This library offers a perl interface to National Instrument's NI-VISA library.
With this library you can easily control the instruments in your lab (multimeters, voltage sources, magnet sources, pulse generators etc.) with Perl. You can perform complicated measurement jobs with just some Perl loops.
Even better: The Lab::Instrument class reduces the communication overhead to simple read, write and query methods. On top of this, there are specialized instrument classes (virtual instruments) such as Lab::Instrument::HP34401A, that offer even more high level comfort with methods such as read_voltage.
The Lab::Tools package offers classes to simplify the task of logging data to disk and maintaining this data.
This library has been tested to work on Linux and Windows.
A step-by-step installation tutorial for Windows is given below.
As a Linux user you will probably be able to figure out things yourself. Before you start, you must have the VISA library by National Instrument installed. If you plan to use GPIB connections (which is very likely), you must also have the necessary drivers (NI-488.2) for your GPIB adapter card installed. Refer to the good documentation by National Instrument to learn about these packages. See National Instrument's website at
A general introduction to using Lab::Visa is given in Lab::VISA::Tutorial. There is also a powerpoint presentation at "Talk/Lab-VISA.ppt" in Tutorial. The shown examples are located in the Tutorial
directory of this package. A description of the various APIs can be found in the respective POD sections, i.e. at Lab::VISA.
In case you encounter any problems, you are encouraged to use a public forum for discussion. This way future users will be able to take advantage of your findings.
There is a mailing list set up for Lab::VISA at
A webbased discussion forum (that can be reached from the CPAN page) is located at
Bugs can be reported to
You will also find that the authors of this package are always happy to receive feedback.
Instructions for installing Lab::VISA, Lab::Instrument, Lab::Tools, and dependencies on a Windows XP system.
- 0
Work with administrator account during installation.
- 1
Install VISA (and GPIB drivers) if necessary.
Download current VISA release from NI (tested with 4.4.1, 4.5.0)
Run installer
Check location of visa32.lib (eg. C:\Programme\IVI Foundation\VISA\WinNT\lib\msc\visa32.lib) and remember for later.
- 2
Install Microsoft Visual C++ from
From now on run all commandline programs during installation only from the "Visual Studio Command line", which can be found in the Start menu.
- 3
Install Perl.
Tested with ActivePerl from
Make sure to include Perl Package Manager.
Make sure to activate the check box to include perl directory in PATH variable.
- 4
Install gnuplot
Download from (
Extract and put it somewhere
Add directory containing pgnuplot.exe to path: My Computer => Properties => Advanced => Environment Variables
- 5
Install dependencies of our perl modules. Depending on how familiar you are with the perl infrastructure, the easiest might be to use PPM, the Perl Package Manager included with ActivePerl.
Lab::Tools needs
XML::Generator (PPM would write it as XML-Generator)
- 6
Install Lab::VISA
Unzip/copy sources
In file
adapt the LIBS and INC settings according to your installation (the location looked up above). This is what worked for me:'LIBS' => ['-"lC:\\Programme\\IVI Foundation\\VISA\\WinNT\\lib\\msc\\visa32.lib"'] 'INC' => '"-IC:\\Programme\\IVI Foundation\\VISA\\WinNT\\include"'
Run the following commands in the source directory
perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake install
- 7
Install Lab::Instrument and Lab::Tools
Unzip/copy sources
Run the following commands in the source directory
perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build install
- 8
Have fun!
(c) 2004-2006 Daniel Schröer
(c) 2007-2010 Daniel Schröer, Andreas Hüttel, Daniela Taubert, and others
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
9 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 67:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 88:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 95:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 115:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 136:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 164:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 192:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 212:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 220:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Schröer'. Assuming CP1252