# XFig Drawing Library
# Copyright (c) 2017 D Scott Guthridge <scott_guthridge@rompromity.net>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the Artistic License as published by the Perl Foundation, either
# version 2.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Artistic License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Artistic License along with this
our $VERSION = 'v1.0.3';
use strict;
use Carp;
# RE_INT: regular expression matching an integer
my $RE_INT = "(?:(?:[-+]?)(?:[0123456789]+))";
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::generalToCanonical
# ( $A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $F )
# Returns:
# ( $a, $b, $xc, $yc, $rotation )
sub generalToCanonical {
my ($A, $B, $C, $D, $E, $F) = @_;
my $d = $B * $B - 4.0 * $A * $C;
if ($d > - Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
croak("given points do not describe a circle or ellipse");
my $p = 2.0 * ($A*$E*$E + $C*$D*$D - $B*$D*$E + $d*$F);
my $q = $A + $C;
my $r = sqrt(($A - $C) * ($A - $C) + $B * $B);
my $a = -sqrt($p * ($q + $r)) / $d;
my $b = -sqrt($p * ($q - $r)) / $d;
my $xc = (2*$C*$D - $B*$E) / $d;
my $yc = (2*$A*$E - $B*$D) / $d;
my $rotation;
if (abs($B) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
if ($A <= $C) {
$rotation = 0;
} else {
$rotation = pi / 2.0;
} else {
$rotation = atan2(-($C - $A - $r) / $B, 1.0);
return ($a, $b, $xc, $yc, $rotation);
# Graphics::Fig::_convertCircleSubtype
# $self: class instance
# $prefix: error message prefix
# $value: {radius|diameter}
# $context: parameter context
sub _convertCircleSubtype {
my $self = shift;
my $prefix = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $context = shift;
if ($value eq "radius") {
return 3;
if ($value eq "diameter") {
return 4;
if ($value =~ m/^$RE_INT$/) {
if ($value != 3 && $value != 4) {
croak("${prefix}: ${value}: error: " .
"expected integer between 3 and 4");
return $value;
croak("${prefix}: ${value}: error: expected {radius|diameter}");
# Graphics::Fig::_convertEllipseSubtype
# $self: class instance
# $prefix: error message prefix
# $value: {radius|diameter}
# $context: parameter context
sub _convertEllipseSubtype {
my $self = shift;
my $prefix = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $context = shift;
if ($value eq "radii") {
return 1;
if ($value eq "diameters") {
return 2;
if ($value =~ m/^$RE_INT$/) {
if ($value != 1 && $value != 2) {
croak("${prefix}: ${value}: error: " .
"expected integer between 1 and 2");
return $value;
croak("${prefix}: ${value}: error: expected {radii|diameters}");
my @EllipseCommonParameters = (
\%Graphics::Fig::Parameters::UnitsParameter, # must be first
\%Graphics::Fig::Parameters::PositionParameter, # must be second
# Circle Parameters
my %CircleParameterTemplate = (
positional => {
"." => [ "d" ],
"@" => [ "points" ],
named => [
name => "subtype",
convert => \&_convertCircleSubtype,
name => "d",
aliases => [ "diameter" ],
convert => \&Graphics::Fig::Parameters::convertLength,
name => "r",
aliases => [ "radius" ],
convert => \&Graphics::Fig::Parameters::convertLength,
# Ellipse Parameters
my %EllipseParameterTemplate = (
positional => {
".." => [ "a", "b" ],
"..." => [ "a", "b", "rotation" ],
"@" => [ "points" ],
named => [
name => "subtype",
convert => \&_convertEllipseSubtype,
name => "a",
convert => \&Graphics::Fig::Parameters::convertLength,
name => "b",
convert => \&Graphics::Fig::Parameters::convertLength,
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::circle constructor
# $proto: prototype
# $fig: parent object
# @parameters: circle parameters
sub circle {
my $proto = shift;
my $fig = shift;
# Parse parameters.
my %parameters;
my $stack = ${$fig}{"stack"};
my $tos = ${$stack}[$#{$stack}];
eval {
Graphics::Fig::Parameters::parse($fig, "circle",
${$tos}{"options"}, \%parameters, @_);
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s/ at [^\s]* line \d+\.\n//;
