Changes for version 0.5 - 2004-11-14
- Revised the code
- 0.03b 2003/11/23
- External configuration creator script added
- Configuration file splitted in sections/subsections
- Extensive user HTML manual & reference written
- Changeable ASCII-file value-separator
- Parse the CGI-environment "on-demand"
- Revised source code & comments
- Graphic forms button supportment
- Admin delete guestbook entry - verification mode added
- 0.02a 2003/01/23
- Revised the admin interface
- Dynamic HTML templates implementation
- 0.01a 2001/03/18
- Separated config file implemented
- Implemented basic I/O functions to access ASCII files
- Static HTML implemented
- Admin interface implemented
- Admin session function implemented
- Edit, comment & delete functions implemented
- Ban words & IP's functions implemented
- Emoticons & HTML mode implemented