pherkin - Execute tests written using Test::BDD::Cucumber


version 0.39


pherkin some/path/features/


pherkin accepts a single argument of a directory name, defaulting to ./features/ if none is specified. This directory is searched for feature files (any file matching *.feature) and step definition files (any file matching * The step definitions are loaded, and then the features executed.

Steps that pass are printed in green, those that fail in red, and those for which there is no step definition - or that are skipped as the result of a previous failure - as yellow.

pherkin will exit with a non-zero status if (and only if) the overall result is considered to be failing.


Controlling @INC

-l, --lib              Add 'lib' to @INC
-b, --blib             Add 'blib/lib' and 'blib/arch' to @INC
-I [dir]               Add given directory to @INC

Output formatting

-o, --output           Output harness. Defaults to 'TermColor'. See 'Outputs'
-c, --theme            Theme for 'TermColor'. `light` or `dark` (default)

Extra Steps

-s, --steps [path]    Include an extra step file, or directory of step files
                      (as identified by *; multiple use accepted)

Tag specifications

-t, --tags @tag        Run scenarios tagged with '@tag'
-t, --tags @tag1,@tag2 Run scenarios tagged with '@tag1' and '@tag2'
-t, --tags ~@tag       Run scenarios tagged without '@tag'


-h, -?, --help         Print usage information.
--i18n LANG            List keywords for a particular language.
                       '--i18n help' lists all languages available.


pherkin can output using any of the Test::BDD::Cucumber::Harness output modules. Test::BDD::Cucumber::TermColor is the default, but Test::BDD::Cucumber::TestBuilder is also a reasonable option:

pherkin -o TermColor some/path/feature   # The default
pherkin -o TestBuilder some/path/feature # Test::Builder-type text output


Peter Sergeant


Copyright 2012-2014, Peter Sergeant; Licensed under the same terms as Perl