Object and Class semantics for Parrot



Maintainer: Dan Sugalski
Class: Internals
PDD Number: 15
Version: 1.1
Status: Developing
Last Modified: March 11, 2003
PDD Format: 1
Language: English


Version 1.1

March 11, 2002

version 1

None. First version


Version 1.1

Removed attributes from the object interface and put them in the class interface section, where they belong.

Version 1.0

None. First version


This PDD describes the semantics of Parrot's object and class systems. The PDD is divided into two parts, the semantics expressed to user programs through PMCs, and the default back-end class scheme.

Note that the class system is not the single mandated class scheme, merely the one designed to express the semantics needed for perl 6, ruby, and python. Alternate class systems are certainly possible, and direct compatibility with the system as described here isn't strictly necessary.


This PDD lays out two separate things.

The first is the object semantics, as presented to user programs. This means that code has an object PMC, and wants to do Object Things with it. Object semantics are reasonably simple, and will be defined in a bit.

The second is class semantics. Class semantics are rather more complex, and can't really be dealt with in a generic way, such that all classes are compatible. As such this PDD lays out Parrot's default class semantics, and it is assumed that languages that need different semantics will then do whatever they need to, provided that the objects they create are generically usable.

Please see the glossary for definitions of the various terms.

Object interfaces

Objects must present the following interface to the outside world. Note that these are required of PMCs in general, but objects are presumed to actually do something useful with these things rather than just (potentially) throwing an exception.

Any PMC that meets these criteria can be considered an object. Objects do not have to have corresponding classes, though it's a fairly common occurrence.

Get and set properties

Strictly speaking, getting and setting properties is a PMC thing rather than an object thing, as PMCs are all capable of having properties. Nevertheless, properties are put into the object bag, as many systems use properties to note object attributes.

Note that methods and properties may share a namespace, depending on the language backing the PMC. Generally methods override properties, so doing a get or set of a property on an object that has a method of the same name will call that method in rvalue or lvalue context, respectively.

Get a property hash

Returns a hash PMC with all the properties and their values in it. This generally should have no activity associated with it, and be a plain key/value hash. Usually used for introspective purposes.

Call a method

Methods are called by name. The object's method dispatch vtable entry is responsible for doing the actual method dispatch, in whatever way it deems necessary.

Note that it is perfectly acceptable, and common, for methods and properties to share a namespace, with the methods overriding the properties. That is, you may fetch property "foo", but if there is a method "foo" as well, the return value will be the return from method "foo" rather than property "foo". This behaviour is not required, however.

Get a method PMC

This returns a method PMC for the named method, which can be called at a later time. This may return a "no method" PMC which throws an exception if the object is unable to return a method PMC.

This PMC should be for the current definition of the method. If the method later changes, this method PMC should not be affected. (Wrapping the method doesn't count, as wrapping methods and subs is considered an in-place activity)

Check if a PMC can perform a method

Checks, by name, to see if the PMC can perform the method.

Check if a PMC implements an interface

Checks to see if the PMC can implement the interface

Check if a PMC is a member or child of a class

Checks to see if the PMC is a member of, or child of, a particular class.

Object internals

Parrot's standard object is based around an attribute container, essentially an array of attributes. Any object tagged with the is_base_object bit can be assumed to ultimately be derived from this base object, and thus behave like a base object. If the bit's not set, it's not safe to assume so.

Note that object access doesn't allow you to alter the object's structure, just get info and get/set attributes values. Object structure alteration has to be done via the class either directly or via the alterations to a parent class which get delegated down.

Get attribute by slot

Fetch the value for an attribute from the object's attribute catalog

Set attribute by slot

Set the value of an object's attribute slot

get attribute catalog

Get the catalog of attributes. This is a hash of classes and attribute offsets for the fixed attributes, and a hash of fully qualified attribute name and offset pairs. (A fully qualified attribute name is of the form CLASS::ATTRIBUTE) Generally the class base offset is used most often, as most attributes are created at compile time for a class. The fully qualified form is intended mostly for attributes added to classes at runtime.

get class base offset

This gets the base attribute offset for a class.


Default classes are objects of class Class. Like the object internals, classes aren't required as such by parrot.

Classes all have the following attributes:



Note that because this describes the "blessed" parrot object system, we snag flag bits. Nyah. [Note to self: Remove this when the PDD goes final]

Flag bits


If the is_delegate bit is set in the PMC's header, the object is a delegate of a parent object, and the method call should be made on the parent instead.

Generally this bit will only be used if the method dispatch vtable entry doesn't already know whether the PMC it's part of is a delegate object or not.

The correct behaviour is, when doing a method call on this PMC, to find its __PARENT property, which has the PMC for the parent PMC, and dispatch to that instead.


If set, the PMC is ultimately derived from Parrot's base object type, the attribute container class.


The following are 'reserved' object properties. In general the interpreter reserves anything with a leading double-underscore, but that's a matter for another PDD.


Object property. The value is the PMC for the parent object, the one encapsulating this one.


Class property. An array of the immediate superclasses.


Class property. An array of all the super classes, flattened, in search order.


Class property. An array of the interfaces this class implements.

Object Interface

Object guts



Since every object system on the planet shares a common set of terms but uses them completely differently, this section defines



A name and value pair attached to a PMC. Properties may be attached to the PMC in its role as a container or the PMC in its role as a value.

Properties are global to the PMC. That is there can only be one property named "FOO" attached to a PMC, and it is globally visible to all inspectors of the PMCs properties. They are not restricted by class.

Properties are generally assigned at runtime, and a particular property may or may not exist on a PMC at any particular time. Properties are not restricted to objects as such, and any PMC may have a property attached to it.


An attribute is a slot in an object that contains a value, generally a PMC. (Containing non-PMCs leads to interesting garbage collection issues at the moment) Attributes are referenced either by slot number or by class name/attribute name pairs. (At least conceptually)

Attributes are set on a class-wide basis, and all the objects of a class will have the same set of attributes. Generally attributes aren't added or removed from classes at runtime, as this would require resizing and moving the elements of the attribute arrays of existing objects, and potentially recompiling code with fixed attribute offsets embedded in it. Most OO languages don't allow attribute changes to existing classes, though parrot's base attribute system does allow this.


In its strictest sense, a method is a chunk of code that you call with an object in the object slot of the calling conventions.

More generally, a method is some piece of code that you invoke by name through an object. You call the object's "Invoke a method" vtable entry, passing in the method name (Assuming we don't just get it from the sub name register, per calling conventions). The object is then responsible for doing something with the method being requested. Presumably it calls the method, though this isn't strictly required.


An object that is transparently (to the user) embedded in another object. Delegate objects are used in those cases where we can't inherit from a class because the class is from a different object universe.

As an example, assume you have a class A, which inherits from class B. The classes are incompatible, so Parrot can't automatically meld B into A, as it might if they were. When instantiating an object of class A, Parrot will automatically instantiate an object of class B and embed it in the object of class A. The object of class B is class A's delegate--when a method call comes in that A can't handle, that method call is delegated to B.

Parent class

Also called the super-class. The parent class is, in an inheritance situation, the class being derived from. If A derives from B, B is the parent class of A.

Child class

Also called the sub-class. The child class is, in an inheritance situation, the class doing the deriving. If A derives from B, A is the child class.


The following list a set of languages, then within each language what the parrot term translates to.


A Python attribute maps to a parrot property


What .NET calls an attribute parrot calls a property


What .NET calls a property we call an attribute

Generic Terminology
Instance Variable

Instance Variables map to what we call attributes

