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use strict ;
# Local
use App::Framework '+Sql' ;
our $VERSION = '2.00' ;
our $DEBUG=0;
our $APP;
our @info_lines ;
our $progname ;
our $dvb_name ;
# Create application and run it
$APP = App::Framework->new() ;
$APP->go() ;
# Main execution
sub app
my ($app, $opts_href) = @_ ;
# options
# my %opts = $app->options() ;
$DEBUG=$opts_href->{'debug'} ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT->debug($DEBUG) ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT->dvb_debug($opts_href->{'dvb-debug'}) ;
Linux::DVB::DVBT->verbose($opts_href->{'verbose'} ? 2 : 0) ;
# get sql
my $sql = $app->sql() ;
## Create dvb (use first found adapter).
## NOTE: With default object settings, the application will
## die on *any* error, so there is no error checking in this script
my $dvb = Linux::DVB::DVBT->new(
'adapter_num' => $opts_href->{'adapter'},
) ;
$progname = $app->progname ;
$dvb_name = sprintf "DVB%d", $opts_href->{'adapter'} ;
info("===============================================================") ;
info("$progname v$VERSION") ;
info("Linux::DVB::DVBT v$Linux::DVB::DVBT::VERSION") ;
## Get EPG info - automatically tunes the frontend
info("== Locked $dvb_name ==") ;
my ($epg_href, $dates_href) = $dvb->epg() ;
## Release DVB (for next recording)
info("== Released $dvb_name ==") ;
$dvb->dvb_close() ;
$app->prt_data("==EPG==", $epg_href) if $DEBUG>=2 ;
$app->prt_data("==DATES==", $dates_href) if $DEBUG>=3 ;
my $user = $opts_href->{'user'} || Linux::DVB::DVBT::Apps::QuartzPVR::Config::Constants::SQL_USER ;
my $password = $opts_href->{'password'} || Linux::DVB::DVBT::Apps::QuartzPVR::Config::Constants::SQL_PASSWORD ;
if (!$user || !$password)
print "Error: You must specify the MySQL username AND password when using this script outside the PVR suite\n" ;
exit 1 ;
# Set up database
my %sql_vars ;
'database' => $opts_href->{'database'},
'table' => $opts_href->{'table'},
'user' => $user,
'password' => $password,
'trace' => $opts_href->{'debug'},
'trace' => $opts_href->{'dbg-sql'},
'trace_file'=> 'logsql.log',
'debug' => $opts_href->{'dbg-sql'},
'prepare' => {
'insert' => {
'vars' => [qw/pid event channel title date start duration episode num_episodes text genre tva_prog tva_series audio video subtitles/],
'vals' => \%sql_vars,
# Update type, list a var names, where to get values (HASH ref or ARRAY ref), where clause, where names, where to get values, optional table name
'update' => {
'vars' => [qw/event title date start duration text episode num_episodes text genre tva_prog tva_series audio video subtitles/],
'vals' => \%sql_vars,
'where' => {
'vars' => [qw/pid channel/],
'vals' => \%sql_vars
'limit' => 1,
# select type,
'check' => {
'limit' => 1,
'where' => {
'vars' => [qw/pid channel/],
'vals' => \%sql_vars
}, # 'check'
# get channels
'select_channels' => {
'table' => 'channels',
}, # 'prepare'
) ;
### Update database ###
info("Updating database:") ;
## first remove any old entries (> 1 month ago)
if ($opts_href->{'del-old'})
my $del_old_query = "DELETE FROM $opts_href->{table} WHERE ".
$app->sql->do($del_old_query) unless $opts_href->{'skip-sql'} ;
## keep track of how many epg entries we've processed
my $new_eit = 0 ;
# Add data to database
foreach my $chan (sort keys %$epg_href)
#TODO: Ensure channel list is up to date
info(" $chan...") ;
next unless $chan ;
# Remove any information covered by the current epg data
my $del_query = "DELETE FROM $opts_href->{table} WHERE ".
"`channel`='$chan' AND (".
"(`date` = '$dates_href->{$chan}{start_date}' AND `start` >= '$dates_href->{$chan}{start}') ".
"OR (`date` > '$dates_href->{$chan}{start_date}' AND `date` <= '$dates_href->{$chan}{end_date}') ".
