_required (a boolean value) and mfa_type which might be app, sms, etc. Your return value must be the MFA code.

my $rh = Finance::Robinhood->new()->login($user, $pass, mfa_code => 980385);

If you already know the MFA code (for example if you have MFA enabled through an app), you can pass that code directly and log in.

search( ... )

my $results = $rh->search('microsoft');

Returns a set of search results as a Finance::Robinhood::Search object.

You do not need to be logged in for this to work.

news( ... )

my $news = $rh->news('MSFT');
my $news = $rh->news('1072fc76-1862-41ab-82c2-485837590762'); # Forex - USD

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::News objects is returned.

feed( )

my $feed = $rh->feed();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::News objects is returned. This list will be filled with news related to instruments in your watchlist and portfolio.

You need to be logged in for this to work.

notifications( )

my $cards = $rh->notifications();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Notification objects is returned.

You need to be logged in for this to work.

notification_by_id( ... )

my $card = $rh->notification_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Notification object. You need to be logged in for this to work.


equity_instruments( )

my $instruments = $rh->equity_instruments();

Returns an iterator containing equity instruments.

You may restrict, search, or modify the list of instruments returned with the following optional arguments:

symbol - Ticker symbol
my $msft = $rh->equity_instruments(symbol => 'MSFT')->next;

By the way, instrument_by_symbol( ) exists as sugar. It returns the instrument itself rather than an iterator object with a single element.

my @solar = $rh->equity_instruments(query => 'solar')->all;
ids - List of instrument ids
my ( $msft, $tsla )
    = $rh->equity_instruments(
    ids => [ '50810c35-d215-4866-9758-0ada4ac79ffa', 'e39ed23a-7bd1-4587-b060-71988d9ef483' ] )

If you happen to know/store instrument ids, quickly get full instrument objects this way.

equity_instrument_by_symbol( ... )

my $instrument = $rh->equity_instrument_by_symbol('MSFT');

Searches for an equity instrument by ticker symbol and returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Instrument.

equity_instrument_by_id( ... )

my $instrument = $rh->equity_instrument_by_id('50810c35-d215-4866-9758-0ada4ac79ffa');

Searches for a single of equity instrument by its instrument id and returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Instrument object.

equity_instruments_by_id( ... )

my $instrument = $rh->equity_instruments_by_id('50810c35-d215-4866-9758-0ada4ac79ffa');

Searches for a list of equity instruments by their instrument ids and returns a list of Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Instrument objects.

equity_orders( [...] )

my $orders = $rh->equity_orders();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Order objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

my $orders = $rh->equity_orders(instrument => $msft);

If you would only like orders after a certain date, you can do that!

my $orders = $rh->equity_orders(after => Time::Moment->now->minus_days(7));
# Also accepts ISO 8601

If you would only like orders before a certain date, you can do that!

my $orders = $rh->equity_orders(before => Time::Moment->now->minus_years(2));
# Also accepts ISO 8601

equity_order_by_id( ... )

my $order = $rh->equity_order_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Order object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_accounts( )

my $accounts = $rh->equity_accounts();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Account objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_account_by_account_number( ... )

my $account = $rh->equity_account_by_account_number($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Account object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_portfolios( )

my $equity_portfolios = $rh->equity_portfolios();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Account::Portfolio objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_watchlists( )

my $watchlists = $rh->equity_watchlists();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Watchlist objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_watchlist_by_name( ... )

my $watchlist = $rh->equity_watchlist_by_name('Default');

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Watchlist object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_fundamentals( )

my $fundamentals = $rh->equity_fundamentals('MSFT', 'TSLA');

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Fundamentals objects is returned.

You do not need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_markets( )

my $markets = $rh->equity_markets()->all;

Returns an iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Market objects.

equity_market_by_mic( )

my $markets = $rh->equity_market_by_mic('XNAS'); # NASDAQ

Locates an exchange by its Market Identifier Code and returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Market object.

See also

top_movers( [...] )

my $instruments = $rh->top_movers( );

Returns an iterator containing members of the S&P 500 with large price changes during market hours as Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Movers objects.

You may define whether or not you want the best or worst performing instruments with the following option:

direction - up or down
$rh->top_movers( direction => 'up' );

Returns the best performing members. This is the default.

