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Parse::Syslog::Mail - Parse mailer logs from syslog


Version 0.12


my $maillog = Parse::Syslog::Mail->new('/var/log/syslog');
while(my $log = $maillog->next) {
# do something with $log
# ...


As its names implies, Parse::Syslog::Mail presents a simple interface to gather mail information from a syslog file. It uses Parse::Syslog for reading the syslog, and offer the same simple interface. Currently supported log formats are: Sendmail, Postfix, Qmail.



Creates and returns a new Parse::Syslog::Mail object. A file path or a File::Tail object is expected as first argument. Options can follow as a hash. Most are the same as for Parse::Syslog->new().


  • type - Format of the syslog stream. Can be one of "syslog" (traditional syslog format) or "metalog" (Metalog format).

  • year - Syslog files usually do store the time of the event without year. With this option you can specify the start-year of this log. If not specified, it will be set to the current year.

  • GMT - If this option is set, the time in the syslog will be converted assuming it is GMT time instead of local time.

  • repeat - Parse::Syslog will by default repeat xx times events that are followed by messages like "last message repeated xx times". If you set this option to false, it won't do that.

  • locale - Specifies an additional locale name or the array of locale names for the parsing of log files with national characters.

  • allow_future - If true will allow for timestamps in the future. Otherwise timestamps of one day in the future and more will not be returned (as a safety measure against wrong configurations, bogus year arguments, etc.)


my $syslog = new Parse::Syslog::Mail '/var/log/syslog', allow_future => 1;

Returns the next line of the syslog as a hashref, or undef when there is no more lines. The hashref contains at least the following keys:

  • host - hostname of the machine.

  • program - name of the program.

  • timestamp - Unix timestamp for the event.

  • id - Local transient mail identifier.

  • text - text description.

Other available keys:

  • from - Email address of the sender.

  • to - Email addresses of the recipients, coma-separated.

  • msgid - Message ID.

  • relay - MTA host used for relaying the mail.

  • status - Status of the transaction.

  • delivery_type - (Qmail only) type of the delivery: "local" or "remote".

  • delivery_id - (Qmail only) id number of the delivery.


while(my $log = $syslog->next) {
# do something with $log


Can't create new %s object: %s

(F) Occurs in new(). As the message says, we were unable to create a new object of the given class. The rest of the error may give more information.

Expected an argument

(F) You tried to call new() with no argument.



Inspecter /var/log/mail.log avec Parse::Syslog::Mail, by Philippe Bruhat, published in GNU/Linux Magazine France #92, March 2007


Add support for other mailer daemons (Exim, Courier, Qpsmtpd). Send me logs or, even better, patches, if you want support for your favorite mailer daemon.


Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni <sebastien (at)>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-parse-syslog-mail (at), or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Most probably the same as Parse::Syslog, see "BUGS" in Parse::Syslog


Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.