")" ;
print "$chan : $del_query\n" if ($opts_href->{'debug'});
$app->sql->do($del_query) unless $opts_href->{'skip-sql'} ;
## skip "unknown" channels i.e. are of the format <tsid>-<pnr>
next if $chan =~ /^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/ ;
print "PROCESSING $chan : \n" if ($opts_href->{'debug'});
## update count
++$new_eit ;
my @sorted ;
foreach my $pid (keys %{$epg_href->{$chan}})
next unless $pid ;
my $entry_href = $epg_href->{$chan}{$pid} ;
# reformat date (make it parseable by Date::Manip)
my $date = reformat_date($entry_href->{'date'}) ;
# cache the start & end date/times
my $dt = parse_date($entry_href->{date}, $entry_href->{start}) ;
$entry_href->{'start_dt_mins'} = dt2mins($dt) ;
@sorted = sort {start_cmp($epg_href->{$chan}{$a}, $epg_href->{$chan}{$b} )} keys %{$epg_href->{$chan}} ;
# do each program
foreach my $pid (@sorted)
next unless $pid ;
my $entry_href = $epg_href->{$chan}{$pid} ;
# date => 18-09-2008,
# start => 23:15,
# end => 03:20,
# duration => 04:05,
# title => Personal Services,
# synopsis => This is a gently witty, if curiously coy, attempt by director
# genre => Film,
my $episode;
my $num_episodes ;
if (exists($entry_href->{'episode'}))
$episode = int($entry_href->{'episode'}) ;
$num_episodes = int($entry_href->{'num_episodes'}) ;
my $episode_str = $episode ? "$episode / $num_episodes" : "" ;
# Copy variables ready for sql ops
sql_prepare_vals($entry_href, \%sql_vars) ;
# ## check for "dodgy" film genre
# if ($sql_vars{'genre'} =~ m/Film/i)
# {
# if (time2mins($sql_vars{'duration'}) <= 60)
# {
# $sql_vars{'genre'} = '' ;
# }
# }
# First check to see if we already have an entry
my @results ;
@results = $app->sql->sth_query_all('check') unless $opts_href->{'skip-sql'} ;
if (@results)
# got it already - do update
info(" Update: $sql_vars{'channel'} [$pid] $entry_href->{'title'} @ $entry_href->{'start'} on $entry_href->{'date'} $episode_str") ;
$app->sql->sth_query('update') unless $opts_href->{'skip-sql'} ;
# new
info(" New: $sql_vars{'channel'} [$pid] $entry_href->{'title'} @ $entry_href->{'start'} on $entry_href->{'date'} $episode_str") ;
$app->sql->sth_query('insert') unless $opts_href->{'skip-sql'} ;
set_times($entry_href) ;
info("#@# $pid | $sql_vars{'channel'} | $entry_href->{'date'} | $entry_href->{'start'} .. $entry_href->{'end'} | $entry_href->{'title'} | ") ;
## Report the total number of progs processed
info("Processed $new_eit programs") ;
## End
info("COMPLETE") ;
# Format a timestamp for the reply
sub timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d", $hour,$min,$sec, $mday,$mon+1,$year+1900;
sub prompt
my $timestamp = timestamp() ;
my $prompt = "[$progname ($$) $timestamp $dvb_name]" ;
return $prompt ;
sub info
my ($msg) = @_ ;
my $prompt = prompt() ;
$msg =~ s/\n/\n$prompt /g ;
print STDERR "$prompt $msg\n" ;
push @info_lines, $msg ;
# send error email
sub error_mail
my ($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) = @_ ;
my $prompt = prompt() ;
my $data = "echo '$error'" ;
my $tmpfile = "/tmp/dvbt-ffrec.$$" ;
if (open my $fh, ">$tmpfile")
print $fh "$error\n\n" ;
foreach (@info_lines)
print $fh "$_\n" ;
close $fh ;
$data = "cat $tmpfile" ;
$tmpfile = undef ;
`$data | mail -s '$prompt $channel $file Error' $to` ;
# clean up
unlink $tmpfile if $tmpfile ;
# send error email then exit
sub die_error_mail
my ($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) = @_ ;
error_mail($to, $error, $channel, $file, $log) ;
info("FATAL: $error") ;
exit 1 ;
sub time2mins
my ($time) = @_ ;
my $mins = 0 ;
if ($time =~ /^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/)
$mins = $1*60 + $2 ;
elsif ($time =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)/)
$mins = $1*60 + $2 ;
elsif ($time =~ /^(\d+)/)
$mins = $1 ;
return $mins ;
# copy contents of hash into sql vars hash
sub sql_prepare_vals
my ($href, $sql_vars_href) = @_ ;
