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package App::pherkin;
$App::pherkin::VERSION = '0.33';
use strict;
use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);
use List::Util qw(max);
use FindBin qw($RealBin $Script);
qw(languages langdef readable_keywords keyword_to_subname);
use Moose;
has 'tags' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 0 );
has 'tag_scheme' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', required => 0 );
has 'harness' => ( is => 'rw' );
=head1 NAME
App::pherkin - Run Cucumber tests from the command line
=head1 VERSION
version 0.33
pherkin some/path/features/
C<pherkin> will search the directory specified (or C<./features/>) for
feature files (any file matching C<*.feature>) and step definition files (any
file matching C<*>), loading the step definitions and then executing
the features.
Steps that pass will be printed in green, those that fail in red, and those
for which there is no step definition as yellow (for TODO), assuming you're
using the default output harness.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 run
The C<App::pherkin> class, which is what the C<pherkin> command uses, makes
use of the C<run()> method, which accepts currently a single path as a string,
or nothing.
Returns a L<Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::Result> object for all steps run.
sub run {
my ( $self, @arguments ) = @_;
# localized features will have utf8 in them and options may output utf8 as well
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my ( $features_path ) = $self->_process_arguments(@arguments);
$features_path ||= './features/';
my ( $executor, @features ) =
Test::BDD::Cucumber::Loader->load( $features_path, $self->tag_scheme );
die "No feature files found in $features_path" unless @features;
return $self->_run_tests($executor, @features);
sub _run_tests {
my ( $self, $executor, @features ) = @_;
my $harness = $self->harness;
my $tag_spec;
if ( $self->tag_scheme ) {
$tag_spec = Test::BDD::Cucumber::Model::TagSpec->new(
{ tags => $self->tag_scheme } );
$executor->execute( $_, $harness, $tag_spec ) for @features;
return $harness->result;
sub _initialize_harness {
my ( $self, $harness_module ) = @_;
unless ( $harness_module =~ m/::/ ) {
$harness_module = "Test::BDD::Cucumber::Harness::" . $harness_module;
eval { use_module($harness_module) }
|| die "Unable to load harness [$harness_module]: $@";
$self->harness( $harness_module->new() );
sub _process_arguments {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
local @ARGV = @args;
# Allow -Ilib, -bl
Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling', 'pass_through' );
my $includes = [];
my $tags = [];
my $help = 0;
'I=s@' => \$includes,
'l|lib' => \( my $add_lib ),
'b|blib' => \( my $add_blib ),
'o|output=s' => \( my $harness ),
't|tags=s@' => \$tags,
'i18n=s' => \( my $i18n ),
'h|help' => \$help,
-verbose => 1,
-input => "$RealBin/$Script",
) if ($help);
if ($i18n) {
_print_langdef($i18n) unless $i18n eq 'help';
unshift @$includes, 'lib' if $add_lib;
unshift @$includes, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch' if $add_blib;
# Munge the output harness
$self->_initialize_harness($harness || "TermColor");
lib->import(@$includes) if @$includes;
# Store our TagSpecScheme
$self->tag_scheme( $self->_process_tags( @{$tags} ) );
return ( pop @ARGV );
sub _process_tags {
my ( $self, @tags ) = @_;
# This is a bit faffy and possibly suboptimal.
my $tag_scheme = [];
my @ands = ();
# Iterate over our commandline tag strings.
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
my @parts = ();
foreach my $part ( split( ',', $tag ) ) {
# Trim any @ or ~@ from the front of the tag
$part =~ s/^(~?)@//;
# ~@tag => "NOT tag" => [ not => tag ]
if ( defined $1 and $1 eq '~' ) {
push @parts, [ not => $part ];
} else {
push @parts, $part;
# @tag,@cow => "@tag OR @cow" => [ or => tag, cow ]
# (It's simpler to always stick an 'or' on the front.)
push @ands, [ or => @parts ];
# -t @tag -t @cow => "@tag AND @cow" => [ and => tag, cow ]
# (It's simpler to always stick an 'and' on the front.)
$tag_scheme = [ and => @ands ];
return $tag_scheme;
sub _print_languages {
my @languages = languages();
my $max_code_length = max map { length } @languages;
my $max_name_length = max map { length( langdef($_)->{name} ) } @languages;
my $max_native_length =
max map { length( langdef($_)->{native} ) } @languages;
my $format =
"| %-${max_code_length}s | %-${max_name_length}s | %-${max_native_length}s |\n";
for my $language ( sort @languages ) {
my $langdef = langdef($language);
printf $format, $language, $langdef->{name}, $langdef->{native};
sub _print_langdef {
my ($language) = @_;
my $langdef = langdef($language);
my @keywords = qw(feature background scenario scenario_outline examples
given when then and but);
my $max_length =
max map { length readable_keywords( $langdef->{$_} ) } @keywords;
my $format = "| %-16s | %-${max_length}s |\n";
for my $keyword (
qw(feature background scenario scenario_outline
examples given when then and but )
printf $format, $keyword, readable_keywords( $langdef->{$keyword} );
my $codeformat = "| %-16s | %-${max_length}s |\n";
for my $keyword (qw(given when then )) {
printf $codeformat, $keyword . ' (code)',
readable_keywords( $langdef->{$keyword}, \&keyword_to_subname );
=head1 AUTHOR
Peter Sergeant C<>
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright 2011-2014, Peter Sergeant; Licensed under the same terms as Perl