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Data::DPath - DPath is not XPath!


    use Data::DPath 'dpath';
    my $data  = {
                 AAA  => { BBB => { CCC  => [ qw/ XXX YYY ZZZ / ] },
                           RRR => { CCC  => [ qw/ RR1 RR2 RR3 / ] },
                           DDD => { EEE  => [ qw/ uuu vvv www / ] },
    @resultlist = dpath('/AAA/*/CCC')->match($data);   # ( ['XXX', 'YYY', 'ZZZ'], [ 'RR1', 'RR2', 'RR3' ] )
    $resultlist = $data ~~ dpath '/AAA/*/CCC';         # [ ['XXX', 'YYY', 'ZZZ'], [ 'RR1', 'RR2', 'RR3' ] ]

See currently working paths in t/data_dpath.t.


 perl Makefile.PL
 make test
 make install


dpath( $path )

Meant as the front end function for everyday use of Data::DPath. It takes a path string and returns a Data::DPath::Path object on which the match method can be called with data structures and the operator ~~ is overloaded. See SYNOPSIS.


match( $data, $path )

Returns an array of all values in $data that match the $path.

get_context( $path )

Returns a Data::DPath::Context object that matches the path and can be used to incrementally dig into it.



Does a match of a dpath against a data structure.

Due to the matching nature of DPath the operator ~~ should make your code more readable. It works commutative (meaning data ~~ dpath is the same as dpath ~~ data).



... TODO ...

Special elements

  • //

    (not yet implemented)

    Anchors to any hash or array inside the data structure below the current step (or the root).

    Typically used at the start of a path to anchor the path anywhere instead of only the root node:


    but can also happen inside paths to skip middle parts:


    This allows any way between BBB and FARAWAY.

  • *

    (only partially implemented)

    Matches one step of any value relative to the current step (or the root). This step might be any hash key or all values of an array in the step before.

Difference between /part[filter] vs. /part/[filter] vs. /part/*[filter]

... TODO ...


(not yet implemented)

Filters are conditions in brackets. They apply to all elements that are directly found by the path part to which the filter is appended.

Internally the filter condition is part of a grep construct (exception: single integers, they choose array elements). See below.



A single integer as filter means choose an element from an array. So the * finds all subelements on current step and the [2] reduces them to only the third element (index starts at 0).

/FOO[ref eq 'ARRAY']/

The FOO is a step that matches a hash key FOO and the filter only takes the element if it is an 'ARRAY'.

See Filter functions for more functions like isa and ref.

Filter functions

(not yet implemented)

The filter condition is internally part of a grep over the current subset of values. So you can also use the variable $_ in it:

  /*[$_->isa eq 'Some::Class']/

Additional filter functions are available that are usually prototyped to take $_ by default:


The index of an element. So these two filters are equivalent:

 /*[index == 2]/

Perl's ref.


Perl's isa.

Special characters

There are 4 special characters: the slash /, paired brackets [], the double-quote " and the backslash \. They are needed and explained in a logical order.

Path parts are divided by the slash </>.

A path part can be extended by a filter with appending an expression in brackets [].

To contain slashes in hash keys, they can be surrounded by double quotes ".

To contain double-quotes in hash keys they can be escaped with backslash \.

Backslashes in path parts don't need to be escaped, except before escaped quotes (but see below on Backslash handling).

Filters of parts are already sufficiently divided by the brackets []. There is no need to handle special characters in them, not even double-quotes. The filter expression just needs to be balanced on the brackets.

So this is the order how to create paths:

1. backslash double-quotes that are part of the key
2. put double-quotes around the resulting key
3. append the filter expression after the key
4. separate several path parts with slashes

Backslash handling

If you know backslash in Perl strings, skip this paragraph, it should be the same.

It is somewhat difficult to create a backslash directly before a quoted double-quote.

Inside the DPath language the typical backslash rules of apply that you already know from Perl single quoted strings. The challenge is to specify such strings inside Perl programs where another layer of this backslashing applies.

Without quotes it's all easy. Both a single backslash \ and a double backslash \\ get evaluated to a single backslash \.

Extreme edge case by example: To specify a plain hash key like this:


where the quotes are part of the key, you need to escape the quotes and the backslash:


Now put quotes around that to use it as DPath hash key:


and if you specify this in a Perl program you need to additionally escape the backslashes (i.e., double their count):


As you can see, strangely, this backslash escaping is only needed on backslashes that are not standing alone. The first backslash before the first escaped double-quote is ok to be a single backslash.

All strange, isn't it? At least it's (hopefully) consistent with something you know (Perl, Shell, etc.).


Steffen Schwigon, <schwigon at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-dpath at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Data::DPath

You can also look for information at:


The public repository is hosted on github:

  git clone git://


Copyright 2008 Steffen Schwigon.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.