# Construct the object. Undefined parameters are set below.
my $self = {
subtype => undef,
center => undef,
a => undef,
b => undef,
rotation => undef,
lineStyle => $parameters{"lineStyle"},
lineThickness => $parameters{"lineThickness"},
penColor => $parameters{"penColor"},
fillColor => $parameters{"fillColor"},
depth => $parameters{"depth"},
areaFill => $parameters{"areaFill"},
styleVal => $parameters{"styleVal"},
# If "r" or "d" given, set $r to radius and $dr to "r" or "d",
# respectively.
my $r;
my $dr;
if (defined($parameters{"r"})) {
if (defined($parameters{"d"})) {
croak("circle: error: r and d cannot be given together");
$r = $parameters{"r"};
$dr = "r";
} elsif (defined($parameters{"d"})) {
$r = $parameters{"d"} / 2.0;
$dr = "d";
# Set subtype.
if (defined($parameters{"subtype"})) {
${$self}{"subtype"} = $parameters{"subtype"};
} elsif (defined($dr) && $dr eq "d") {
${$self}{"subtype"} = 4;
} else {
${$self}{"subtype"} = 3;
# Find circle from points.
if (defined(my $points = $parameters{"points"})) {
# Diameter or radius cannot be given with points.
if (defined($r)) {
croak("circle: ${dr} and points cannot be given together");
# One point
if (@{$points} == 1) {
# Find the center.
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
${$self}{"center"} = $parameters{"center"};
} else {
${$self}{"center"} = $parameters{"position"};
# Find radius as the length of the vector relative to center.
my $dx = ${$points}[0][0] - ${$self}{"center"}[0];
my $dy = ${$points}[0][1] - ${$self}{"center"}[1];
my $a = sqrt($dx*$dx + $dy*$dy);
${$self}{"a"} = $a;
${$self}{"b"} = $a;
# rotation set below
# Three points: calc circle from three arbitrary points.
} elsif (@{$points} == 3) {
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
croak("circle: error: center may not be given with " .
"three points");
# Let A = 1. Solve for D, E and F:
# D x1 + E y1 + F == -(x1^2 + y1^2)
# D x2 + E y2 + F == -(x2^2 + y2^2)
# D x3 + E y3 + F == -(x3^2 + y3^2)
my $x1 = ${$points}[0][0];
my $y1 = ${$points}[0][1];
my $x2 = ${$points}[1][0];
my $y2 = ${$points}[1][1];
my $x3 = ${$points}[2][0];
my $y3 = ${$points}[2][1];
my @M = (
[ $x1, $y1, 1, -($x1*$x1 + $y1*$y1) ],
[ $x2, $y2, 1, -($x2*$x2 + $y2*$y2) ],
[ $x3, $y3, 1, -($x3*$x3 + $y3*$y3) ],
my $d = Graphics::Fig::Matrix::reduce(\@M);
if (abs($d) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
croak("arc: error: singular matrix");
my $D = $M[0][3];
my $E = $M[1][3];
my $F = $M[2][3];
# Convert to canonical form. Returned rotation is
# always zero -- ignore it.
my ($a, $b, $xc, $yc, $dummy_rotation) =
&generalToCanonical(1, 0, 1, $D, $E, $F);
die "$a != $b" unless $a == $b;
die "rotation = $dummy_rotation" unless $dummy_rotation == 0.0;
${$self}{"center"} = [ $xc, $yc ];
${$self}{"a"} = $a;
${$self}{"b"} = $a;
# rotation set below
} else {
croak("circle: error: expected either 1 or 3 points");
# Find the rotation.
die unless ref(${$self}{"center"}) eq "ARRAY";
if (defined($parameters{"rotation"})) {
${$self}{"rotation"} = $parameters{"rotation"};
} else {
my $dx = ${$points}[0][0] - ${$self}{"center"}[0];
my $dy = ${$points}[0][1] - ${$self}{"center"}[1];
${$self}{"rotation"} = atan2(-$dy, $dx);
} else {
# Make sure r or d was given.
if (!defined($r)) {
croak("circle: error: expected r, d or points");
# Find the center.
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
${$self}{"center"} = $parameters{"center"};
} else {
${$self}{"center"} = $parameters{"position"};