# blank out all keys
foreach my $key (keys %$sql_vars_href)
$sql_vars_href->{$key} = '' ;
# copy over what we've got
foreach my $key (keys %$href)
my $val = $href->{$key} ;
$sql_vars_href->{$key} = $val if defined($val) ;
$sql_vars_href->{'text'} .= $sql_vars_href->{'etext'} ;
$sql_vars_href->{'title'} ||= '(no program)' ;
$sql_vars_href->{'episode'} ||= 0 ;
$sql_vars_href->{'num_episodes'} ||= 0 ;
$sql_vars_href->{'tva_prog'} ||= '-' ;
$sql_vars_href->{'tva_series'} ||= '-' ;
## Add audio/video format
$sql_vars_href->{'subtitles'} = 0 ;
$sql_vars_href->{'audio'} = 'unknown' ;
$sql_vars_href->{'video'} = 'unknown' ;
if (exists($href->{'flags'}))
$sql_vars_href->{'subtitles'} = $href->{'flags'}{'subtitles'} || 0 ;
# 'mono' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'AUDIO_MONO'} ? 1 : 0,
# 'stereo' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'AUDIO_STEREO'} ? 1 : 0,
# 'dual-mono' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'AUDIO_DUAL'} ? 1 : 0,
# 'multi' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'AUDIO_MULTI'} ? 1 : 0,
# 'surround' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'AUDIO_SURROUND'} ? 1 : 0,
foreach my $audio (qw/surround multi dual-mono stereo mono/)
if ($href->{'flags'}{$audio})
$sql_vars_href->{'audio'} = $audio ;
last ;
# '4:3' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'VIDEO_4_3'} ? 1 : 0,
# '16:9' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'VIDEO_16_9'} ? 1 : 0,
# 'hdtv' => $epg_flags & $EPG_FLAGS{'VIDEO_HDTV'} ? 1 : 0,
foreach my $video (qw/hdtv 16:9 4:3/)
if ($href->{'flags'}{$video})
$sql_vars_href->{'video'} = uc $video ;
last ;
# Extract event-id from id (event-channum-date)
if ($sql_vars_href->{'pid'} =~ /^([\d]+)\-/)
$sql_vars_href->{'event'} = $1 ;
# TODO: Get channel type
$sql_vars_href->{'chan_type'} = 'tv' ;
$APP->prt_data("sql_prepare_vals() src=", $href, " dest=", $sql_vars_href, "\n") if $DEBUG ;
# reformat date (make it parseable by Date::Manip)
sub reformat_date
my ($date) = @_ ;
$date =~ s%-%/%g ;
return $date ;
# parse the date & time to return a Date::Manip
sub parse_date
my ($date, $time) = @_ ;
# allow $date to be set to date & time
$time ||= "" ;
my $dt = ParseDate("$date $time") ;
return $dt ;
# convert Date::Manip to string
sub dt_format
my ($dt, $fmt) = @_ ;
return UnixDate($dt, $fmt) ;
# convert Date::Manip to epoch mins
sub dt2mins
my ($dt) = @_ ;
my $secs = dt_format($dt, "%s") ;
my $mins = int ($secs / 60) ;
return $mins ;
=item C<start_cmp($prog_a, $prog_b)>
Just compare start time (using start_dt_mins field)
sub start_cmp
my ($a, $b) = @_ ;
$a->{'start_dt_mins'} <=> $b->{'start_dt_mins'} ;
# add an offset to a Date::Manip
sub dt_offset
my ($dt, $offset) = @_ ;
my $err ;
$dt = DateCalc($dt, $offset, \$err) ;
print "Date calc error ($offset): $err\n" if ($err) ;
return $dt ;
# convert Date::Manip to HH:MM string
sub dt2hm
my ($dt) = @_ ;
my $time = dt_format($dt, "%H:%M") ;
return $time ;
sub set_times
my ($entry_href) = @_ ;
# get duration
my $duration_mins = time2mins($entry_href->{'duration'}) ;
my $duration_add = sprintf "+ %dmin", $duration_mins ;
# cache the start & end date/times
my $dt = parse_date($entry_href->{date}, $entry_href->{start}) ;
# add duration to start to get end
$dt = dt_offset($dt, $duration_add) ;
$entry_href->{'end'} = dt2hm($dt) ;
Manages DVB epg
-a|'adapter'=i Adapter [default=0]
Set DVB adapter number
-db|'database'=s Database [default=$DEF_DATABASE]
Specify database name
-tbl|'table'=s Table [default=$DEF_TBL_LISTINGS]
Specify database table name
-u|'user'=s User
Specify Mysql user name
-p|'password'=s Password
Specify Mysql user password
-skip-sql Skip sql access
-del-old=i Delete old listings [default=0]
Delete all listings older than 1 month. Disable this to keep a history.
-dbg-sql=i Debug sql module
-dvb-debug=i Debug DVB
Grabs epg and inserts into Mysql database