DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::Authoring - Authoring the language metadata


Whenever a language is provided via the lang parameter to DateTime::Format::Natural's constructor new, parse_datetime will subsequently use the translation metadata found within, for example, DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN, if we chosen the english language.


The layout of a translation class will be explained by examining the class providing the english metadata, DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN:

The header should somehow resemble following piece of code:

package DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::EN;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::Base);

our $VERSION = '0.9';

our (%data_weekdays, %data_months, %main, %ago, %now, %daytime, %months,
     %number, %at, %this_in, %next, %last, %day, %setyearday);

Substitute EN with the appropriate language code. Use $VERSION = '0.1' if it's a initial release, otherwise replace it with your custom version number.

    my $i = 1;

    %data_weekdays = map { $_ => $i++ } qw(Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
                                           Friday Saturday Sunday);
    $i = 1;

    %data_months = map { $_ => $i++ } qw(January February March April
                                         May June July August September
                                         October November December);

Replace %data_weekdays with the weekdays in your language chosen. The same with %data_months concerning months.

%timespan = ('literal' => 'to');

The timespan definition. 'literal' is needed as key, only the value ('to') may be changed.

%main = ('second'         => qr/^second$/i,
         'ago'            => qr/^ago$/i,
         'now'            => qr/^now$/i,
         'daytime'        => [qr/^(?:morning|afternoon|evening)$/i],
         'months'         => [qw(in this)],
         'at_intro'       => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?!\d|st|nd|rd|th)(\:\d{2})?(am|pm)?|((?<!after)noon|midnight)$/i,
         'at_matches'     => [qw(day in month)],
         'number_intro'   => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)? ?$/i,
         'number_matches' => [qw(day week month in)],
         'weekdays'       => qr/^(?:this|next|last)$/i,
         'this_in'        => qr/^(?:this|in)$/i,
         'next'           => qr/^next$/i,
         'last'           => qr/^last$/i,

This is the hash which contains the regular expressions for the parse_datetime() routine in DateTime::Format::Natural.

%ago = ('hour'  => qr/^hour(?:s)?$/i,
        'day'   => qr/^day(?:s)?$/i,
        'week'  => qr/^week(?:s)?$/i,
        'month' => qr/^month(?:s)?$/i,
        'year'  => qr/^year(?:s)?$/i,

%ago contains the regular expressions for strings such as 1 hour ago, 10 weeks ago & 3 years ago.

%now = ('day'    => qr/^day(?:s)?$/i,
        'week'   => qr/^week(?:s)?$/i,
        'month'  => qr/^month(?:s)?$/i,
        'year'   => qr/^year(?:s)?$/i,
        'before' => qr/^before$/i,
        'from'   => qr/^from$/i,

%now contains the regular expressions for strings such as 1 day before now, 4 months from now & 3 years from now.

%daytime = ('tokens'     => [ qr/\d/, qr/^in$/i, qr/^the$/i ],
            'morning'    => qr/^morning$/i,
            'afternoon'  => qr/^afternoon$/i,

%daytime contains the regular expressions for strings such as 7 in the morning & 4 in the afternoon.

%months = ('number' => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)? ?$/i);

%months contains the regular expression for matching days within a month.

%number = ('month'  => qr/month(?:s)/i,
           'hour'   => qr/hour(?:s)/i,
           'before' => qr/before/i,
           'after'  => qr/after/i,

%number contains the regular expressions for strings such as 7 hours before & 1 month after.

%at = ('noon'     => qr/noon/i,
       'midnight' => qr/midnight/i,

%at contains the regular expressions for strings such as noon & midnight.

%this_in = ('hour'   => qr/hour(?:s)/i,
            'week'   => qr/^week$/i,
            'number' => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)?$/i,

%this_in contains the regular expressions for strings such as in 1 hours & this week.

%next = ('week'   => qr/^week$/i,
         'day'    => qr/^day$/i,
         'month'  => qr/^month$/i,
         'year'   => qr/^year$/i,
         'number' => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)$/,

%next contains the regular expressions for strings such as next week, next day, next month & next year.

%last = ('week'   => qr/^week$/i,
         'day'    => qr/^day$/i,
         'month'  => qr/^month$/i,
         'year'   => qr/^year$/i,
         'number' => qr/^(\d{1,2})(?:st|nd|rd|th)$/,

%last contains the regular expressions for strings such as last week, last day, last month & last year.

%day = ('init'         => qr/^(?:today|yesterday|tomorrow)$/i,
        'yesterday'    => qr/yesterday/i,
        'tomorrow'     => qr/tomorrow/i,
        'noonmidnight' => qr/^noon|midnight$/i,

%day contains the regular expressions for strings such as yesterday, tomorrow, noon & midnight.

%setyearday = ('day' => qr/^day$/i,
               'ext' => qr/^(\d{1,3})(?:st|nd|rd|th)$/,

%setyearday sets the year day.


Every package has to return a true value.


DateTime, Date::Calc,


Steven Schubiger <>


This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
