Data::NDS::Multiele - A set of data structures with the same structure
use Data::NDS::Multiele;
This module allows you to work with a set of elements, each of which may be a complex, arbitrarily deep, nested data structure. The nested data structures must consist only of scalars, hashes, and lists. The set of elements is stored either as a hash or a list.
This module makes use of the Data::NDS module for most of handling of each element, and a working knowledge of that module is assumed here.
Every elements must be based on the same structure (though it is not required that all elements contain all of the structure). Each element must be uniquely named if they are stored in a hash, or they will be accessed by index if stored as a list.
This module allows you to do several things:
- Easily access the data stored somewhere in an element
This module will use a path (described below) to traverse through the data structure to return only the segment needed.
- Enforce structural integrity of each element
Every element is required to have the same structure (although it is not necessary that all parts of the structure be present in all elements). This module will ensure that that is the case, and will report any errors.
- Supply defaults for missing data
Defaults data structures can be used to supply defaults for missing data.
- May handle (in the future) different types of data sources
Currently, all data sources are YAML files, but potentially databases, hash files, text files, or other typess may be added.
- Additional data checking
Planned for a future release is the ability to add additional constraints to the data (for example, define which values are valid, etc.).
A frequent problem is that of defining a set of complex objects in a uniform way. Often, it is useful to defined these objects as data structures, as opposed to using a database or other data handling schemes. Unfortunately, although there is a lot of support for database operations, handling arbitrary data structures is less well supported. This module is an attempt to correct that.
If you want to define a set of objects, and each object as an arbitrarily complex data structure, and all of the objects have the same structure, then this module can be used to automate most of the task. It imposese a uniform structure on each object. It includes automatic error checking to make sure that the objects are defined in the same way. It can provide default values for missing data.
In sum, it automates many of the common parts of this type of task.
The most important limitation is that (currently) only YAML data is supported. If your data cannot be stored in a YAML file for whatever reason, then this module will not be of use. Since there are very few ways to store arbitrary data structures, and YAML is well understood and supported, this is hopefully not a severe limitation.
Since this module is written completely in perl, and does a great deal of complex checking on every piece of data, it is probably not suitable for applications where speed is critical. It would be better to write data checking procedures specifically for the structures you are working with in order to improve speed.
This module reads in all of the elements from a data source, and stores two copies of everything (the raw data and a version with defaults merged in). As such, it is not useful for working with data sets which cannot be stored easily in memory. Also, if each element is a simple structure, the overhead of this module is proably not worth it.
But for working with relatively small sets of data (up to thousands of elements) which consist of at least 2 or 3 levels of nested data structure, this module will dramatically increase the ease of using and maintaing that data, and will add enormous amounts of error checking automatically, at no effort on your part.
A Data::NDS::Multiele object is associated with a single data source. That source contains multiple elements, each one a similarly structured NDS. Each Data::NDS::Multiele object is also associated with a single Data::NDS object which is used to store structural information about the elements, perform data validity checks, etc.
The data source contains either a list or a hash. If it is a list, each member of the list is an element. If it is a hash, each key is the name of an elements, and the value of that key is the element.
Handling of individual elements is done using the Data::NDS module, so an understanding of that module is assumed.
When referring to an individual element in any of the methods below, $ele is either an index (if the elements are given as a list) or a key (if they are given as a hash).
It should be noted that if a file contains a list of elements, the default elements (if any) must come first. See the following section for information about default elements.
If the data source consists of a hash, then every key in that hash is the name of an element. Referring to an element is always done by name, and that element is always available, even if it's value in the data source is undefined. In that case, the full element would consist only of default values, as described next.
If the data source consists of a list, then there are two ways to regard the elements: ordered and unordered. In an unordered list, as discussed in the Data::NDS module, the order of the elements is unimportant. Deleting an element is doable, and is done by completely removing
If the list is ordered however, it means that the position in the list has meaning, and if an element is removed, an undefined place holder must remain in order to preserve the position of higher elements. As such, in an unordered list, it is impossible to actually delete elements that come before the last element in the list. Undefined elements take default values, but no other values.
In each data source, some of the elements may be used to supply defaults for other elements. Default elements are not used when examing the set of data elements. So, for example, if you look for a set of elements which have a certain property, the default elements will not be examined. The defaults are used only to fill in data for the other elements.
