Path::Dispatcher::Cookbook - A cookbook for Path::Dispatcher


How can I change the path delimiter from a space ' ' to a slash '/'?

When importing the Path::Dispatcher::Declarative sugar, specify the token_delimiter option for the default group.

package My::Dispatcher;
use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base, -default => {
    token_delimiter => '/',

Or define a subclass of Path::Dispatcher::Declarative with a token_delimiter method:

package Web::Dispatcher;
use base 'Path::Dispatcher::Declarative';

use constant token_delimiter => '/';

package My::Other::Dispatcher;
use Web::Dispatcher -base;

How can I do rule chaining (like in Catalyst)?

You can use a chain rule approximate chaining behavior:

package MyDispatcher;
use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base;

under show => sub {
    chain {
        print "Displaying ";
    on inventory => sub {
        print "inventory:\n";
    on score => sub {
        print "score:\n";

package main;

MyDispatcher->run("show inventory"); # "Displaying inventory:\n ..."

MyDispatcher->run("show score"); # "Displaying score:\n ..."