A list of all timezone abbreviations
describes date calculations
changes in Date::Manip 5.xx
describes differences between 5.xx and 6.00
changes in Date::Manip 6.xx
Date::Manip configuration
sample config file
examples of how to use Date::Manip
describes holidays and events
language support for Date::Manip
how to upgrade from 5.xx to 6.00
Miscellaneous information about Date::Manip
A description of the various Date::Manip objects
problems and bugs
Date manipulation routines
Base methods for date manipulation
Date manipulation routines
A list of all timezone abbreviations
Date manipulation routines
Methods for working with dates
Methods for working with deltas
Catalan language support.
Danish language support.
Dutch language support.
English language support.
Finnish language support.
French language support.
German language support.
An index of languages supported by Date::Manip
Italian language support.
Norwegian language support.
Polish language support.
Portuguese language support.
Romanian language support.
Russian language support.
Spanish language support.
Swedish language support.
Turkish language support.
Base class for Date::Manip objects
methods for working with recurring events
an interface to the time zone data
Methods common to the TZ and Base classes
Internal module for working with the tzdata files
Time zone information