Default elements are included in the data source, and are structurally identical to all other elements.
Default elements may apply for all other elements, or for a subset of elements. The latter apply to elements which meet some condition. For example, a default element may be used for all elements which have a certain value specified at a certain path in the element.
Default elements are specified in the program (using the default_element method described below). They are applied in the order they are specified, so multiple default elements may apply for each element (and conditional defaults may be triggered by a previously applied default).
For example, if you have two default elements:
$default1 = { a => 1 }
$default2 = { b => 2 }
and several elements:
$ele1 = { a => 1 }
$ele2 = { a => 2 }
$ele3 = { c => 3 }
and $default1 is applied first universally and $default2 is applied conditionally for elements which have the path /a equal to 1, then the full value (after defaults have been applied) are:
$ele1 = { a => 1,
b => 2 }
$ele2 = { a => 2 }
$ele3 = { a => 1,
b => 2,
c => 3 }
$default1 is applied to $ele1, but since $ele1 already has a value for /a, the default is ignored. $default2 is then applied since /a equals 1, so /b is set to 2.
$default1 is applied to $ele1, but since /a already has a value, the default is ignored. $default2 does not apply since /a is not equal to 1.
$default1 is applied to $ele1 setting /a to 1. Then, $default2 is applied (since /a is 1) and that sets /b to 2.
Defaults may be applied using any ruleset (see Data::NDS for a description fo rulesets), but by default, the ruleset named "default" is used.
When working with a data source containing lists of elements, default elements must be the first elements in the list, and they are used in the order they are included in the list (though some may still be conditional). After reading all elements, they are removed from the list of elements before any other operations.
For example, if you have a list of elements:
[ def1, def2, ele1, ele2, ele3 ]
Then you would first call the default_element method twice, and that would leave the list:
[ ele1, ele2, ele3 ]
From then on, the index of the elements would be the index in the list with the defaults removed.
- new
- file
- ordered_list
A new Data::NDS::Multiele object can be created, and assigned to a data source, several variations of calls can be used depending on the type of data stored in the data source.
If the data source contains a hash, or an unordered list of elements, the Data::Multiele object can be created and attached to that data using a two call method:
$obj = new Data::NDS::Multiele [NDS]; $obj->file(FILE);
or an equivalent one call method:
$obj = new Data::NDS::Multiele [NDS,] FILE;
If the data source contains an ordered list, the object can be created using a three call method:
$obj = new Data::NDS::Multiele [NDS]; $obj->ordered_list(); $obj->file(FILE);
or an equivalent one call method:
$obj = new Data::NDS::Multiele [NDS,] FILE,1;
A Data::NDS object is needed. If one is passed in as an argument to the new method, it is used. By creating an NDS, and then passing it in to the new method, the same NDS can be used for multiple Data::NDS::Multiele objects, each reading a separate data source. In this way, all structural information in the NDS applies to both files.
If no Data::NDS object is passed in, one is created.
Creating two Data::NDS::Multiele objects which use the same NDS can be done in the following way:
$NDS = new Data::NDS; $obj1 = new Data::NDS::Multiele $NDS [,FILE1 [,1]]; $obj2 = new Data::NDS::Multiele $NDS [,FILE2 [,1]];
The same effect can be achieved with:
$obj1 = new Data::NDS::Multiele [,FILE1 [,1]]; $obj2 = $obj1->new([FILE2 [,1]]);
If no file is passed in to the new method, you need to use the file method to set it and read the data.
An error code is set if the file cannot be read for any reason.
- version
$version = $obj->version;
Returns the version of this modules.
- nds
$NDS = $obj->nds;
Returns the Data::NDS object associated with the object.
- err
- errmsg
$err = $obj->err();
This tests to see if the last function failed. If it did, $err is the error code set by that function.
Error codes in this module described and listed below in the ERROR CODES section.
Every error also produces a text version of the error. The function:
$msg = $obj->errmsg();
will return the text version of the error.
- eles
@eles = $obj->eles([$exists]);
Returns a list of all element names or indices in the data for non-empty elements.
If $exists is passed in and is non-zero, a list of all existing element names are returned (some of which may be empty).
- ele
$flag = $obj->ele($ele [,$exists]);
Returns 1 if $ele is a non-empty element (or if it exists, possibly empty if $exists is non-zero) in the data.
