Path::Dispatcher::Cookbook - A cookbook for Path::Dispatcher
How can I change the path delimiter from a space ' ' to a slash '/'?
When importing the Path::Dispatcher::Declarative sugar, specify the token_delimiter
option for the default
package My::Dispatcher;
use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base, -default => {
token_delimiter => '/',
Or define a subclass of Path::Dispatcher::Declarative with a token_delimiter
package Web::Dispatcher;
use base 'Path::Dispatcher::Declarative';
use constant token_delimiter => '/';
package My::Other::Dispatcher;
use Web::Dispatcher -base;
How can I do rule chaining (like in Catalyst)?
You can use a chain
rule approximate chaining behavior:
package MyDispatcher;
use Path::Dispatcher::Declarative -base;
under show => sub {
chain {
print "Displaying ";
on inventory => sub {
print "inventory:\n";
on score => sub {
print "score:\n";
package main;
MyDispatcher->run("show inventory"); # "Displaying inventory:\n ..."
MyDispatcher->run("show score"); # "Displaying score:\n ..."
How can I configure tab completion for shells?
First add a dispatcher rule for generating completions based on the path. Here we name it _gencomp, so that if the user types "app _gencomp hel" it will print out the various completions of "hel".
on qr/^_gencomp\s*(.*)/ => sub {
my $prefix = shift->pos(1);
$prefix = "" if !defined($prefix);
print "$_\n" for dispatcher->complete($prefix);
Then tell your shell about how to use _gencomp. For zsh it might look like this (replace "APP" with your binary name):
#compdef APP
typeset -a APP_completions
APP_completions=($($words[1] _gencomp $words[2,-1]))
compadd $APP_completions
For bash it might look like this:
function _APP_()
complete -F _APP_ APP