App::Phoebe::SpeedBump - defend Phoebe against bots and leeches


We want to block crawlers that are too fast or that don’t follow the instructions in robots.txt. We do this by keeping a list of recent visitors: for every IP number, we remember the timestamps of their last visits. If they make more than 30 requests in 60s, we block them for an ever increasing amount of seconds, starting with 60s and doubling every time this happens.

For every IP number, Phoebe also records whether the last 30 requests were “suspicious” or not. A suspicious request is a request that is “disallowed” for bots according to “robots.txt” (more or less). If 10 requests or more of the last 30 requests in the last 60 seconds are suspicious, the IP number is blocked.

When an IP number is blocked, it is blocked for 60s, and there’s a 120s probation time. When you’re blocked, Phoebe responds with a “44” response. This means: slow down!

If the IP number is unblocked but gives cause for another block in the probation time, it is blocked again and the blocking time is doubled: the IP is blocked for 120s and there’s 240s probation time. And if it happens again, it is doubled again.

There is no configuration required, but adding a known fingerprint is suggested. The /do/speed-bump URL shows you more information, if you have a client certificate with a known fingerprint.

The exact number of requests and the length of the time window (in seconds) can be changed in the config file, too.

Here’s one way to do all that:

package App::Phoebe;
our @known_fingerprints = qw(
package App::Phoebe::SpeedBump;
our $speed_bump_requests = 20;
our $speed_bump_window = 20;
use App::Phoebe::SpeedBump;

Here’s how to get the fingerprint from a certificate named client-cert.pem:

openssl x509 -in client-cert.pem -noout -sha256 -fingerprint \
| sed -e 's/://g' -e 's/SHA256 Fingerprint=/sha256$/' \
| tr [:upper:] [:lower:]

This should give you the fingerprint in the correct format to add to the list above.