- default_element
$obj->default_element([$ele,] [$ruleset,] [$path,$val,...]);
This is used to declare that one of the elements that was read in from the data file is used to provide defaults for other elements.
If the data file contains a list of elements (ordered or unordered), $ele is NOT passed in. The first element in the list is removed and used as a default. Additional calls to default_element will remove additional elements from the modified list. If the data file contains a hash of elements, $ele is required, and is the name of one of the elements.
$ruleset is optional and is the ruleset to use to merge the default elements in to the other non-default elements. If $ruleset is omitted, it defaults to "default". Please see the Data::NDS documentation for more details on rulesets.
If no other arguements are given, then the default is applied to all elements. Otherwise, pairs of $path/$val arguments can be provided. $path is a path in an NDS, and $val is any value that it might take (it can also be any valid string used in the which method described below).
NOTE: it is important that default_elements be specified immediately after the data file is read in or unexpected results may occur.
- which
@ele = $obj->which($path,$cond [,$path,$cond,...]);
This returns a list of all elements which have meet all of the conditions in the list. Any number of pairs of ($path,$cond) may be included, and all of them must match for an element to be included in the return set.
The path/cond pairs are described in the test_conditions method of the Data::NDS module.
An error code is any argument is invalid.
- path_valid
$flag = $obj->path_valid($path);
Returns 1 if $path is a valid path that could be used in an element.
- value
- keys
- values
$val = $obj->value($ele,$path [,$copy,$raw]); @keys = $obj->keys($ele,$path [,$empty,$raw]); @val = $obj->values($ele,$path [,$empty,$copy,$raw]);
These functions return data stored in an element.
The value method returns the value or data structure (or a copy of the structure if $copy is non-zero) in the element. $path can point to any type of structure.
The keys method will work with $path pointing to either a list or a hash. It will set an error code if it points to a scalar.
If $path refers to a list, keys will return a list of indices for elements in the list. By default, it will return indices for all non-empty elements, but if a non-zero value of $empty is passed in, it will include indices for all defined elements.
Likewise, if $path refers to a hash, it will return a list of keys. By default, only keys with non-empty values will be returned, but if $empty is non-zero, all existing keys will be returned.
The values method is similar to the keys method, but will return the non-empty values (or all values if $empty is non-zero) in the list, or the hash values. The values can be returned exactly as they are stored, or as a copy if $copy is non-zero.
If $raw is passed in, it works with the raw data instead of the full value with defaults merged in.
- path_values
%ele = $obj->path_values($path [,$empty,$copy]);
This will return a hash of every element with a value at the given path, and the value stored there. By default, only elements with non-empty values will be added to the hash, but if $empty is passed in, then even elements with empty values will be included.
If $copy is non-zero, copies of the values, rather than the values themselves, will be stored as values in the returned hash.
- delete_ele
This deletes the element named $ele. This only affects the working copy of the data. To actually save the data, use the save method.
- rename_ele
This renames an element from $ele to $newele. It sets an error code if the operation cannot be performed because there is already an element named $newele. This only affects the working copy of the data. To actually save the data, use the save method.
The rename_ele method is not applicable to a file containing an unordered list of elements since the order of the elements is not currently used. It MAY be used on an ordered list.
- add_ele
$obj->add_ele([$ele,] $nds [,$new]);
This adds a new element to the list. The new element is checked for validity, and then added. Note that the element is not actually stored in the data file. Use the save method to do that.
Because the NDS does not have defaults applied, the new element may have additional data present once defaults are applied.
If the data file consists of list of elements, $ele is optional. If it is absent, the new element is pushed onto the end of the list. If it is present, there are some differences between unordered and ordered lists are handled.
When $ele is present for an unordered list, $ele must refer to an existing element. The new element is inserted into the list before this element.
When $ele is present for an ordered list, $ele may refer to an existing, but empty element. In this case, the new element is put there. $ele may refer to a non-existant element (i.e. an element past the end of the list), in which case the element is put there. If $ele refers to an existing, and non-empty element, the new element is inserted into the list before that element and all higher elements are shifted to one higher position.
If the data file contains a hash, the $ele arguement is required to be the name of a new or empty element.
