a description of the callable function in each module
details changes to Locale::Codes
a distribution of modules to handle locale codes
constants for Locale codes
standard codes for country identification
country codes for the Locale::Codes::Country module
retired country codes for the Locale::Codes::Country module
standard codes for currency identification
currency codes for the Locale::Codes::Currency module
retired currency codes for the Locale::Codes::Currency module
standard codes for language extension identification
langext codes for the Locale::Codes::LangExt module
retired langext codes for the Locale::Codes::LangExt module
standard codes for language extension identification
langfam codes for the Locale::Codes::LangFam module
retired langfam codes for the Locale::Codes::LangFam module
standard codes for language variation identification
langvar codes for the Locale::Codes::LangVar module
retired langvar codes for the Locale::Codes::LangVar module
standard codes for language identification
language codes for the Locale::Codes::Language module
retired language codes for the Locale::Codes::Language module
standard codes for script identification
script codes for the Locale::Codes::Script module
retired script codes for the Locale::Codes::Script module
standard codes for country identification
standard codes for currency identification
standard codes for language identification
standard codes for script identification