$rh->top_movers( direction => 'down' );

Returns the worst performing members.

tags( ... )

my $tags = $rh->tags( 'food', 'oil' );

Returns an iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Tag objects.

tags_discovery( ... )

my $tags = $rh->tags_discovery( );

Returns an iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Tag objects.

tags_popular( ... )

my $tags = $rh->tags_popular( );

Returns an iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Tag objects.

tag( ... )

my $tag = $rh->tag('food');

Locates a tag by its slug and returns a Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Tag object.


options_chains( )

my $chains = $rh->options_chains->all;

Returns an iterator containing chain elements.

my $equity = $rh->search('MSFT')->equity_instruments->[0]->options_chains->all;

You may limit the call by passing a list of options instruments or a list of equity instruments.

options_instruments( )

my $options = $rh->options_instruments();

Returns an iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Options::Instrument objects.

my $options = $rh->options_instruments( state => 'active', type => 'put' );

You can filter the results several ways. All of them are optional.

state - active, inactive, or expired
type - call or put
expiration_dates - comma separated list of days; format is YYYY-M-DD


user( )

my $me = $rh->user();

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::User object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

acats_transfers( )

my $acats = $rh->acats_transfers();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::ACATS::Transfer objects is returned.

You need to be logged in for this to work.

equity_positions( )

my $positions = $rh->equity_positions( );

Returns the related paginated list object filled with Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Position objects.

You must be logged in.

my $positions = $rh->equity_positions( nonzero => 1 );

You can filter and modify the results. All options are optional.

nonzero - true or false. Default is false
ordering - list of equity instruments

equity_earnings( ... )

my $earnings = $rh->equity_earnings( symbol => 'MSFT' );

Returns the related paginated list object filled with Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Earnings objects by ticker symbol.

my $earnings = $rh->equity_earnings( instrument => $rh->equity_instrument_by_symbol('MSFT') );

Returns the related paginated list object filled with Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Earnings objects by instrument object/url.

my $earnings = $rh->equity_earnings( range=> 7 );

Returns a paginated list object filled with Finance::Robinhood::Equity::Earnings objects for all expected earnings report over the next X days where X is between -21...-1, 1...21. Negative values are days into the past. Positive are days into the future.

You must be logged in for any of these to work.


Depending on your jurisdiction, your account may have access to Robinhood Crypto. See for more.

forex_accounts( )

my $halts = $rh->forex_accounts;

Returns an iterator full of Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Account objects.

You need to be logged in and have access to Robinhood Crypto for this to work.

forex_account_by_id( ... )

my $account = $rh->forex_account_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Account object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_halts( [...] )

my $halts = $rh->forex_halts;
# or
$halts = $rh->forex_halts( active => 1 );

Returns an iterator full of Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Halt objects.

If you pass a true value to a key named active, only active halts will be returned.

You need to be logged in and have access to Robinhood Crypto for this to work.

forex_currencies( )

my $currecies = $rh->forex_currencies();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Currency objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_currency_by_id( ... )

my $currency = $rh->forex_currency_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Currency object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_pairs( )

my $pairs = $rh->forex_pairs();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Pair objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_pair_by_id( ... )

my $watchlist = $rh->forex_pair_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Pair object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_pair_by_symbol( ... )

my $btc = $rh->forex_pair_by_symbol('BTCUSD');

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Pair object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_watchlists( )

my $watchlists = $rh->forex_watchlists();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Watchlist objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_watchlist_by_id( ... )

my $watchlist = $rh->forex_watchlist_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Watchlist object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_activations( )

my $activations = $rh->forex_activations();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Activation objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_activation_by_id( ... )

my $activation = $rh->forex_activation_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Activation object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_portfolios( )

my $portfolios = $rh->forex_portfolios();

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Portfolio objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_portfolio_by_id( ... )

my $portfolio = $rh->forex_portfolio_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Portfolio object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_activation_request( ... )

my $activation = $rh->forex_activation_request( type => 'new_account' );

Submits an application to activate a new forex account. If successful, a new Fiance::Robinhood::Forex::Activation object is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

The following options are accepted:


This is required and must be one of the following:


This is an optional boolean value.

forex_orders( )

my $orders = $rh->forex_orders( );

An iterator containing Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Order objects is returned. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_order_by_id( ... )

my $order = $rh->forex_order_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Order object. You need to be logged in for this to work.

forex_holdings( )

my $holdings = $rh->forex_holdings( );

Returns the related paginated list object filled with Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Holding objects.

You must be logged in.

my $holdings = $rh->forex_holdings( nonzero => 1 );

You can filter and modify the results. All options are optional.

nonzero - true or false. Default is false.

forex_holding_by_id( ... )

my $holding = $rh->forex_holding_by_id($id);

Returns a Finance::Robinhood::Forex::Holding object. You need to be logged in for this to work.


This is a simple wrapper around the API used in the official apps. The author provides no investment, legal, or tax advice and is not responsible for any damages incurred while using this software. This software is not affiliated with Robinhood Financial LLC in any way.

For Robinhood's terms and disclosures, please see their website at


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module. Please refer to the LEGAL section.


Sanko Robinson <>