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Log::Facile - Perl extension for facile logging


  use Log::Facile;

  my $logger = Log::Facile->new('/foo/var/log/tmp.log');
  $logger->info('Log::Facile instance created!');
  $logger->debug('flag off');
  $logger->error('error occurred! detail.......');
  $logger->fatal('fatal error!');

  $logger->set('debug_flag', 1);
  $logger->debug('flag on');

This sample puts following logging.

  2008/08/25 01:01:49 [INFO] Log::Facile instance created!
  2008/08/25 01:01:49 [ERROR] error occurred! detail.......
  2008/08/25 01:01:49 [WARN] warning
  2008/08/25 01:01:49 [FATAL] fatal error!
  2008/08/25 01:01:49 [DEBUG] flag on

Log swapping sample is following.



  $logger->set('swap_dir', '/foo/var/log/old');

This time swapped log filename is 'tmp.log.1'. This file will be renamed 'tmp.log.2' while upcoming log swapping. I mean, the incremented number means older.

You can change date output format from default('yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss').

  $logger->set('date_format', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh-mi-ss');
  $logger->info('date format changed');
  $logger->set('date_format', 'yymmdd hhmiss');
  $logger->info('date format changed');

This logger outputs date in following format.

  2008-11-29 19-23-03 [INFO] date format changed
  081129 192304 [INFO] date format changed

This is how to change level display string.

  $logger->set('level_debug', 'DBG')
         ->set('level_info',  'INF')
         ->set('level_error', 'ERR');

  $logger->info('Log::Facile instance created!');
  $logger->debug('flag off');
  $logger->error('error occurred! detail.......');

Outputs followings.

  2008/11/30 04:28:51 [INF] Log::Facile instance created!
  2008/11/30 04:28:51 [DBG] flag off
  2008/11/30 04:28:51 [ERR] error occurred! detail.......

The default log template is


'DATE', 'LEVEL', 'MESSAGE' is default log items. It is able to add more items.

You can modify the log template like this.

  $logger->set('date_format', 'dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss');
  $logger->set('template', 'HOSTNAME', $hostname);
  $logger->set('template', 'TEMPLATE', 'HOSTNAME - DATE (LEVEL) MESSAGE');

  $logger->info('template changed.');

Outputs followings.

  localhost - 07/12/08 01:40:11 (INFO) template changed.

Aside, the accessors in this module checks your typo.

  $logger->set('level_errror', 'ERR')

will be croaked.

  invalid field name :-P - level_errror at ./ line 22  


Log::Facile provides so facile logging that is intended for personal tools.


Kazuhiro Sera, <>


Copyright (C) 2008 by Kazuhiro Sera

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.