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use strict;
use lib 'examples/calculator/lib/';
Before sub {
After sub {
my $c = shift;
# a bit contrived, as garbage collection would clear it out
delete $c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'Calculator'};
ok( not exists $c->stash->{'scenario'}->{'Calculator'} );
my %numbers_as_words = (
__THE_NUMBER_ONE__ => 1,
__THE_NUMBER_TEN__ => 10,
sub map_word_to_number {
my $word = shift;
ok( exists $numbers_as_words{$word} );
return $numbers_as_words{$word};
Transform qr/^(__THE_NUMBER_\w+__)$/, sub { map_word_to_number($1) };
Transform qr/^table:number as word$/, sub {
my ( $c, $data ) = @_;
for my $row ( @{$data} ) {
$row->{'number'} = map_word_to_number( $row->{'number as word'} );
Given 'a new Calculator object', sub {
S->{'Calculator'} = Calculator->new();
Given qr/^having pressed (.+)/, sub {
S->{'Calculator'}->press($_) for split( /(,| and) /, C->matches->[0] );
Given qr/^having keyed (.+)/, sub {
# Make this call the having pressed
my ($value) = @{ C->matches };
Given 'having successfully performed the following calculations', sub {
my $calculator = S->{'Calculator'};
for my $row ( @{ C->data } ) {
$calculator->key_in( $row->{'first'} );
$calculator->key_in( $row->{'operator'} );
$calculator->key_in( $row->{'second'} );
is( $calculator->display, $row->{'result'},
$row->{'first'} . ' '
. $row->{'operator'} . ' '
. $row->{'second'} );
Given 'having entered the following sequence', sub {
S->{'Calculator'}->key_in( C->data );
Given 'having added these numbers', sub {
for my $row ( @{ C->data } ) {
S->{'Calculator'}->key_in( $row->{number} );
Then qr/^the display should show (.+)/, sub {
my ($value) = @{ C->matches };
is( S->{'Calculator'}->display, $value, "Calculator display as expected" );