IMCC - syntax


0.1 initial


This document describes the imcc syntax.


Comments and empty lines

Comments start with # and last until the following newline. These and empty lines are ignored.


A valid imcc program consists of a sequence of statements. A statement is terminated by a newline (<NL>).

General statement format

[label:] [instruction] <NL>


Optional label for the given instruction, can stand on its own line. Global labels start with an underscore, local labels shouldn't.


Terms used here


Start with a letter or underscore, then may contain additionally digits.


int, float, string or a valid parrot PMC type like PerlArray.


A PASM register I0..I31, S0..S31, N0..N31, P0..P31, or a IMCC temporary register $In, $Sn, $Nn, $Pn, where n consists of digit(s) only. The parrot register P31 is reserved for spilling and should not be used in complex code sections, which might need spilling (see operation.pod).


A local identifier or a reg or a constant (when allowed).


"string constants"

Are delimited by ". A " inside a string must be escaped by \".

'char constant'

Are delimited by '.

numeric constants

0x and 0b denote hex and binary constants.

Directive instructions

.sub <_identifier>

Define a compilation unit with the label _identifier:.


Define a compilation unit containing PASM code.

.local <type> <identifier>
.sym <type> <identifier>

Define a local name identifier for this compilation unit and of the given type.

.const <type> <identifier> = <const>

Define a named constant of style type and value const.

.namespace <identifier>
.endnamespace <identifier>

Defines the range of a namespace. Local variables inside a namespace are mangled as <namespaceidentifier::varidentifier>.

.param <type> <identifier>

Like .local and generates PASM restore identifier.

.param <reg>
.result <var>

restore from stack.

.arg <var>
.return <var>

save on stack.


Directives used for Parrot Calling Conventions.


Instructions may be a valid PASM instruction or anything listed here below:

call <identifier>

bsr <identifier>.

goto <identifier>

branch <identifier>.

if <var> goto <identifier>
unless <var> goto <identifier>

Translate to if x, identifier or unless ...

if <var> <relop> <var> goto <identifier>

The relop <, <=, ==, != >= > translate to the PASM opcodes lt, le, eq, ne, ge or gt var, var, identifier.

unless <var> <relop> <var> goto <identifier>

Like above, but branch if condition isn't met.

<var> = <var>

set var, var

<var> = <unary> <var>

The unarys !, - and ~ generate not, neg and bnot ops.

<var> = <var> <binary> <var>

The binarys +, -, *, /, % and ** generate add, sub, mul, div, mod and pow arithmetic ops. binary . is concat and valid for string arguments.

<< and >> are arithmetic shifts shl and shr. >>> is the logical shift lsr.

&&, || and ~~ are logic and, or and xor.

&, | and ~ are binary band, bor and bxor.

<var> = <var> [ <var> ]

This generates either a keyed set operation or substr var, var, var, 1 for string arguments and an integer key.

<var> [ <var> ] = <var>

A keyed set operation or the assign substr op with a length of 1.

<var> = new <type>

new var, .type

<var> = new <type>, <var>

new var, .type, var

<var> = defined <var>

defined var, var

<var> = defined <var> [ <var> ]

defined var, var[var] the keyed op.

global "string" = <var>

store_global "string", var

<var> = global "string"

find_global var, "string"

<var> = clone <var>

clone var, var

<var> = addr <var>

set_addr var, var


parsing.pod, calling_conventions.pod


imcc.l, imcc.y


Leopold Toetsch <>