# Set the axes.
${$self}{"a"} = $r;
${$self}{"b"} = $r;
# Find the rotation.
if (defined($parameters{"rotation"})) {
${$self}{"rotation"} = $parameters{"rotation"};
} else {
${$self}{"rotation"} = 0;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
bless($self, $class);
push(@{${$tos}{"objects"}}, $self);
return $self;
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::ellipse constructor
# $proto: prototype
# $fig: parent object
# @parameters: ellipse parameters
sub ellipse {
my $proto = shift;
my $fig = shift;
# Parse parameters.
my %parameters;
my $stack = ${$fig}{"stack"};
my $tos = ${$stack}[$#{$stack}];
eval {
Graphics::Fig::Parameters::parse($fig, "ellipse",
${$tos}{"options"}, \%parameters, @_);
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s/ at [^\s]* line \d+\.\n//;
# Construct the object. Undefined parameters are set below.
my $self = {
subtype => undef,
center => undef,
a => undef,
b => undef,
rotation => undef,
lineStyle => $parameters{"lineStyle"},
lineThickness => $parameters{"lineThickness"},
penColor => $parameters{"penColor"},
fillColor => $parameters{"fillColor"},
depth => $parameters{"depth"},
areaFill => $parameters{"areaFill"},
styleVal => $parameters{"styleVal"},
# Find the subtype.
if (defined($parameters{"subtype"})) {
${$self}{"subtype"} = $parameters{"subtype"};
} else {
${$self}{"subtype"} = 1;
# Find ellipse from points.
if (defined(my $points = $parameters{"points"})) {
if (defined($parameters{"a"}) || defined($parameters{"b"})) {
croak("ellipse: axes and points cannot be given together");
# Two points: calculate ellipse from 2 points, center and rotation.
# Requires (x1^2 - x2^2)(y1^2 - y2^2) < 0 after rotating the major
# axis to an x or y axis.
if (@{$points} == 2) {
# Find the center.
my ($xc, $yc);
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"center"}};
} else {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"position"}};
${$self}{"center"} = [ $xc, $yc ];
# Translate the points to center.
my $x1 = ${$points}[0][0] - $xc;
my $y1 = ${$points}[0][1] - $yc;
my $x2 = ${$points}[1][0] - $xc;
my $y2 = ${$points}[1][1] - $yc;
# Find the rotation. If not given, calculate it from the
# first point.
my $rotation;
if (!defined($rotation = $parameters{"rotation"})) {
$rotation = atan2(-$y1, $x1);
${$self}{"rotation"} = $rotation;
# Rotate the ellipse clockwise to place major axis along
# the x-axis.
my $c = cos($rotation);
my $s = sin($rotation);
( $x1, $y1 ) = ( $c * $x1 - $s * $y1, $s * $x1 + $c * $y1 );
( $x2, $y2 ) = ( $c * $x2 - $s * $y2, $s * $x2 + $c * $y2 );
# Let A = 1. Solve for C and F:
# C y1^2 + F == -x1^2
# C y2^2 + F == -x2^2
my @M = (
[ $y1*$y1, 1, -$x1*$x1 ],
[ $y2*$y2, 1, -$x2*$x2 ],
my $d = Graphics::Fig::Matrix::reduce(\@M);
if (abs($d) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
croak("ellipse: error: singular matrix");
my $C = $M[0][2];
my $F = $M[1][2];
my ($a, $b, $dummy_xc, $dummy_yc, $dummy_rotation) =
&generalToCanonical(1, 0, $C, 0.0, 0.0, $F);
die unless abs($dummy_xc) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS;
die unless abs($dummy_yc) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS;
# Swap $a and $b if the minor diagonal is larger than the
# major diagonal, i.e. dummy_rotation is not zero.
if (1.0 > $C) {
($a, $b) = ($b, $a);
${$self}{"a"} = $a;
${$self}{"b"} = $b;
${$self}{"rotation"} = $rotation;
# Three points: calculate ellipse from 3 arbitrary points and center.
} elsif (@{$points} == 3) {
if (defined($parameters{"rotation"})) {
croak("ellipse: error: rotation may not be given " .
"with 3 points");
# Find the center.
my ($xc, $yc);
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"center"}};
} else {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"position"}};
${$self}{"center"} = [ $xc, $yc ];
