Jifty::Plugin::TabView::View - render tabview using yui tabs


use Jifty::Plugin::TabView::View;
template 'index.html' => page {
   my $self = shift;
   $self->render_tabs('foo', [qw(id)], qw( foo bar_tab ) );

   # more flexible tabs
   $self->render_tabs('foo', [qw(id)],
                      { label => 'This is foo 1', path => 'foo', name => 'foo 1', args => { id => 1}},
                      { label => 'This is foo 2', path => 'foo', name => 'foo 2', defer => 1,  args => { id => 2}});

template 'foo' => sub { ... };
template 'bar' => sub { ... };


Returns some Template::Declare with tabs rendered with the yui tabs If a tab ends in _tab, it means it should contain a stub region to be replaced by the corresponding fragment onclick to that tab.