Fl - Bindings for the Stable 1.3.x Branch of the Fast Light Toolkit


use Fl qw[:event :label :box :font];
my $window = Fl::Window->new(100, 100, 300, 180);
my $box = Fl::Box->new(FL_UP_BOX, 20, 40, 260, 100, 'Hello, World');
$box->labelfont(FL_BOLD + FL_ITALIC);
exit run();


The Fl distribution includes bindings to the stable 1.3.x branch of the Fast Light Toolkit; a cross-platform GUI toolkit compatible with Microsoft Windows, MacOS X, and Linux/Unix platforms with X11. It was designed to be small, quick and comes with a very simple yet complete API.


The top level Fl namespace exports several functions sorted by type. This list will grow as the dist develops.


use Fl qw[:event];

This would import functions related to application execution directly into your namespace. Please see Fl::Event for a list of these functions and more.


use Fl qw[:enum]; # All Fl::Enumeration values
use Fl qw[:font]; # Only import enum values related to fonttype

The :enum and related tags allow you to import values listed in Fl::Enumerations.


use Fl qw[:color]

Static variables and utility functions related to colors may be found in Fl::Color.


use Fl qw[:keyboard];

Event and state values for keyboard buttons.


use Fl qw[:mouse];

Event and state values for mouse buttons.


Fl contains several widgets and other classes including:


This is the current list and will expand as the distribution develops.


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Sanko Robinson <>