Changes for version 3.00 - 2010-02-10
- took over maintenance of the code
- all codes and country names come from the official standards
- code2country now returns the name of the country specified in the standard (if the different standards refer to the country by different variations in the name, the results will differe based on the CODESET)
- added code sets FIPS 10 country codes Alpha-3 and Term language codes Numeric currency codes
- The rename_country funcion from 2.07 would guess the CODESET (unlike all other functions which used a default of LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2). The guess can cause problems since (with the addition of FIPS) codes may appear in different codesets for different countries. The behavior has been changed to be the same as other functions (default to LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2).
- Dropped support for _alias_code
- Added language_code2code, currency_code2code
details important changes after 2.07
a distribution of modules to handle locale codes
constants for Locale codes
standard codes for country identification
country codes for the Locale::Country module
standard codes for currency identification
currency codes for the Locale::Currency module
standard codes for language identification
language codes for the Locale::Language module
standard codes for script identification
script codes for the Locale::Script module