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#!perl -I../lib
use strict;
my ($port, $int) = (0, 0);
GetOptions q[port:i] => \$port;
my @t = grep {-e} @ARGV;
@t || exit printf q[%s [-port \d] some.torrent [another.torrent ...]], $0;
my $bt = new Net::BitTorrent({LocalPort => $port})
|| die sprintf q[Failed to create N::B object (%s)], $^E;
$SIG{q[INT]} = sub {
$int = $int + 3 > time ? exit : time;
for ($bt, values %{$bt->torrents}) { printf qq[%s\n], $_->as_string(1) }
sub {
my $a = pop;
my $t = $a->{q[Torrent]};
my $h = grep {$_} split //, unpack q[b*], $t->bitfield;
my $w = grep {$_} split //, unpack q[b*], $t->_wanted;
printf qq[+%d: %04d|%s|%4d/%4d|% 3.2f%%\r],
$t->save_resume_data, $a->{q[Index]}, $t->as_string(), $h,
$t->piece_count, 100 - ($w / $t->piece_count * 100);
sub { pop->{q[File]}->torrent->save_resume_data });
for my $_t (@t) {
printf qq[Loading '%s'...\n], $_t;
my $t = $bt->add_torrent({Path => $_t, Resume => $_t . q[.resume]})
|| warn sprintf q[Cannot load %s: %s], $_t, $^E && next;
$bt->do_one_loop(0.5) && sleep 1 while 1;
=head1 NAME
net-bittorrent - Painfully small example
=head1 Description
Kwalitee dictates I have at least one script in C</script/> or C</bin/>
or whatever so, here it is.
=head1 Synopsis file.torrent
or -port \d some.torrent [another.torrent ...]
=head1 See Also
For better examples, see the files under the C</tatoeba/> directory;
specifically C</tatoeba/>.
=head1 Author
Sanko Robinson <> -
=head1 License and Legal
Copyright (C) 2009 by Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of The Artistic License 2.0. See the F<LICENSE>
file included with this distribution or
When separated from the distribution, all POD documentation is covered
by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. See
Neither this module nor the L<Author|/Author> is affiliated with
BitTorrent, Inc.
=for SVN $Id: 862fd03 2009-02-17 22:11:17Z $