# Find the three vectors relative to center.
my $x1 = ${$points}[0][0] - $xc;
my $y1 = ${$points}[0][1] - $yc;
my $x2 = ${$points}[1][0] - $xc;
my $y2 = ${$points}[1][1] - $yc;
my $x3 = ${$points}[2][0] - $xc;
my $y3 = ${$points}[2][1] - $yc;
# Let A = 1. Solve for B, C and F:
# B x1 y1 + C y1^2 + F == -x1^2
# B x2 y2 + C y2^2 + F == -x2^2
# B x3 y1 + C y3^2 + F == -x3^2
my @M = (
[ $x1*$y1, $y1*$y1, 1, -$x1*$x1 ],
[ $x2*$y2, $y2*$y2, 1, -$x2*$x2 ],
[ $x3*$y3, $y3*$y3, 1, -$x3*$x3 ],
my $d = Graphics::Fig::Matrix::reduce(\@M);
if (abs($d) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
croak("ellipse: error: singular matrix");
my $B = $M[0][3];
my $C = $M[1][3];
my $F = $M[2][3];
my ($a, $b, $dummy_xc, $dummy_yc, $rotation) =
&generalToCanonical(1, $B, $C, 0.0, 0.0, $F);
die unless abs($dummy_xc) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS;
die unless abs($dummy_yc) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS;
${$self}{"a"} = $a;
${$self}{"b"} = $b;
${$self}{"rotation"} = $rotation;
} elsif (@{$points} == 5) {
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
croak("ellipse: error: center may not be given " .
"with 3 points");
if (defined($parameters{"rotation"})) {
croak("ellipse: error: rotation may not be given " .
"with 3 points");
# Find the vectors relative to the figure origin.
my $x1 = ${$points}[0][0];
my $y1 = ${$points}[0][1];
my $x2 = ${$points}[1][0];
my $y2 = ${$points}[1][1];
my $x3 = ${$points}[2][0];
my $y3 = ${$points}[2][1];
my $x4 = ${$points}[3][0];
my $y4 = ${$points}[3][1];
my $x5 = ${$points}[4][0];
my $y5 = ${$points}[4][1];
# Let A = 1. Solve for B, C, D, E and F:
# B x1 y1 + C y1^2 + D x1 + E y1 + F == -x1^2
# B x2 y2 + C y2^2 + D x2 + E y2 + F == -x2^2
# B x3 y3 + C y3^2 + D x3 + E y3 + F == -x3^2
# B x4 y4 + C y4^2 + D x4 + E y4 + F == -x4^2
# B x5 y5 + C y5^2 + D x5 + E y5 + F == -x5^2
my @M = (
[ $x1*$y1, $y1*$y1, $x1, $y1, 1, -$x1*$x1 ],
[ $x2*$y2, $y2*$y2, $x2, $y2, 1, -$x2*$x2 ],
[ $x3*$y3, $y3*$y3, $x3, $y3, 1, -$x3*$x3 ],
[ $x4*$y4, $y4*$y4, $x4, $y4, 1, -$x4*$x4 ],
[ $x5*$y5, $y5*$y5, $x5, $y5, 1, -$x5*$x5 ],
my $d = Graphics::Fig::Matrix::reduce(\@M);
if (abs($d) < Graphics::Fig::Matrix::EPS) {
croak("ellipse: error: singular matrix");
my $B = $M[0][5];
my $C = $M[1][5];
my $D = $M[2][5];
my $E = $M[3][5];
my $F = $M[4][5];
# Convert to canonical form.
my ($a, $b, $xc, $yc, $rotation) =
&generalToCanonical(1, $B, $C, $D, $E, $F);
${$self}{"a"} = $a;
${$self}{"b"} = $b;
${$self}{"center"} = [ $xc, $yc ];
${$self}{"rotation"} = $rotation;
} else {
croak("ellipse: error: expected either 2, 3 or 5 points");
} else {
if (!defined($parameters{"a"}) || !defined($parameters{"b"})) {
croak("ellipse: error: expected (a, b) or points");
# Find the center.
my ($xc, $yc);
if (defined($parameters{"center"})) {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"center"}};
} else {
( $xc, $yc ) = @{$parameters{"position"}};
${$self}{"center"} = [ $xc, $yc ];
# Set axes.
${$self}{"a"} = $parameters{"a"};
${$self}{"b"} = $parameters{"b"};
# Find rotation.
if (defined($parameters{"rotation"})) {
${$self}{"rotation"} = $parameters{"rotation"};
} else {
${$self}{"rotation"} = 0.0;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
bless($self, $class);
push(@{${$tos}{"objects"}}, $self);
return $self;
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::translate
# $self: object
# $parameters: reference to parameter hash
sub translate {
my $self = shift;
my $parameters = shift;
( ${$self}{"center"} ) = Graphics::Fig::Parameters::translatePoints(
$parameters, ${$self}{"center"});
return 1;
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::rotate
# $self: object
# $parameters: reference to parameter hash
sub rotate {
my $self = shift;
my $parameters = shift;
my $rotation = ${$parameters}{"rotation"};
( ${$self}{"center"} ) = Graphics::Fig::Parameters::rotatePoints(
$parameters, ${$self}{"center"});
${$self}{"rotation"} += $rotation;
return 1;
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::scale
# $self: object
# $parameters: reference to parameter hash
sub scale {
my $self = shift;
my $parameters = shift;
my $scale = ${$parameters}{"scale"};
die unless defined($scale);
my $u = ${$scale}[0];
my $v = ${$scale}[1];
