Hide Show 142 lines of Pod
Hide Show 14 lines of Pod
new {
) =
->{TITLE} =
"Draws linear maps of DNA constructs (EMBOSS)"
->{OPT_EMAIL} = 0;
->{TYPE} = {
->{FORMAT} = {
=> {
' "" '
=> {
'($value)? " -graphout=$value" : ""'
=> {
'($value && $value ne $vdef)? " -inputfile=$value" : ""'
=> {
'($value)? "" : " -noruler"'
=> {
'($value && $value ne $vdef)? " -blocktype=$value" : ""'
=> {
'($value && $value ne $vdef)? " -intersymbol=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -intercolour=$value" : ""'
=> {
'($value)? " -interticks" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -gapsize=$value" : ""'
=> {
'($value)? " -ticklines" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -textheight=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -textlength=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -margin=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -tickheight=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -blockheight=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -rangeheight=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -gapgroup=$value" : ""'
=> {
'(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -postext=$value" : ""'
=> {
'" -auto -stdout"'
=> {
'" -goutfile=lindna"'
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
'*.png *.2 *.3'
->{SEQFMT} = {
->{GROUP} = {
=> -10,
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
=> 5,
=> 6,
=> 7,
=> 8,
=> 9,
=> 10,
=> 11,
=> 12,
=> 13,
=> 14,
=> 15,
=> 16,
=> 17,
=> 18,
=> 100,
=> 0
->{SIZE} = {
->{ISHIDDEN} = {
=> 1,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 1,
=> 1,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 1
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
->{PROMPT} = {
"graphout [device to be displayed on] (-graphout)"
"input file containing mapping data (-inputfile)"
"do you want a ruler (-ruler)"
"type of blocks (enter Open, Filled, or Outline) (-blocktype)"
"type of junctions between blocks (-intersymbol)"
"colour of junctions between blocks (enter a colour number) (-intercolour)"
"do you want horizontal junctions between ticks (-interticks)"
"interval between ticks in the ruler (enter an integer) (-gapsize)"
"do you want vertical lines at the ruler's ticks (-ticklines)"
"height of text (enter a number to multiply the default height) (-textheight)"
"length of text (enter a number to multiply the default length) (-textlength)"
"width of left margin (enter a number to multiply the default width) (-margin)"
"height of ticks (enter a number to multiply the default height) (-tickheight)"
"height of blocks (enter a number to multiply the default height) (-blockheight)"
"height of range ends (enter a number to multiply the default height) (-rangeheight)"
"space between groups (enter a number to multiply the default space) (-gapgroup)"
"space between text and ticks, blocks, and ranges (enter a number to multiply the default space) (-postext)"
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
->{VLIST} = {
=> [
=> [
=> [
->{FLIST} = {
->{VDEF} = {
->{PRECOND} = {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
=> {
'$graphout eq "postscript" || $graphout eq "ps" || $graphout eq "colourps" || $graphout eq "cps" || $graphout eq "png"'
=> {
'$graphout eq "postscript" || $graphout eq "ps" || $graphout eq "colourps" || $graphout eq "cps"'
=> {
'$graphout eq "meta"'
=> {
'$graphout eq "data"'
=> {
'$graphout eq "png"'
->{CTRL} = {
->{PIPEOUT} = {
->{PIPEIN} = {
->{ISCLEAN} = {
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
->{ISSIMPLE} = {
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
=> 0,
->{COMMENT} = {
=> [
"type of blocks: Open, Filled, or Outline. Option \'Outline\' draws filled blocks surrounded by a black border"
=> [
"height of text. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"length of text. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"width of left margin. This is the region left to the groups where the names of the groups are displayed. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"height of ticks. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"height of blocks. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"height of range ends. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"space between groups. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
=> [
"space between text and ticks, blocks, and ranges. Enter a number <1 or >1 to decrease or increase the size, respectively"
->{SCALEMIN} = {
->{SCALEMAX} = {
->{SCALEINC} = {
->{INFO} = {