- copy_ele
$obj->copy_ele($ele [,$newele]);
This will create a new element which is a copy of another element. The new element is created in the same way as the add_ele method based on the value of $newele and the type of data.
- update_ele
$obj->update_ele($ele,$path); $obj->update_ele($ele,$path,$val [,$new] [,$ruleset]);
This will set the value for an element at a given path. This only affects the working copy of the data. To actually save the data, use the save method.
If $val is not passed in, the given path will be erased from the element. It should be noted that the path is only removed from the raw data. If a value is supplied by a default element, it is not erased.
If $val is passed in, it will be stored at the given path, provided it has the correct structure.
By default, when updating an element, the new value will replace any existing value. If a ruleset is passed in, the new value will be merged into the existing element using those rules.
- is_default_value
$flag = $obj->is_default_value($ele,$path);
This returns 0 if the value stored at $path is in the raw data (i.e. is included in the explicitly defined values for the element) or 1 if it is not stored (i.e. the value was provided by a default element).
- dump
$string = $obj->dump($ele,$path,%opts);
This will create a string containing the value of the given element at the given path. %opts is a set of options suitable for passing to the print method in the Data::NDS module.
- save
This will save all modified data sources. Although typically called at the end of a program, it can safely be called at any time.
Any method not documented here, especially those beginning with an underscore (_), are for internal use only. Please do not use them. Absolutely no support is offered for them.
Each error code produced by a method in the Data::NDS::Multiele module is prefixed by the characters "nme", followed by a 3 character operation code which tells what type of operation failed, followed by 2 digits.
The following error codes are used to identify problems working with files containing data:
nmefil01 A file has already been set for this object.
Each Multiele object can read a single file.
nmefil02 The file was not found.
nmefil03 The file not readable.
nmefil04 The file is not a valid YAML file containing either
a list or a hash.
nmefil05 An invalid element is in the file. An invalid
element is one in which the structure differs
from other elements read in previously.
nmefil06 An operation has been done before a file
was set for the object.
nmefil07 Unable to backup data file before saving a new
nmefil08 Unable to write data file.
nmefil09 It is not valid to specify ordered for a file
containing a hash. Ordered only applies to lists.
The following error codes are related to default element handling:
nmedef01 Element name required for hashes when specifying
default elements.
nmedef02 The named element does not exist and cannot be
used for a default element.
nmedef03 An invalid ruleset specified for merging defaults.
nmedef04 An invalid path specified in a default condition.
nmedef06 An undefined/empty element may not be used as
a default.
The following error codes are related to accessing an element by name:
nmeele01 The specified element does not exist.
nmeele02 Attempt to overwrite an existing element.
nmeele03 An element must be included when adding to a hash.
nmeele04 Attempt to add element to an unordered list using
a non-existant element.
The following error codes are related to accessing data elements:
nmeacc01 When specifying conditions, an even number of
arguments is required.
nmeacc02 When specifying conditions, a valid path is
nmeacc03 Attempt to access data with an invalid path.
nmeacc04 The path does not exist in this element.
nmeacc05 Keys method may not be used with a scalar path.
nmeacc06 Values method may not be used with a scalar path.
The following error codes refer to problems that occur in working with an NDS in the operation:
nmends01 The NDS has an invalid structure.
nmends02 Problem encountered while erasing a path.
nmends03 The value had an invalid structure.
Additional misc. error codes are:
nmeerr01 An invalid ruleset was passed in.
nmeerr02 Cannot call ordered_list after a file is read.
nmeerr03 An existing element is required when inserting
a new element into a list.
nmeerr04 Attempt to delete an element outside of a list.
If you find a bug in this module, please send it directly to me (see the AUTHOR section below). Alternately, you can submit it on CPAN. This can be done at the following URL:
Please do not use other means to report bugs (such as usenet newsgroups, or forums for a specific OS or linux distribution) as it is impossible for me to keep up with all of them.
When filing a bug report, please include the following information:
The version of the module you are using. You can get this by using the script:
use Data::NDS::Multiele; $obj = new Data::NDS::Multiele; print $obj->version(),"\n";
The output from "perl -V"
If you have a problem using the module that perhaps isn't a bug (can't figure out the syntax, etc.), you're in the right place. Go right back to the top of this manual and start reading. If this still doesn't answer your question, mail me directly.
None at this point.
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Sullivan Beck (