Changes for version 0.91_04 - 2011-01-12
- Merge _daytime_in_the_variant() into _daytime().
- Document for times that precision in seconds may be applied.
Changes for version 0.91_03 - 2011-01-09
- Allow for time regexes to match times with precision in seconds.
- Handle these times in _at_time() and adjust the according post-processed truncate_to options within the grammar entries.
- Remove _time_full() and call _at_time() instead.
- Conditionally truncate to units and remove unit assignments of zero.
- When advancing to future time, omit checking for modified minute.
- Insert and process placeholders for test entries with variable units.
Changes for version 0.91_02 - 2010-12-07
Changes for version 0.91_01 - 2010-12-06
- Enhance parsing <token(s)> <count> combined relative durations; add some regular tests and others for durations expected to succeed.
- Document the new supported kind of durations.
- Move the duration patterns and other metadata to the grammar class and add a nested duration class with the duration checks.
- Invoke the duration checks through a function wrapper.
- Don't parse ambiguous <time>, <monthday> and <month> expressions.
- Shrink date strings in parse_datetime_duration() and fail; reword documentation accordingly.
- Skip documentation tests for non-release testing.
- Test that parse_datetime_duration() shrinks and fails.
- Find module files and names for tests where necessary.
- Bundle common exportable test routines/data with a tag.
- Save the missing trace for present durations.
- Check with anchored regexp tokens in _advance_future().
frontend to DateTime::Format::Natural
Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic
Aliasing of date strings
Basic calculations
Methods with more than one implementation
Duration hooks and state handling
Processing of formatted dates
Various helper methods
Base class for DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang::
English language metadata
Common test routines/data
Handy utility methods
Wrappers for DateTime operations
in lib/DateTime/Format/Natural/Duration/