Changes for version 0.48 - 2007-11-29

  • User and password values are excluded from the DSN in a more proper fashion
  • Setting a default for RECORD_MIXINS and altering the mk_classdata() decls to avoid any confusion with the mk_accessors() interface.
  • Eliminated the ?: at the end of import() since RECORD_MIXINS is now [] by default.
  • Let users run arbitrary code during SQL statement logging
  • Exclude user and passowrd from the DSN so it doesn't show up in the terminal
  • use YAML () -> require YAML to suppress error when YAML is not installed (but ::Syck is installed)
  • Fix reverse joins. Broken in multiple ways.
  • added 'escape' option (undef by default) to Collection->limit, to allow "
  • where column like 'something including wildcard(\\%)' ESCAPE '\\'" kind of stuff, mainly for SQLite which doesn't seem to be able to escape wildcards without ESCAPE
  • changed escape character in the t/01searches.t from backslashes to at mar
  • k, which is cleaner and kind to postgres; added pod
  • typo fix in docs
  • mysql doesn't handle bare varchar's
  • TODO a test that needs us to force mysql to be case sensitive
  • expand the escape documentation
  • manifest skip pm_to_blib, add new test file to manifest
  • Update Changes


An object-relational persistence framework
Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
Deal with multiple Jifty::DBI::Collection result sets as one
Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection
base class for Jifty::DBI filters
DateTime object wrapper around date columns
DateTime object wrapper around date columns
salts and hashes a value before storing it
Encodes arbitrary data using Storable
DateTime object wrapper around date columns
Filter used to enforce max_length column trait
This filter stores arbitrary Perl via YAML
Encodes data as base64
Jifty::DBI UTF-8 data filter
Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
An Informix specific Handle object
An ODBC specific Handle object
An oracle specific Handle object
A Postgres specific Handle object
A SQLite specific Handle object
a Sybase specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
abstract class for objects that has filters
Superclass for records loaded by Jifty::DBI::Collection
records with caching behavior
records with caching behavior
Record model mixins for Jifty::DBI
Use a simple syntax to describe a Jifty table.
Generate table schemas from Jifty::DBI records