# Simple case: scale proportionally. Rotation does not change.
if ($u == $v) {
${$self}{"a"} *= $u;
${$self}{"b"} *= $v;
# General case: calculate new a, b, and rotation from general form.
# It's not sufficient to simply scale a and b by the projection on
# the rotation because when the ellipse is distorted, the position
# of the axes shifts along the perimeter. Note that subtype circle
# becomes an ellipse in "print" if necessary.
} else {
my $a = ${$self}{"a"};
my $b = ${$self}{"b"};
my $c = cos(${$self}{"rotation"});
my $s = sin(${$self}{"rotation"});
my $A = ($a*$a*$s*$s + $b*$b*$c*$c) / ($u*$u);
my $B = 2.0 * ($b*$b - $a*$a) * -$s * $c / ($u*$v);
my $C = ($a*$a*$c*$c + $b*$b*$s*$s) / ($v*$v);
my $F = -$a*$a*$b*$b;
my @R = &generalToCanonical($A, $B, $C, 0.0, 0.0, $F);
${$self}{"a"} = $R[0];
${$self}{"b"} = $R[1];
${$self}{"rotation"} = $R[4];
( ${$self}{"center"} ) = Graphics::Fig::Parameters::scalePoints(
$parameters, ${$self}{"center"});
# Graphics::Fig::Polyline return [[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymax]]
# $self: object
# $parameters: getbbox parameters
sub getbbox {
my $self = shift;
my $parameters = shift;
my $center = ${$self}{"center"};
my $a = ${$self}{"a"};
my $b = ${$self}{"b"};
my $rotation = ${$self}{"rotation"};
my $xc = ${$center}[0];
my $yc = ${$center}[1];
my $c = cos($rotation);
my $s = sin($rotation);
my $dx = sqrt($a*$a*$c*$c + $b*$b*$s*$s);
my $dy = sqrt($b*$b*$c*$c + $a*$a*$s*$s);
return Graphics::Fig::Parameters::getbboxFromPoints(
[ $xc + $dx, $yc ],
[ $xc, $yc + $dy ],
[ $xc - $dx, $yc ],
[ $xc, $yc - $dy ]);
# Graphics::Fig::Ellipse::print
# $self: object
# $fh: referece to output file handle
# $parameters: save parameters
sub print {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $parameters = shift;
my $figPerInch = Graphics::Fig::_figPerInch($parameters);
# If a != b after converting to fig units and the subtype is
# a circle, change it to an ellipse.
my $subtype = ${$self}{"subtype"};
die unless defined(${$self}{"subtype"});
my $scaled_a = sprintf("%.0f", ${$self}{"a"} * $figPerInch);
my $scaled_b = sprintf("%.0f", ${$self}{"b"} * $figPerInch);
if ($scaled_a != $scaled_b) {
if ($subtype == 3) {
$subtype = 1;
} elsif ($subtype == 4) {
$subtype = 2;
# Calculate start and end points.
my $dx = ${$self}{"a"} * cos(${$self}{"rotation"});
my $dy = -${$self}{"a"} * sin(${$self}{"rotation"});
my @start;
if ($subtype & 1) {
@start = @{${$self}{"center"}};
} else {
@start = ( ${${$self}{"center"}}[0] - $dx,
${${$self}{"center"}}[1] - $dy );
my @end = ( ${${$self}{"center"}}[0] + $dx,
${${$self}{"center"}}[1] + $dy );
# Print
printf $fh ("1 %d %d %.0f %d %d %d -1 %d %.3f 1 %.4f " .
"%.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f %.0f\n",
${$self}{"lineThickness"} * 80.0,
${$self}{"styleVal"} * 80.0,
${$self}{"center"}[0] * $figPerInch,
${$self}{"center"}[1] * $figPerInch,
$start[0] * $figPerInch,
$start[1] * $figPerInch,
$end[0] * $figPerInch,
$end[1] * $figPerInch);