Net::BitTorrent::Util - Utility functions
- bencode
Expects a single value (basic scalar, array reference, or hash reference) and returns a single string.
Bencoding is the BitTorrent protocol's basic serialization and data organization format. The specification supports integers, lists (arrays), dictionaries (hashes), and byte strings.
See Also: Convert::Bencode, Bencode, Convert::Bencode_XS
- bdecode
Expects a bencoded string. The return value depends on the type of data contained in the string.
See Also: Convert::Bencode, Bencode, Convert::Bencode_XS
- compact
Compacts a list of IPv4:port strings into a single string.
A compact peer is 6 bytes; the first four bytes are the host (in network byte order), the last two bytes are the port (again in network byte order).
- uncompact
Inflates a compacted string of peers and returns a list of IPv4:port strings.
Sanko Robinson <> - []
Copyright 2008 by Sanko Robinson <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See [] or the LICENSE file included with this module.
Neither this module nor the AUTHOR is affiliated with BitTorrent, Inc.