make2build - create a Build.PL derived from Makefile.PL
./ # In the top level directory of an
# ExtUtils::MakeMaker based distribution
ExtUtils::MakeMaker has been a de-facto standard for the common distribution of Perl modules; Module::Build is expected to supersede ExtUtils::MakeMaker in some time. The transition takes place slowly, as the converting process manually achieved is yet an uncommon practice. This parser is intended to ease the transition process.
The filename of the Makefile script. Defaults to Makefile.PL.
The filename of the Build script. Defaults to Build.PL.
Debugging. If set, created Build script will be printed to STDOUT. Defaults to 0.
Indentation (character width). Defaults to 3.
Data::Dumper indendation mode. Mode 0 will be disregarded in favor of 2. Defaults to 2.
Data::Dumper sort keys. Defaults to 1.
Data section
- argument conversion
MakeMaker arguments followed by their Module::Build equivalents. Converted data structures preserve their native structure, i.e. HASH -> HASH, etc.
NAME module_name PREREQ_PM requires
- default arguments
Module::Build default arguments may be specified as key / value pairs. Arguments attached to multidimensional structures are unsupported.
license perl create_makefile_pl passthrough
- sorting order
Module::Build arguments are sorted as enlisted herein. Additional arguments, that don't occur herein, are lower prioritized and will be inserted in unsorted order after preceedeingly sorted arguments.
module_name license requires create_makefile_pl
- prelude
Code that preceeds Module::Build arguments.
use Module::Build; my $b = Module::Build->new $INDENT(
- epilogue
Code that follows Module::Build arguments.
$INDENT); $b->create_build_script;